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R Cubed

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Everything posted by R Cubed

  1. This is a great thread, takes me back to all the things I loved. When there were only attended petrol stations and they asked what petrol you wanted and did you want a shot in it. When Space 1999 was on and you thought that was the thing to come ! When you are telling your sons not to do something and you can remember your mum or dad telling you not to do it. When you could get you car filled up with petrol for about £15.00 and it was in Gallons. How I chuckle when I think back..... what was I talking about....... oh well cant remember off to bed with a Horlicks
  2. Interesting thought, Of Land Rover Series, or Defender type vehicles which drivers have had accidents in, what were the injuries ? and how bad if no seatbelts were worn. Does it come down to being a tough vehicle and using the other vehicles crumple zone as a cushion ? I wold be interested in the statistics for Land Rover accidents !!!!
  3. Sounded great on the slight up hill stretch going well as well only caught a glimps of it.
  4. Well another thing which has sprung to mind is with the stringy bit supplied at the open end, how should you tie it up ?
  5. 11/09/09 at 17.15 hrs Reo workshop body truck on A27 Shoreham flyover east bound going like a train. Who and where goning ?
  6. I have been watching your progress on and off you are going well, what colour paint are you using ? I about to tear my 352 open cab to bits and rebuild it, once that is done I want to then spray the whole truck but I have got sucked in to the "which colour olive drab is it" question and I have some colours that I like but they only have U.S. paint codes !!!!!!!!!!! I have also seen your wing piping and looks good, nice finishing bit ( should it be there on the wings ? not that it matters it still looks great ) did you know there should also be some between the main windscreen support panel and the panel which houses the air vent flap I have this on my cab but none on the wings !
  7. Evening all, I have only had my GMC for about 12 years and the other day I was sitting in the passenger seat and looking about, like you do and noticed some numbers on a rebuild plate in the cab, and it has the date of rebuild as 1951 with the day and month but also on it is the actual USA bonnet number along with the chassis number which matches the chassis number on the chassis ( conveniently ) My next thing is how can I find some history of this ? Must be quite rare to have a id plate with the chassis number and USA number ?
  8. I have dabbled with hydraulics a bit and my thoughts are if you have the spool block ( leavers ) for the crane, there should be a pressure relief valve on that, you will need a oil tank and filter as well, with the pump make sure it pumps in the right direction in relation to its rotation, as some pumps will NOT pump in both directions depending on the rotation, to do with pressure feeding the bearing surfaces in the pump. So the only other thing is the volume of the pump, the one you have might be too much for the crane ie too much volume means when you operate the leavers it pumps too much too quickly so the crane arms and slewing will be unmanageably too quick. Or its too small and the crane will take for ever to move.
  9. Most glad to be of help. Just trying to do my bit.
  10. I am back !!! Gone deaf though... pardon did you say something saw your lips move down to the Vulcan !!!! They DID give it some stick, for a big plane it moves about pretty well. Well got there at about 8.00 qued a bit to get in but parked quickly and was in, walked round the stalls ect and looked at the planes on the ground then watched the air display for the rest of the day left at 5.30 qued for about 30mins to get out of the car park, once on the A27 qued a bit more till we got moving.
  11. Hmmmm must be "boys" sand bags to go with the "boys truck" :cool2: Something a bit hevier I think, but not "mans" sand bags with sand in, I am not that much of a man :-D :-D :-D :-D Good suggestions though, I will give them all a try and decide what I want to go with.
  12. Well, we are going early to beat the rush, I will take lots of pics and post later for interested people. Hope the weather holds!!
  13. :nono: You must have a funny house if you can take the walls to a show !!!!!!:cool2: Someone the other day suggested using wood bark, like you put on the garden to stop the weeds coming through. I think this might be a bit too heavy, think I need about 200 bags :shake: Once filled up is the size about 24 inches long and 5 inches high, the bags I have seen are empty and flat and are 31 inches by 12 inches wide.
  14. I am looking at getting some sand bags, but am undecided what to fill them with, I have heard of polystyrene chips and also some other materials, can users of sand bags give suggestions and pics of their walls/bunkers so I can make a decision....
  15. Hi can anyone out there get me some paint chips of U.S. Federal Standard paint codes. I am after FS24087, FS24084, FS33070 and FS34084 all semi gloss.
  16. Don't forget the correct tyre pressure, I run a 352 GMC with bar grips and had this a few years ago on the fronts, I have since replaced the tyres with new ones and run them at a higher pressure now, more in line with the recommended tyre pressures in the manual. Have not got any sign of it coming back, also have adjusted the tracking to manual spec. Good luck.
  17. Anyone here going to this show, we might go as spectators, as we have not been before. There is a huge list of planes flying, as well as the Vulcan XH558. www.shorehamairshow.com
  18. Had a measure up, and from the outside edge of the inner wheel rim to the outer face of the hub seems to be 9 7/8"
  19. Dont know at the moment, have not measured the ones I have got.
  20. Very good, thanks for the measurements, so there are only two types then deep and shallow offset, will keep an eye out for one. Thanks
  21. Right, so although 8.25 and 9.00 tyres were fitted, are the rim widths actually different, and would anyone know what the widths are ?
  22. Does the all knowing population out there know if the Scout car, M8, M20 and half track front wheels are all the same, ie is there only one type of combat wheel of that size for a tyre size of 9.00 X 20, is that the size of tyre fitted to them ?
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