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R Cubed

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Everything posted by R Cubed

  1. Well there is always the old favourite option..... Stop eating and loose weight plenty of time till the event only thing there is Christmas in the middle... Good luck :nono:
  2. Why do Dodge WC have straight top hood bows so the water pools on the canvas and other American vehicles have bowed ones so shooting the water off the sides !!!!!!!!!! Madness
  3. So does this apply to armies who leave stuff everywhere on peoples land is it then the landowners to keep or sell on !!!!!!!
  4. OMG just watching ww2 in colour and guess what there is the pacific towing a landing craft moving along how coooolllll
  5. I too have heard this about deuce and a half, what about the term Jimmy then !!!!!!
  6. I think my 352 has had a No7 in it at some time as you can see rust pitting in two strips across the steel truck bed about 4 inches wide, one at the rear and one at the front. There are 8 holes in pairs so two at front left just either side of the chassis rail then the same for front right and rear left and rear right. These were for the fixing of the No7 set and had long studs which passed through the base plates of the No7 then the bed floor ran down past either side of the chassis rails and then had a plate cross ways under the chassis rails to hold it all tight, similar to the bed mounts but longer studs to pass through the bed floor and No7 set base plates.
  7. Do you want my No5 as additional burners to help ? also I can bring a 47Kg Propane bottle to help if you think you might need it.
  8. What is the situation with water in the Tank and Tent field ie drinking water washing and cooking, not how wet the field is if it rains.
  9. Hey hey...... Didn't know the dancing girls needed some accom our tent has a good strong centre pole :shocked: :shocked: and I am sure I can squezzzze them in if needs be ......
  10. If it breaks down en route don't you just set light to it and push it in the ditch !!!! Dont want the enemy using it :cool2:
  11. Thanks for posting the account of your family's deeds Cant say any more..:cry:
  12. So I presume it has the same 13Amp output ? does it still rev slow like the CCK's ? I like the slow dependable generators bit on the juicy side though, but when you want it to start you know it will and probably will for ever. Long live cast iron bits.......bits always come undone. Poo poo to ally.... here to day gone tomorrow.
  13. :nono: :nono: :nono: :nono: Don't forget who is doing the plumbing :cool2:
  14. Hi Howard, the generator looks neat, is the colour of the genny the same as your GMC ? if so would you be willing to divulge the type of colour !!!!!!
  15. Wow wee so good to here such stories from the horses mouth as such. Where is Mark these are the sorts of things which need to go in the Pathfinder mag with permission of course.
  16. As you might have known we had two of those tents one of which we have given to our club as a club tent so will have to ask them if we can borrow it as a mess tent to use at A and E. We don't have any tables and chairs though. :idea: Just A thought get on to Jack and get him to bring a load of tables and chairs I am sure he has lots in the international Pathfinder storage facility.........
  17. Saw this on the TV so funny look at the expressions on the film crews faces :shake: Mind you it must have been loud. Pardon did you say something.
  18. Welcome to the GMC "mans truck" owners club I am sure Jack will be along in a min to welcome you in :-D Well sorted tidy looking truck good to have another in this country..
  19. I have been out this morning in my waterproofs laying down on the drive watching the rain hitting the floor and also splashing in to small puddles very interesting if you have nothing else to do... Although when my wife came into the drive in the car she was quite alarmed as she thought I had had a heart attack and had collapsed in the drive, after I got up quick as she came in I thought she might not have seen me and run me over....
  20. Whats the difference ? the CCK 3.5Kw has the same output but is completely a different shape, what years do they date from. My CCK is pretty quiet considering it can chuck out 13 Amps all day at 1500 RPM, bit on the heavy side though do like it lots better than the "modern gennys"
  21. Felt lost without being able to click around the forum for a few hours !!!!! did not know what to do with myself............ How sad is that !!! Glad its back. Well done all.
  22. Hmm so, if drips and drops are sort of related in so much as when on a tap and then just after leaving the tap is there any connection to splishes and splashes.......
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