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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. going to take a month off playing with the charioteer and go back to work :cry: but the project won't stall as the electrician is due to start next week and the plan is to leave him to it and come back to it once he's finished faffing about with the electrickery. a month should be about right for him. managed to get the interior painted and part of the turret basket rebuilt but needs a few more hours before it's ready for fitting. the new gearbox seals will arrive next week and once they are fitted the box can go back in and the hydraulics fitted and tested, once that's done and the spark has finished then it's time for the main assemblies to go back in ! last pic shows my labourer marek and his son Mateusz after a week of hard work
  2. the project is on ebay for £150, looks like he gave up. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/ww2-Kettenkrad-replica-go-kart-barn-find-project-/151592179685?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item234b9917e5
  3. sean thanks for the offer of the seals but I am sorted now, unfortunately didn't manage to get any nos seals from ian galliers my local supplier has sorted it now. cheers 180 mile round trip to shrewsbury slowed me down a bit today but we should have the turret basket rebuilt and painted tomorrow and the second coat of white on the interior. rick
  4. lance don't be sad, you can take some comfort knowing that you played your part in saving the tank ! unfortunately your part involved spending lots of money and not enjoying it while lauren's part is going to be a bit more fun but hey man it's still a part been cracking on with the basket floor mostly forming the lip top and bottom and soldering the 3/4" band around the edge which seals it. I was looking forward to doing this but I must admit it was wearing a little thin by the end of the day but it does look good and is nearly finished
  5. cheers sean the seals are id 85mm, od 113mm x 12mm but I am going to see ian galliers on Friday morning and he may have some in stock so hang fire until I can confirm. cheers rick
  6. funny you should say that as I was coming up with a plan b if the crane guy let me down one more time but he came good in the end for £150, the crane was 66ton meter and was at 90% when we moved it across but it was extended, I reckon the turret weighs around 5ton. as to progress I must admit i'm a little frustrated at how slow it is but when something is 70 years old I suppose it's inevitable. having said that by Friday I want the hull interior blasted and painted and the turret basket floor finished ready for fitting and the gearbox back together and fitted, I plan to connect all the hydraulics and test them before anything else is done, once i'm happy we can start to fit the main assemblies back in the engine bay after which there is the rads and elecs to sort and we will be running !
  7. thanks paul picked the ply up today but wasn't ready til late so while we were waiting I stripped the output flanges from the gearbox and removed the seals. unfortunately my local supplier didn't stock any replacements and will have to have the seals custom made, however I might have a supply for nos seals but won't know til Friday. once I get them it's a simple job to fit them and put the brakes back on.
  8. all the bits we removed from the turret/basket have now been repaired and painted ready for refitting. the turret basket floor plates have been cut and I am just waiting on the ply to be cnc cut then we can assemble it. it's a bit of a strange construction in so much as the top and bottom steel sheets have a lip formed over the edge of the ply which is soldered to a band running along the edge. i'm quite looking forward to the having a go at some soldering on such a large scale.
  9. I have the same problem with wartime kit but it's surprising how much history is under the paint, maybe time to get the sand paper out (if it's not been blasted) rick
  10. there's still 2 diamond T's in fletchers trailer hire, ashton under lyne, I've asked a few times if the guy will sell them and he wanted £10k each, shame because by the time he dies and his son sells them they will be nothing but scrap. rust in peace rick
  11. the charioteers used the Cromwell hydraulic pump driven from the bevel box at the front of the engine, whereas the Jordanians used the electro hydraulic system from the Sherman to power the turret traverse gearbox. the left hand pic shows the electric motor low down in the hull and the traverse gearbox above it. right pic is the gearbox. out on the bench
  12. thanks Adrian for putting me right on chris wilkinson's role in things. I had assumed that because the jordanain conversion was a little rough and ready, that it had been done by a guy in a yard with a gas axe and a collection of large hammers. no offence intended to chris Wilkinson or his associates but it was definitely a no frills job ! anyway looks like someone else did it. the engine and box had been painted silver which I again assumed was done while in the uk but I am now beginning to think the Israeli's put it through a refurb programme after it was captured, which included a partial strip down and sand blasting, this would explain the lack of markings under the top coat (that was applied while it sat in the IOW museum) I had expected to find the tanks history the further through the layers of paint we went but it turned out that there were only the recent top coat, then a darker (probably Israeli) sand under it and a grey primer beneath that. shame it could have told us a lot about it's history. I guess a trip down to the tank museum archives is on the cards for lauren :-D engine before refurb
  13. I take my hat off to you, things could have got a little crispy in there if there was a malfunction ! I have always wanted to get a Churchill crocodile working, maybe one day :cool2:
  14. the engine and box were originally blue and then during the chris Wilkinson conversion for the Jordanians they were painted silver but I couldn't make my mind up whether the engine was painted silver just on top ie. in situ or whether it was all over silver. looking back on the pics before the engine was rebuilt I decided on all over. looks quite smart in my opinion
  15. I couldn't see any impact marks inside or out but there is a bit of a ding in the plate welded over the old besa hole and it's in line with the delamination, (it's above the area I removed the paint from). we'll have to sand blast it to get a better look
  16. lauren came over a couple of weeks ago and whilst looking for unit markings under the top coat of paint found this delamination on the glacis plate which could be battle damage although there is no distortion of the plate, I found the same thing on the side of my Churchill near to the impacts from anti tank rockets.
  17. engine and box painted the correct post war blue, unfortunately when they were converted to jordanian spec they were painted silver and will be again but I thought it important to put all the paint history back on them. who knows in a hundred years from now someone will give it a refurb and find the different layers and see it's lineage from wartime drab to blue to silver.
  18. "chieftains have been in a number of wars..iran Iraq, and Iraq Kuwait...it has earned its spurs so to speak...didnt do well in the first war though poor maintenance and chronic engine failure...." I was in one of those wars and I can't remember seeing any chieftains but I did come across a centurion :-D I heard later that it caught fire and blew up but the crew were all out so no harm done.
  19. I take my hat off to you mate, I thought you'd get stuck for sure but you sailed along like you were on a sunday drive :-D
  20. turret basket was actually harder than the turret to remove as it was a little tricky getting round the rotary base junction without tearing the cables out which would have been a disaster as there are loads of cables and they are all blue and have no markings at all (genius)
  21. the crane guy finally arrived and I think we made his day lifting a tank turret, makes a change from shipping containers.
  22. cheers fella's crane was late but at least he turned up and the lift went well, will post the pics later on. decided to put the turret on the Churchill and it looked really good. might put the Churchill turret on the charioteer then take some pics in black and white and post them up, wonder how long it would be before they're on google images :cool2:
  23. i'm a wartime only guy but I could be persuaded to make an exception for a chieftain :cool2: nice tank well done
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