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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. and this one :wow: a friend at the war and peace show pointed out the wading trunk attachment points on the rear engine decks
  2. lol not if you were there ! meteor engined tanks are not very stealthy :-D
  3. john's a good guy I'm glad he got the award
  4. wrong oil maybe. I remember david Herbert putting up a very detailed post about Sherman steering and the effect oils can have on it
  5. pics from the Yorkshire wartime experience at the weekend
  6. the detail in those parts is amazing :wow: and yes I figured you knew what you were talking about as it is obvious from the modelling you do but i sometimes post info more for the benefit of others who hopefully like me also enjoy the engineering side as well as the big gun and tracks bit. I'm just glad I got it right as I was expecting Adrian to pull me up on some detail or other I got wrong
  7. you are correct about the swinging arms being 19" and it is a well known measurement as it is one of the main differences between Cromwell and cavalier, the crusader (Cromwell was designed as a requirement for a heavy crusader) also had 19" arms but these were changed to 15" on cavalier then back to 19" on Cromwell. like Adrian pointed out there are no torsion bars although the mountings on the hull floor look like they could be torsion bars. the suspension uses coil springs and dampers. the housings on the hull floor hold the bearings and swinging arm shaft, interestingly the shaft bearings are auto lubed by a pipe system which lets a drop of oil onto the bearings every time the clutch pedal is engaged, bit of Cromwell trivia :-D
  8. you might be onto something there lauren ! john has agreed to sell the A frame to me and I just happen to own a Churchill AVRE and a Bren carrier :cool2:
  9. cheers john pm sent could it be for a porpoise?
  10. the cowl took their place as far as I know. how's this for a crew designed cowl
  11. lol I forgot about that bit of track bashing great pics thanks very much for posting them up. cheers rick
  12. it looks like it's strong enough to tow a tank but it's only a guess but it does look ww2
  13. we like Churchill's, I heard of a buried one yesterday while at a show and unlike most stories the guy will take me to it, so watch this space :cool2:
  14. glad you liked it, I quite enjoyed it myself :cool2: and it was nice to have the tank crewed by guys in uniform to add a bit more realism.
  15. I would have thought an LVT was worth around £50k so if it's solid then maybe it's worth having a bash at saving it but only if you are an LVT fan, if not then let someone else bankrupt themselves getting it running again great post though and I always think it's important to document these things before they are lost forever good luck with whatever you decide rick
  16. I can't tell from the pics which mark it is but the hull number will be stamped on the T shaped angle iron bracket on the left rear horizontal tool shelf . it is also stamped on the angle iron behind the gunners seat but it's been gas axed off. The www.mapleleafup.net forum is the best carrier site around and most of the carrier guys post on it so it might be good to join the only trouble is the moderator is more than a little busy so you might have to wait a while before you can join. by the way don't be put off by the missing armour there are lots of guys that have made detailed drawings of the armour and they would no doubt share them with you. look at paying £80 to get a full side cut at the profilers so it's actually quite cheap. rick
  17. welcome james you can't get better than a carrier for a piece of tracked armour, they're great to drive, easy to work on and parts are plentiful. there's also a few of us around the world restoring them at the moment so advice and help are on hand. enjoy the resto rick
  18. My cromwell AJAX is painted as a 1 RTR tank.
  19. I have to say at £30k the tank is a bargain, I might even have it myself if the Cromwell sells at war and peace next month, it would be nice to have another waiting in the wings :cool2:
  20. glad to hear there's going to be lots of American wartime armour but it's nice to have a real tank there this year :coffee:
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