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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. borrowed a telehandler to pull the tank out last night ready for the lift this morning, if all goes well we should have the turret off on the ground today
  2. that is very cool, pure physics at it's best
  3. been a bit lazy with the updates but will get back on them now, had a few problems with the crane guy and will have to wait til 10am Friday before he turns up but the good news is we have had time to carry on stripping and cleaning the inside and have rebuilt the vehicle brakes, actually they were in great condition already just pulled them apart derusted and painted and will put the drums on tomorrow. turret elecs are now disconnected and any remaining cables/ancillaries are off. turret has been split from the ring so the lift should go smoothly. had a bit of a let down from the spark i used on my Cromwell and was going to use on the charioteer, seems he's had a change of mind and didn't want to get committed to another tank sparking job so if anyone knows of a good spark in the north west please let me know. cheers considering the tank has been outside i continue to be surprised at just how well it has stood up to the rust, there are a few tin covers and bins that have corroded but on the whole everything we've stripped has come out well, let's hope it carries on like that
  4. eddy8men

    MKll carrier

    I have a couple of spare ford gearboxes, if you want one i'll drop it of with chris next time I'm there.
  5. we plan on having it ready for w&p which would be cool the turret is not going to be lifted tomorrow as the weather sucks and it will do the concrete no harm to wait a few more days, which is a shame as it's ready to come off, just needs the electrics disconnecting which i'll do in the morning after that we will clean up the motor and traverse box and put them to one side ready for refitting rick
  6. not got any pics today, too busy laying 10 ton of concrete to allow the crane wagon to get next to the charioteer on Friday for the big lift, however we did finish stripping the turret bins to enable the last of securing bolts to be removed. the traverse box is out on the bench ready for a clean/paint and a once over, the only thing we struggled with was getting the commanders seat out so we could get to the bolts underneath, it looked simple but there are 2 grub screws holding the hinge pins in and they would not come out even after we got it white hot, we ended up cutting it off at the weld and will just have to weld it back on again when the time comes. next couple of days are going to be busy ! pics tomorrow rick
  7. hi alastair I have a couple of original nos carrier seat cushions if you need pics of the right colour but whether or not loyd carriers had the same type I couldn't say. rick
  8. glad you like the steps paul. "if a jobs worth doing it's worth doing well" :blush: crane booked in for Friday so the turret will be off by close of play, might put it on the Churchill hull :cool2: managed to get hold of the same spark that did my Cromwell and he's coming a week today and after he's worked his magic we can start nailing it all back together ! rick
  9. eddy8men

    MKll carrier

    hi lee chris will get you sorted, your lucky with your timing as i'm knocking up a few boxes for my mk1* so i'll make any you need while i'm at it. rick
  10. eddy8men

    MKll carrier

    good to see another carrier owner on the forum, you need to join www.mapleleafup.net as that is where we carrier guys hang out, there is plenty of advice to be had on the site. good luck with the resto rick
  11. hi mike I know the Churchill was built by newton chambers in 1941 but that's about it, I will find out more when time permits. john I can't figure out how they could have guessed we knew each other :-D
  12. cheers lauren I'll go down to bovy one day and trawl through the vehicle cards maybe take the kids and make it a fun day out for all:undecided:
  13. lol I know that feeling, there's a list somewhere of tank numbers and names, so I had a look for mine. they had the next one up and next down but not mine. bloody list :cry:
  14. female tank crew conversion course lesson no.1 find the drivers seat :-D
  15. nice one singe caption should read "how many women does it take to change a spark plug"
  16. "Holy cow Rick, that's looking pretty good inside the turret. Awesome job." yeah I reckon you got pretty lucky there lauren, I don't think it would be beyond the realms of possibility to get all the systems working again :thumbsup:
  17. carried on blasting the engine compartment today and it is finally ready for paint tomorrow, I freed off all the remaining hatches and started on cleaning the inside of the turret, whilst inside I thought I would have a crack at freeing off all the levers and hinges, whether by luck or skill I managed to get most working again and once the years of crud were cleaned away it became apparent that it was in much better shape than I thought. which is great news for lauren the bad news is the turret has to come off next week as the hydraulic pipes on the hull floor are rotted through and missing and besides the turret basket floor is goosed so the sooner it comes off the better. all in all another good day
  18. that's right bob there was a panther underneath it but you know I take no notice of the german kit :-D
  19. that depends on your point of view ! personally i'd like to see a troop of cromwells and a firefly together. I don't know who but someone is doing a firefly this year and with mine and laurens we'd be mostly there but although the world will be a better place with a full Cromwell troop it is unlikely to ever happen. I could always chuck a Cromwell turret back on when lauren isn't looking
  20. today was more scraping and chiselling and blasting in the engine bay followed by a bit of light hatch fettling, all the hatches are now open but not freed off yet, some of them have probably been shut for over 30 years and did not want to budge, at one point me and marek (the one doing all the work) were holding onto the rafters whilst jumping up and down on a scaffold bar on the end of a 3ft set of stilsons trying to get the loaders hatch open. bit twitchy but it all went well in the end.
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