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Tony B

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Everything posted by Tony B

  1. Sounds like someone who went bid happy. I worked for someone who paid £100 for a brocken wooden chair, because he wanted it! Others saw this and just ran the bids up for fun. The chair was on display for about a week , then got thrown out. Mind you I also know someone who stopped bidding on a horse at £2000 because it went to £2100. Horse was named Mill Reef.
  2. Don't make it worse, keep them breathing, stop them bleeding. Anything else, as Laboisselle says get an expert.
  3. Just been put on Youtube. Intresting film of the machine tools and techiniques used.
  4. The request is also for sources. Like a lot of things, easy if you know where they are and what to look for,
  5. Two very nice vehicles, but I have to ask, are you trying to breed them? Welcome in.
  6. My two of the Landy are from the 1967 annual.
  7. The Hybrid bus in London first started operating Tillings Stevens in about 1910. Last Horse drawn service ? August 4th 1914. The day war broke out.
  8. From somewhere, I've ended up with service manual for these two. Anyone need them for price of postage? if so PM first come first served.
  9. Could you pm me the address? At that price could well be worth couriering up.
  10. Not a cheap undertaking, doing the shoes. I'm looking for a reasonable price to get my spare set done, I've quoted in the region of £250 per shoe! Any ideas gratefully recieved.
  11. Very enjoyable, he should do some more.
  12. Welcome in. The photos are fascinating, even more so when backed with the stories behind them.
  13. Looks like it was worth the wait.
  14. Welcome in. There are a lot of sources for you to try. The National Army Museum at Chelsea and the Goldbeach Museum at Ver Sur Mer would be two places to start.
  15. You'd have the RSPCA after you for keeping the Elephant in a confined space. The local council after you after you for the pollution from said Elephant, and I don't even want to think of the Clean Air Act. :shocking: That's without Social Services claiming you were frightening said Kids (Though when you have 8 year old's shouting obscenity at you, egged on by parents, you wonder what would scare the little *** and were can you get it?)
  16. Diesel is the easeist to convert, after all Diesel's original concept was a cheap reliable engine 'For the Masses' and ran on Peanut oil. Sunflower Oil I was told by veg oil experts is actually the most volitile. As that what told to me whilst watching a 150 ton drum drier going up in smoke, I'm inclined to believe him. :-D You know with all the 'Dangers' that seem to be being found latley I think it a wonder I've lived so long. For instance I don't drink alcahol, which all the Consultants I've seen over the last year (Another Story) have said great ideal for the treatment you need! But this morning a Danish bunch have announced that their statistics 'prove' I'm 30% more likely to get Diabties by not drinking. What's happned to Hydrogen by the way? Part of selling London for the 2012 Olympics was a trip on a Hydrogen Powered bus. There were two at First Group up North London, great things went a like a rocket very reliable drivers and passengers liked them. Problem was, they were so quiet, people didn't know they were coming. I've bene told one company has been told stop using hybrid buses in one area as because they make no noise moving off people are walking under them. . Unexpected consequences.
  17. Hey Andy! Don't forget free school milk and Drink a Pint of Milk a Day. Now it's instant death to drink full cream milk. So Don't eat anything, Don't Drink anything and above all Don't breathe the air!
  18. The original Disiel engine ran on peanut oil, the original Otto engine on coal dust. As long as there is an intrest in the vehicles there will be a market. After all it's a finite supply they 'ain't building any more.
  19. Alvis Stalwart AKA The Stolly, it's a six wheel , six wheel drive amphibious truck. Unfortunatley to wide for the road. There are several threads on these vehicles here. Most of which will put you off owning one, I have to say. Though not much different to a M809. There are a number of heavy haulage experts here, there the ones best placed to advise and help.
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