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R Cubed

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Everything posted by R Cubed

  1. R Cubed


    I spose there is a kind of trade off with the engine thing, as if you have a well restored vehicle with a thirsty petrol engine in it and you cant afford to take it to shows then people are missing out on a well restored truck because it stays in the garage. If you then put a diesel in it and can take it to shows people see it for what it is !!!!!!!!!! If putting a diesel in the vehicle means you enjoy it more and take it out to shows more I don't see a problem, the question of scraping the original petrol engine is not a good thing to do as there are no more being made so it should be kept just in case it needs to be turned back to "original spec". Just my thoughts .................
  2. About 5 mins in it seems to be licking along at a fair old rate of knots, what sort of speed would that be doing could not see the car speedo ? does seem fast though.
  3. I don't understand all this !!!!!!!!!!!!!! So you can not get a reg doc for the OT90 to use it on the road because VOSA say so, but is it not the DVLA who issue the docs, but you can get a low loader put the OT90 on it and you have no problems !!!!!!!!!!!! The artic low loader is as wide if not wider and a lot longer so what's the difference ? What is VOSA to do with the DVLA and if you have an escort each time can they stop you ? Its my human right to drive my OT90 on the road :-D
  4. Our first time to the 40's weekend, the weather was very good and we enjoyed it very much, it was very relaxed and easy going, nice there was no arena as there was no need for rushing about to be in the right place at the right time. Show site was a bit confused did not seem to be any layout to who went where !!! no big problem if that is how it was intended. Also several non 40's vehicles on the show ground, don't quite get this as we were advised of the conditions for the weekend to be in military or civilian period clothing with period vehicles ?? On the whole a very nice welcome show very nice talking to the public about vehicles and passing the time, well done keep it up.
  5. Spotted Mon 13th July North bound A3 Jeep and Dingo with flashing orange light, near Waterlooville junction about 15.00
  6. So funny he was "In character" all the time even out of his suit, must be naturally like it :-D
  7. Here are some more pictures of a great weekend and the weather was fine and hot too.....
  8. yes I know all that about tyre dia, I am not interested in upping the gmc speed I was just using that as an example of the engine speed with gearbox ratios and diff ratios to give only 45 MPH. So the way modern trucks are able to go so fast is down to the fact of having a low ratio diff !!!!!! and not over driving the gearbox !!! Do all the modern diesel engines only rev to 2000-2500 RPM ish ?
  9. Ahhh thats what I wanted to know, so gearboxes only go as far as direct in top gear 1:1 so the ability to do say 100 MPH is only down to diff ratio and tyre dia although these are almost all the same size these days arnt they ? This has interested me due to my GMC that has the engine governed to 2750 RPM, top (5th ) is slightly overdrive and rear axle is 6.6:1 only does 45 MPH.
  10. Are yes I know they have lots of gears but are the higher gears over drive so the output of the gearbox is going faster than the input to the gearbox ? What I am interested in is if the engine is only capable of say 2500 RPM how can the truck do 70 ish MPH, what are the gear ratios. Do they have low ratio diffs or is it in the gearbox ?
  11. To the truck experts out there, how do artic tractor units go so fast ? As they have big diesel engines these can't rev very high ! so is it gearing in the gear box or rear axle, I would love to know the respective ratios if possible only on a general rule of thumb I can understand various manufacturer's have different methods.
  12. Ooopps no not leaf springs, coil springs does not seem to be progressive as all un heated coils are the same distance apart and pics of them show all coils the same, just 2 open coils about 10 mm wire with approx 100 mm dia on one and 50 mm on the other and a length of about 500 mm.
  13. Evening all, I am in need of having a couple of springs made which have been gas axed in half, my question is how do I get them replaced, of the bits which are still springy can a spring company work out what the original springiness would have been, does anyone know of a good spring company willing to produce 2 new ones.
  14. I am sorry to say I have the pictures of it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: :shocked: Well G506 do I post it, that is the question ................
  15. The German Gepard anti aircraft tank does it for me. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BukkrjTc370
  16. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :bow::bow::bow::bow::bow:
  17. Seeing it in real life I think it is as there are what seem to be compressed air cylinders with it ? Cant think what else it could be as it is linked to the other air craft bits about the museum.
  18. That looks like he has just realised he cant afford an Autocar Tractor unit
  19. Mmmmmm nice truck He he
  20. Can you fit a fury liner in that helmet as Jack will need something to keep his head warm soon. :cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2::cool2:
  21. I too was at the MVT Etreham camp site on the outside corner with the 352 GMC, 109 Land Rover and a couple of bikes, a Triumph 5SW and BSA M20.
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