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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. I admire you, they are bad enough to work on 1:1 when you get down to your scale, it must be an eyestrain at least. Welcome in. Please post some pictures.
  2. How to turn a lot of us green with envy at one post! Welcome The more photos the better, please. Have you tried Coastal Motorboat Heritage?
  3. At least with Series and Defender Land Rovers the vehicles are worth more as parts than as running vehicles. The result seems to be that what would a couple or three years ago be looked on as a restoration is now tear it down to parts and sell them to some one else.
  4. Intresting on people going over their histories. I left school at 15 no qualifications but a love of horses and agriculture. Got into Agricultural college, worked a lot harder than I did at school, because I wanted to. Working with lhorses and livestock, you had to learn to do things. You can't tell thirty odd horses, sorry no water , I'll have to get a plumber in but , he can't make it for a couple of days, Same with machinery, I need it now and can't afford to pay for some one else to do it. The one thing then was a scheme called YTS Youth Training scheme. They paid tuition and a few pound s a week , plus accmadation if you were away from home. You had to prove you had basic competence and dedication to whatever carrier you wanted to work in. Worked for me and I spent the next twenty years working with horses, gaining my qualifications as I went. Heard an interesting thing on the radio today. A university Lecturer saying that Students must now be reffered to as customers, and they seem to think they are buying their way into a high paid job.
  5. Back to the old problem. I've just renewed my insurance with Premium choice, gone up £1 thanks to the Goverment grasping tax, but I was told they now have a specialist military vehicle recovery they can offer. For vehicles in the 3.5 to 7.5 tonne range it's about £66 for over 7.5 £160, but you'll need to check exactly.
  6. One way another, about 2 on each, been a rather bothersome year.
  7. I forsee a lucrative future for her in the Film TV and museum industries. She has great skill and application, best of luck to her.
  8. There's a second hand machinery shop near me, if all else fails! Such delights as imperial thread files and all sorts of odd bits. Makes you apreaciate when men worked machinery to build things, not just downloading a computer proggrame and pushing buttons.
  9. A scary amount of money lying there if you ad it up.
  10. Nice collection of machines. Do you put them to use?
  11. This is the other building near by, I think it may have something to do with the naval batteries mounted to cover Folkstone.
  12. I'm already planning another trip . They have some fascinating firearms down there I want a closer look at.
  13. Thanks Richard. Anyone know if the system got as far as the West coast? Probably not a lot of Trans Atlantic aircraft at that time. Intrestingly there is also another concrete structure just below the mirror, though no way am even I stupid enough to take a close look.:-D
  14. Next time your around there, make time to visit the musuem and memorial, you won't be disappointed.
  15. I like the bit about 'Covering up eyesores', then uncovering Important historical sites. :-D
  16. Yes, there is the odd mention on websites, but nothing as to where the thing actually is. Possibly because the cliff around there is eroding very fast. Nice just for a walk or cycle as well :-D Be interesting to plot them whilist they are still about.
  17. Been down to Hawkinge to visit the Kent Battle of Britain Museum, apart from the fact they confiscate mobile phones and cameras at entrance, great place with lots of WOTs and fibre glass replica aircraft as well as some real ones. Nice lot of WW1 Zeppielin stuff as well. Just up the coast a couple of miles is the Battle of Britain Memorial on what was the site of a 8 inch naval battery. Then if you come out of the memorial, turn right , go a couple of miles down the B2011 Old Dover Road there is a pub on your left called the Royal Oak, a few hundred yards further on is a turning to the right up a No Through Road, follow that up, it is part of National Cycle Route 2, till you can go no further in a vehicle. Follow the foot path a few hundred yards on your right you'll see a ranging post, presumably for the battery. Just beyond that is the real gem a 30 metre concrete sound mirror. Right on the edge of the cliff.
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