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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Look at Tillings Stevens, they were running Hybrid vehicles in about 1908.
  2. Welcome Brian, you will have issues. You should get most answers here.
  3. About 90% of the oil you buy to do an oil change can be recycled product anyway. I always take my old stuff to the local reclamaition centre and dump it for free. The go and buy it back again from the Factors.
  4. Question is then why has the mixture changed? Might be worth considering a complete carb re build. The idle jet could be worn blocked, you haven't said where the engine is, and has it been sitting for a while, especially with old fuel in?
  5. Nettle's has a lot to answer for! :-X
  6. There has been a change to Zero Emission Vehicle Descriptions over the last few years . They are now Zero Emission at point of travel, so the CO2 etc pumping out of the over worked power station burning extra oil, coal gas, or exicting more neutron is never mentioned. Nor is the extra power, oil CO2, enviromental costs off mining and refining rare earths, I could go on. I have an old P38, it was built from thre vehicles considered beyon economic repair. So I've saved the enviromental cost of one new vehicle, plus reduced through re cycling the enviromental cost of scrapping two others. And you tell me that's not Enviromentally friendly? Quick thought: I found an articale in the London Times from the mid 1800, complaining that if something wasn't done to control London traffic the writer estimated by 1950 the City would be 10 feet deep in Horse S*it.
  7. Unless your the Secretary Of state when you can declare any place Subject To the Offcial Secrets Act and deny access. :undecided:
  8. Try clamping off the flexi tubes one at a time, see if you can figure where the problem is.
  9. So if the Scots ban petrol and disiel, what' are they going to sell when the become independent and barricade the North Sea? :drive:
  10. A bit of layout design can allow roped off lanes from behind display arears to the arena. Trying to comply with every health and safety nuance and lawyer chasing oppertunity from the great unwashed is one of the reasons I stopped stewarding.
  11. The old blue anti freeze is what they were built for. I use blue and red Driveline Anti freeze from my local factors. Both work fine. I also use water from a dehumidifier as the water around here is so hard you can eat it. The Army manuals say rainwater, same thing clean and soft. Better collected in a plastic bottle o0r bucket though. I store mine old 25 litre plastic jerry can. I also sling in a K Bar coolant conditioner /leack stop as well, just in case.
  12. But an arena, where the public are not permitted access, or any other enclosed area is not public. This became a nightmare (Sorry for pun) with horse shows. The answer is to double rope, with a gap of about two feet to clearly delinate the inner area. Authorised Persons only are allowed access (ie competitors or stewards) with the express permission of the organisers.
  13. Shabby Chic, the UAZ. :cool2:
  14. An old engine with proper maintanience should be equally reliable. Look at how many of us run 70+ year old vehicles. I was talking to someone I know who was involved in the restoration on Ightam (And yes it's spelt correctly even if its pronounced Item) Moat , a National Trust property that had £10,000,000 spent on it , and yes that's the correct number of 0's. He spent about six months making old fashioned lime, and horse hair and cow muck plaster. I asked him why not go down the local builder's merchants, you can get plaster there. The reply: 'Can you prove the new stuff will last four hundred years?':cool2: Anyway, the behaviour of certain countries at the moment. Having an EMP proof engine might not be a bad idea.
  15. There is a lot to be said for old fashioned engines.
  16. Pleasure mate. Local knowledge, and trying to find the chain that lifts the stretchers in a 101 ambulance.
  17. Try this place, I've always found them helpful with odd chains. http://www.fiveways-bearings.co.uk/
  18. It is the Lease Lend scheme. I have a Mosberg Mb42a rifle that came over in 1941. That is also marked US Property.
  19. If your not off roading and not totaly screwed up about Authenticity. I have a set of 9x16 Michelin light truck tyres on my WC54, so much nicer in the wet. As your in Kent, try Autocar bus and coach in Tonbridge, they may have a decent set of take offs.
  20. I belive they are called Lever Arch files. Try Amazon loads of variety there, or the local pound shop. I bought a load of kit from WH Smith about £20 worth. then walked into the pound shop could have got twice the amount for a £3 :banghead:
  21. If it's any help (Haa!) took me four seperate adjustments of the wheels before the brakes worked properly. May be worth setting the bottom adjusters by feeler gauge then the top ones by spin and stop method.
  22. Seem to haunted by thermostats at the moment. A 1997 Vauxhall Astra, getting warm. So check Thermostat, except ...... to get to it you have to remove the timing chain. So much for Modern Enginnering.
  23. Now stage two :cool2: Each of the wheels has an inspection plate on the brake drum and four adjusters. Get your feller gauges out and adjust each wheel. THEN click the top adjusters till the wheel stops and back of one notch. Results in brakes that will put you through the windscreen.
  24. Thank you. There's always someone knows such esoteric info, :-D
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