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Everything posted by andym

  1. Just think of the fuel savings! :-) Andy
  2. We couldn't afford to run them even if wanted to. That's why we're selling off warships as fast as we can .... Andy
  3. Ask Nick Mead who he is insured with? And see recent thread on 432 limos .... Andy
  4. Unfortunately the days of Hirsts handling complete vehicles are long gone - I was talking to Neil Hirst about this a couple of months back. When MOD ran their disposals direct from Ludgershall, Hirsts were the obvious local choice. Now it's all handled by Withams the vehicles are scrapped "Up North" - there's no sense in transporting them back down South again. Andy
  5. About the same as the New Holland I use, provided the boom isn't extended. It does a good job of moaning if you overload it, with a buzzer and flashing red light saying "Stop"! Andy
  6. The slots at the end of the slipway suggest it was built to have a caisson fitted to turn it into a simple dry dock. Bring the vessel in at high tide, drop the caisson in and wait for the tide to go out. Andy
  7. I was going to say exactly the same thing .... Andy
  8. How old is your master socket? If it's one of the later two-piece ones where the front comes off to reveal another socket inside, try plugging the modem into that as it bypasses all the house wiring. That should show if the problem is internal or external to the house. Also try another modem just to check? Andy
  9. I know the feeling - I've been trying to get on with the Abbot but the 432 got in the way when my nice shiny new takeout pack proved to have problems with its oil pressure and I spent a week swapping packs in and out. Very frustrating! Andy
  10. Any more progress, Chris? Andy
  11. Unfortunately it's impossible to give advice on this sort of thing remotely other than trying various anti-malware packages, because it depends entirely on what you've picked up. You need to find an IT-literate person to look at it for you, I'm afraid. In the worst cases it's simpler to wipe the disk and re-install Windoze. Andy
  12. The link above is broken due to being split across a line break .... http://www.wessex.ac.uk/12-conferences/defence-sites-heritage-and-future-2012.html Andy
  13. So what's on at Southwick House on Sunday, then? I can't recall having seen anything advertised ... Andy
  14. I hope someone's checked to see if it's still got anything up the spout! Andy
  15. Welcome aboard! I really must visit Juniper at some stage as they're only just up the road ... Andy
  16. There's zillions of them around, those are just the ones that sprang to mind. Something to do with Abbots, probably! :-) Andy
  17. Armourgeddon, Juniper Leisure, Tank Driving Scotland, Galloway Tanks ... Andy
  18. Sorry Robin, too busy swapping 432 packs! As has already been said, this is more about current than voltage, although voltage can help understand what's happening. Firstly, what sort of batteries does the Supacat have? All MV batteries are not created equal even though they may look the same. For example, the conventional 6TN flooded cell battery will only deliver around half the starting current (CCA) of a 6TNMF Hawker. It may just be that the Supacat batteries can't deliver the sort of current required - a stalled starter on a big diesel needs a LOT of current! Secondly, what state are the Supacat batteries in? I'd expect them to be around 26V to 27V fully charged, rising to 28.5V when the engine is running. If it's any lower than this I'd put them on a battery tester to check. Failing that, the alternator may not be putting out the correct voltage to keep them fully charged. There may also be a problem with resistance between the Supacat's batteries and the starting socket, either in the earth line or possibly even the positive one. The only real way to check for this is to use the starter lead whilst simultaneously monitoring the voltage at the Supacat's batteries and the Stormer's. Any appreciable difference between the two suggests a poor connection somewhere. Andy
  19. 24V is low for batteries being floated across the alternator - I'd expect around 28V otherwise the batteries won't be charging. Andy
  20. Nice one Iain - keep them coming! Andy
  21. Straight diesel - it's a common-or-garden Cummins 6BTA. Andy
  22. I know - I work for them! And it's QinetiQ, as in "kinetic" but unfortunately that name had already been registered as a domain on the 'net, hence the odd spelling. Andy
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