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R Cubed

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Everything posted by R Cubed

  1. This using self tappers to fix the fuzzy channels in place is ok but has any one tried a type of sealer not maybe silicone but something similar would this work and may be keep more water out ?
  2. What's the difference in the military defender door tops then why no moss or rot as opposed to the series ones ? Got any pics of them.
  3. Can I have some help in rebuilding the sliding windows on SIIA doors, are all the runners and channels available and from where. How do you do it as well !!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Is this where you got your inspiration for the Champ from
  5. Where is the mans truck parking area...
  6. I want to be in there to watch films Can I come in please.............
  7. Can we have a separate thread for who is going and taking what !!!
  8. Nice boiler plate lots of work, looking good though, are the rivets really hot riveted or do they just look like rivets.
  9. I have the same truck and as far as I know the head light bulbs will have 3 connections on the back of them. One is a common connection to go to earth the other 2 are the other ends of each of the filaments ( dipped and main beam ) The supply comes from the multi position headlight switch down to the common connection on the foot opperated dim dip switch, then 1 wire supplies the dipped filaments and the other wire from the foot switch supplies the main beam filaments. So you can only have one or the other on at any one time and if you turn off the headlights they should go out !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  10. Yes thanks for the new link that is what I have registered on but once you get in there, there does not seem to be a form for the military vehicle export bit !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. Has the site changed as I cant find the thing about the military vehicles and the open export license I have registered but dont know where to go from here ??? I think I should do it but have got totally lost in the site !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Saw OT90 in funny stripy red and green yellow camo only caught a quick glimps on low loader eastbound M26 17.00 ish ?
  13. What's wrong with dialling 999 for the police then if current Road Traffic Regs apply get the police in !!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Ah but it must be a load off your mind.... oops sorry I meant to say head :cool2: just think you should be able to gain at least an hour a days extra work no hair washing or combing to do. Well done to you and the guys for raising the money top marks. :-D :-D :-D
  15. Interesting thought though how much of the traders sales are down to the public who pay to enter a show or is it the exhibitors who buy more !!!!!!!
  16. So that would be a garden mine then !!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. Sounds like a good show then !!!! Another thing which has sprung to mind is as a military vehicle owner would I go to a show which had no public access ie only a show for the exhibitors/traders in other words a private show for entrants only ? The answer I think would be yes so then what do others think ( not interested in the financial things to put on such a show ) would you go.
  18. Lots of valid points made, it would seem to me that the "tent thing" is a problem well what ever you do it is always going to upset someone, personally if you leave it up to the exhibitors to do what they want then it goes some way to pleasing all. Even if you say U.S. vehicles here and British vehicles there you will still get people who have both so if you go with the flow and let people exhibit how the want to. Don't forget the show is for the exhibitors as well as the public... The most important things of all are to make everyone welcome, make everyone feel safe, if this is achieved they will enjoy themselves. Site rules: try to limit rules but the ones which are laid down MUST BE ENFORCED. The most important ones are Site speed limit, No under-age people using motor/quad bikes or vehicles ( driving license ) at any time, No sirens or blue lights to be used outside of the arena displays only authorised emergency vehicles to be allowed to ues them. Curfew at night for vehicle movements and noise ( music ) To be enforced or banned from site. HELP POINTS or HELP PHONE NUMBERS....... To be supplied to everyone who signs in to exhibit. This will be manned 24 hrs a day for emergencies of any nature and to be acted on immediately.
  19. East of England show ground Peterborough where they have Truckfest big arena too.
  20. Ah errr well how can I put this ........ errrrr well you know you saw the wife at Beltring well she came up there with the bonnet and steering column to sell.............. Sorry did not get quite what I was hoping but it will go towards our holiday !!!! Thanks
  21. From my experience of the show most of the exhibitors and re-enactors are there just to set up and live the experience all together, there is the meeting friends from other Countrys and exchanging parts doing deals ect, which goes on all week also for the partying and drinking. So when they arrive up to a week and a half before the public are allowed in the last couple of days ie the weekend which is open to the public makes no difference to the exhibitors as they are starting to get packed away. It does not seem to be for the public other than ticket sales but for like minded people who are exhibitors and re-enactors to meet and do deals and have some fun with their kit.
  22. Yes, tis true I did stay at home with our two boys, played on our X box, Wii and Lego, all I got was cramp from sitting on the floor for a couple of hours !!!!!!!!!! Hey what can I say well I am not sunburnt and my feet don't kill me and I don't have several hundred pictures to sort out on my camera !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The reasons well, have been for the past several years and even when you go for a week you knacker yourself out trying to see everything so gave it a miss this year.
  23. You lot ought to be called the Hair Bear Bunch :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: Hope you get him, or he does to honourable thing and give up, lots of pics please.
  24. You will have to pay to speak to me now !!!!!!!!! The Bill is going up more and more... At this rate the Chev will be mine ha ha ha ha.................
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