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Everything posted by ferrettkitt

  1. Now now the safest place to be in is in another tank
  2. After going to the Scotch Piper in the RB44 with the lads and lasses of the West Lancs MVT I think I can add some more items that I forgot to take with me. Cooking Oil Towels Pillow (the 9 by 9 tent canvas was a hard substitute) Spare Light Bulbs Genny tools for when the beep:argh: is reluctant to start (Spark Plug spanner, emery paper & wire brush). I drove down in the diesel RB44 so not likely to carry those tools. Spare fuses for the plug for the lights that plug into the generator. Everyone elses suggestions Tin opener Bottle opener (cork screw type for the wine lovers amongst us as well). Spatula/fish slice Pain killers BBQ Camera Map book Frisbee to keep the kids quiet or exercise for the dog
  3. Looks slightly dodgy doesn't it, I only skimmed over it before. Have a look here its listed as a members vehicle 00EC13. http://www.scottishmvg.org/8.html The advert could be correct but the easiest way to find out is to email him directly as he is listed as being the Safety Officer http://www.scottishmvg.org/10.html
  4. Nose high and severe neck pain
  5. Its in Scotland I think not sure if the owner is on here or not
  6. Ah something for the cats to play with
  7. I am looking to replace the fluid flywheel seal on one of my Ferrets before the engine goes back in. How would I go about it? I have seen something about it before but I can not remember where I read it.
  8. Google chrome is quite good for translating browser pages not quite what you're after but it makes looking at ebay amongst many others easier....
  9. Here is r cat Leo testing the quality of one of Jacks 9 by 9 tents. Luckily she didn't treat the canvas like she does my arm Sorry not MV but its Mv related ish
  10. Banisters will have the paper gasket I bought one of him for my Ferret it didn't arrive in time so I made one up out of gasket paper. Presuming that the Saracen is similar to the Ferret the seal I mean is the one where the splines would slot into (output or is it input to the gearbox).
  11. Not for me that I fell asleep in front of the TV Saturday night woke up at half one in the morning with a sore neck. Monday evening it still hurts and the banging headache is just about being dulled by painkillers. Must be going soft the thought of roughing it doesn't quite appeal
  12. Paper gasket around the edge of the flywheel and the seal. I've offered to do one for someone in Nortumberland
  13. Mostly its what I remember to take... sometimes you forget the important stuff like bog rolls
  14. Join a minority is the answer Sad loss r Henri
  15. Don't forget HMS Royal Oak at Scapa Flow HMS Vanguard should have been preserved. HMS Ark Royal will go the same way as its sister ship and the previous incarnation as a proper Aircraft carrier. I can not see a UK company winning the contract to scrap her too politically sensitive
  16. Nice one keep em coming most of those suggested I hadn't thought about:D
  17. Why is it that when you go camping you always forget something! My list this year is: It isn't complete by any means Tent Sleeping bags Camping beds Soft mattresses Genny Petrol Torch's Fuel Food Utensils Milk Tea Sugar Mugs Plates Camping stove's (extra one just in case one doesn't play ball) Drink whisky beer rum so on so forth Water containers Bog roll Washing up bowl Sponges for the above Cool box 24 hr rations just in case Toothbrush and toothpaste Kitchen sink What do you take with you?
  18. That can mean anything from minor parts or its missing the transmission I was commenting on its visual condition which in my opinion and its only my opinion still looks a right mess. Good luck with it I hope you prove me wrong and please feel free to rub my face in it when you have finished it.
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