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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. Adrian will probably end up putting a new side on it. and I think the cadmans have a spare turret if memory serves me right. so don't be surprised if you see it driving around war and peace some day. rick
  2. well spotted that charioteer was on it's way up to my yard in Manchester, where it now resides and is undergoing restoration for another forum member. rick
  3. could be bordon or stanta but it's just a hunch so don't go rushing off just yet rick
  4. thanks for all the answers fella's, I think I will carry on running it without any additives to replace the lead but that is not my only concern with modern fuels ! I have been told that the ethanol will eat the rubber on the fuel pumps, I keep my eye on the engine oil to check for fuel and everything has been good so far but has anyone ever had a problem with the pump diaphragm giving up or melting due to ethanol ? I promise this is my last fuel related question cheers rick
  5. here's a question for you knowledgeable types. did wartime fuel have lead added to it or was it unleaded. I was told by someone with a meteor engined tank that the Cromwell didn't need any lead replacement as wartime pool petrol didn't have lead. is this true ? I take some comfort in the fact that the compression ratio of the meteor is 6:1 so it's not exactly pushing the envelope of what the engine can deliver but it would still be nice to know one way or the other. rick
  6. I agree £75k is the wrong kind of money for a carrier, probably more like half that for a good one but at least a carrier is a piece of tracked ww2 armour but a jeep is just a jeep and I wonder how much of that one for sale is original but I suppose it's worth what someone is prepared to pay for it and if the guy gets £3/4 million then good luck to him !
  7. stupid price for stupid people !
  8. you are right david it is a link dog ark, the only other example had the ramp attachments cut off and was used as the basis for Montgomery's mk4 that dave Arnold completed on the iow. apparently he took a bit of stick for it for cutting up a rare vehicle but then again you don't see many mk4 gun tanks driving around either so I can't say I blame him
  9. if you get on the ranges keep your eyes peeled for a couple of churchills and a conqueror, not sure which range or whether it's still active but they are still there rick ps don't shoot them
  10. I thought carrier but they look a little thin and tall on the rubber bur it maybe the pic, if they are carrier they will have the date and a code starting with TL stamped on the spokes on the other side to that shown. rick ps carrier wheels are 20" for the road wheels and 19" on the front idlers
  11. Adrian those pixie suites on sof look nothing like the real ones, best get them from somewhere else mate
  12. hi Adrian pixie suites are great if it's minus 10 but not so good in summer, I've seen a few guys wear warm weather khaki coveralls. you can buy them from dirk leegwater's site first pic is me and a few guys at the Yorkshire wartime experience, I have a pixie suite on and they are wearing battledress the other pic is off dirk's site rick
  13. like most guys I'd also try to get it white hot and spanner it off, failing that if you can get it in a 4" grinder with 1mm cutting blade to split the nut and relieve the tension. good luck with it, it sounds like a lot of hard work ahead rick
  14. I have cav lights on mine and as far as I know all the brit ones had the same lights but I'm no expert, maybe the pics will help rick
  15. my congrats to you both it was whilst getting married in corfu 4 years ago that I bought my first tank :-D weddings and tanks just seem to go together so well. all the best rick
  16. ford t16 built in the states as an upgraded carrier. nice bit of kit, I used to own one
  17. lol it was stories of buried tanks in Poland that first got me into this hobby
  18. lol kev you are one of them but don't worry I'll be gentle on the first time there's also lauren, ian galliers and Margaret gillatt. these are the Cromwell crew.
  19. maybe people want to portray what they see on the tv and let's face it the yanks have a cool image and the kit looks great and as for the germans they are the bad boys which is also cool to some people. personally I do it to raise awareness of our grandfathers and let the next generation know it wasn't all down to the americans (it's a long lonely struggle) the good news is I'm not entirely on my own and there are a few people I have been "grooming" to join me in the quest and in a few years time there will be 2 or 3 more ww2 british tanks on the scene. rick
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