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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. All this Zero Emisions does make me laugh! What about the power stations used to make the electricity? AH! Nasty Nuclear and gas/coal burning shut them down! Think aboiut it. I take a vehicle a disiel Discovery, now 16 years old. Beyond economic life, note Economic, nothing actually wrong with it a bit of tlc and perfectly road worthy, so I use bits from another scrap Discovery , recycling, very green. So I have saved all the material and CO2 required to manufacture a new vehicle, a lot of the CO2 that would be generated by scrapping the second vehicle. Most of what is left from the scrap vehicle was used to rebuild other vehicles, what was left went to be recycled as scrap. Note from the Times Of London dated in the 1880's Pollution in our streets is a great problem. If nothing is done by 1950 it is estimated that the streets of London will be 12 feet deep in horse S*it' First hybrid buses in London 1914 Tillings Stevens.
  2. Bad winters then? :-D Sounds like a Stolly would be the toy for you.
  3. First requirement for Engine Technician now is a degree in computer science. Talking to my Son, earlier on, he was complaing that to fix his Stil chainsaw you need a &^** computer to set up the carb.
  4. New Dorset, New Hampshire. Welcome in though it's all getting rather confusing now. :nut: The motorcycle lot will be along soon
  5. Naa! That only costs money better spent on vehicles. :-D
  6. Wasn't there an Army, Civvy competion to build two 88 series 3 from the spares bins in 24 hours? I seem to remember two Mini Metros under going the same treatment.
  7. Welcome to a man who seen the light! More Dodge owners here the better.
  8. Welcome in. Quite the Mad Hatter's Toy Box you have there. :-D
  9. Plenty of other things around Kent. Military wise, Hawkinge RAF museum, to amuse a six year old Beaver Water World. Chatham Historic Dockyard Hythe & Dymchurch narrow gauge railway. To name a few
  10. If people don't bring kit, there is just a large, and to them, very expensive field. Suggest you remind them of that occasionaly.
  11. Problem is our Mum's Mini Traveller is now a 'Collectable Classic' where as ours are large heaps of junk. Never mind! The younger generation WILL learn their mistake. Anyway, I'm just keeping mine going for the Grand kid's. Both mine have stories behind them, and I own am just the current custodian.
  12. A number of companies during both World wars issued staff with such badges/ buttons so that they could show they were doing an essential war job. This was to avoid jibes that the person was skiving and not doing there bit.
  13. Appears to have been a presentation pin to those whose life had been saved by an Irvin parachute.
  14. Vince, the price of Series Land Rovers is now astronomical. There is a Defender 90 for sale down the road, the price.....£38999 :wow:
  15. As the plastic is thin it just looks like the canvas has been pulled taught. You don't notice anything. I also made a frame from scrap 2 by 1 and a picie of light ply. Delibratley used old timber so it looks like a field modification to fit behind the drivers and passengers seats to hold the front section up. The under canvas plastic is strapped on with a few small cable ties, though hairy string would probably be more period. I normally run front canvas off back canvas sides rolled up and strapped, nobody ever notices. As for plugs I always put copper grease on the threads anyway and smear a bit around the outside, keeps water out and means they don't stick. Easy enough to make a couple of doors, but so far I've never come up with satifactory windows. Tried perspex and such but have never managed a decent frame. If there is one at W&P and not eye watering, buy a tank suit of fishing suit.I deal for Winter Dodging. Especially if it has lower leg pockets, easy to get at whilst driving.
  16. I got some light plastic sheets used for advert boards and slipped it under the canvas. Stops the water pooling.
  17. When the work they work well. When they don't AHHHHH!
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