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R Cubed

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Everything posted by R Cubed

  1. Is that route only open for the tracked stuff :cry: hope not......
  2. My first thought was Mulburys but there is no other building anywhere near and as far as I know never have been so will have to make further enquires. But you have to admit it is a BIG slipway don't you think.
  3. Yup quite right, he had about 10 or so I believe but this was when I first enquired about them, which was around Jan 2007. That is where the pics come from. Having got one roughly 6 months ago about May 2009, all the major parts were there, just gas axed. All the bits were able to be welded up, most of the easy bits done, the only two bad bits left to do are the elevating cresents which have lumps cut out of them, but as they are different heights each side I can still wind the barrel up past these cuts to full elevation 60 ish Deg. The other bit are the two springs under the main carriage which assist the elevating of the barrel, even with my two springs gas axed, it is still reasonably easy to wind the barrel right up, so with the springs working properly it must be a doddle.. We shall see.
  4. Wonder if its the same one !!!!!
  5. No No No No you all have got it wrong !!!!!!!!!!!!! Led Zeppelin Stairway to Heaven Got to be, there thats my bit :pfrt:
  6. What do you think, of course I will be bringing it, try and stop me, I have not spent all that money and shipping it half way round the world ish, to leave it at home :drive: ( wow just noticed we even get left hand drive avatars ) Truck and gun will have new paint jobs as well.
  7. I am sorry to say that apart from getting it de-acted and stamped its only had a very quick spray job not even the right colour, but was desperate to get it to our show, only 2 new tyres, so there you go better than the original colour. Nice bit of work as you will probably know I am in the same boat as you regarding the cut up bits would you be able to give me the spec of the 2 springs and what it cost, would be interested if you could also show the barrel rods ect. How are you keeping the barrel and sledge up the carriage, I see you have also refitted the hydraulic ram nut back on, how ? Does all the hydro/pneumatics work or does it just look right. Keep up the good work Rich
  8. Interesting......... Good job of restoration. I have one of those too from the same batch. I presume all the cutting was the same ie gas axed 3/4 way through the barrel, crescent elevating gears cut, Hydro pneumatic damper cut up, elevating springs cut, breach ring cut across the top !!!!!!!!!! Would love to see more pics of yours . Here's a pic of mine.
  9. Good grief ........... Is that the ammunition going up or the rocket which hit the tank, suppose the blast going out side ways is through the turret ring bearing ?
  10. Nice tidy green Ferret A27 towards Chichester Mon 19th Oct about 15.00 ish
  11. Is there a preferred method ? is posting directly to the forum better
  12. Yes as you say without the impending doom of the site they may have stayed there untill it was tooo late, so could be a blessing in disguise.
  13. On a similar line, If I post pics directly to this forum and then move the location of the pic on my computer does that then break the link to the pics ???
  14. Poor old trucks what a way to go :cry: :cry:
  15. Right then, I will be up there with me Landy and trailer at the weekend does anyone want to lend a hand or two :sweat: Reckon Jack would be well chuffed for it to be outside the clubhouse !!!!
  16. A little side step off the original thread a bit, but on the link further up this thread for the DD tank in Port en Bessin on the rear idler wheels there are recessed discs on the outsides of them, does any one know why they are there, of course some one does all they have to do is post the answer !!!!
  17. Good bit of display work, are the wards really that strong or was there some mysterious adjustments to the car, hmmmm come on you can tell me
  18. Parked up for my lunch the other day and found this slipway, its huge must be 60 feet wide all concrete, the base and sides as well. Does any body have any ideas why it would be so big and why there. Must have some sort of war time link. Here's a Google map link http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?client=firefox-a&hl=en&ie=UTF8&ll=50.843224,-1.002736&spn=0.000769,0.002747&t=h&z=19
  19. Wow tiped on to the beach in one piece, got a thought about these What would the weight of one of these be :shake: would be really cool to have one at home, you know as a preservation thing. Obviously the one on its end is dangerous and should be removed to my garden to save someone being crushed !!!!!!!!! Your thoughts :cool2:
  20. Well up a bit from the previous post is a little vague as up a little bit gives many many green fields !!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. Only a thought but what about bus or coach engines they are very flat but might be toooo wide !!!!!
  22. By the way Jack any chance of some pics of how the hair is coming on !!!!!! ps all for fun you know................
  23. na pence each time he fills up..... :stop:
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