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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. I agree but I always thought the Bedford was better off road, although that might be down to the tyres and there is a lot to be said for it's simplicity. it's just a shame it was so bad to drive on the road
  2. I think your right mate, I saw the splash rail but didn't know the earlier marks had a full rail. it might well be an earlier hull type !
  3. drivers side bin looks to be behind where the door would be ie not in line with the front plate. having said that I think I can see the tow rope stowed along the side and not in it's proper F type position on the glacis and I can't see the door retaining keep. so it's a definite maybe ! rick
  4. the daf is a much better truck but feels plasticky and not as squaddie proof as the old Bedford. I always thought the daf was more of a road truck than off road. rick ps. I had 2 daf's and thought they were great
  5. can't add much other than it is an 75mm armed F type like mine and it belongs to B squadron (probably recce troop). rick
  6. good choice ! i'd like a dingo some day, got to be easier than a Cromwell :-D
  7. lots of Russian arty on the www.allegro.pl polish ebay type site (or at least there was) it might be worth getting in touch with some of the big dealers. a couple of years back you could buy a zis 3 for £1800 ! rick
  8. good for you mate, a long road but you got there in the end and with a very useful looking vehicle.
  9. there's nothing like a nice relaxing hobby
  10. nice mk1 and a good price, I reckon the new owner will be introducing themselves soon
  11. double check it's not in 4wd as you might be getting wind up. the normal symptom is stiff steering but it could make the wheels shake. if it is wound up then jack up any wheel off the ground to release the tension then select 2wd. hope you find the fault rick
  12. the carrier was the most numerous armoured vehicle in history ! somebody must have thought they had a role they were good at what they did which is move weapon systems from one part of the battlefield to the other whilst under fire. I can't think of any other british vehicle that could fulfil the same role as to reliability the engine and transmission is excellent and all the carriers you see around now still have the original tracks (no one can afford to have new ones made) they just last forever which is why there are so many about. I've owned a couple and not struggled with anything. the only thing I would say they suffer from is a lack of power when the going is heavy but if you up rate the hp everything else needs to be beefed up and you lose the simplicity and ease of manufacturing (engine gearbox and axle are standard ford truck parts) it's a good compromise but then again I am a little biased. rick
  13. carrier running gear and engine is different to the carden loyd ! the bren carrier has good speed, good armour and can pretty much go anywhere. it's this combination that made them successful and although not perfect they were good enough to be popular with the men that drove them, a good all round work horse and fun to drive rick
  14. saxon was based on the tm. i had a saxon in bosnia 94 and they climbed the mountains every day without trouble but they did get stuck a lot when it was slippery, only the reme variant had diff locks on both axles, the grunts only had them on the rear ! the real problems happened coming down the hills when the drivers would ride the brakes causing them to fade and the saxon would always go over the edge, luckily none of the lads I was with died but the week after we handed over to the next unit 3 were killed when it rolled down the hill ! rick I have a pic of one somewhere upside down I will try and find it
  15. i saw it on the weekend and thought it was disappointing.
  16. I have seen a few fabricated front idler assemblies but I didn't know they fabricated the bogies as well. I will keep my eyes open for you. have you tried clive hughes he has a loyd wreck !
  17. very nice project there are some dutch guys with a maultier that have a stall at war and peace and i'm sure they have rso bits, might be worth asking around for their details. rick
  18. good find bob I like the look of those firefly's :cool2:
  19. I got a few scammers after my Cromwell ad on milweb. I thought I would string one guy along just for fun and got him to send his cheque to m. mouse 20 park drive Berkley sh1 te uk he still didn't twig, in the end he got a little upset and threatened me with " much blood" he didn't realise it would have been his if we had met. (if he was much smaller than me ) the scam goes like this, they send you the asking price plus say £5k extra. you deposit the cheque which shows on your bank balance but hasn't cleared yet. in the meantime they get you to send the £5k back thru money gram and that's that ! the cheque will bounce and you will have paid £5k to be educated on buyer/seller transactions. rick
  20. lol, if you have to ask how much it costs then you can't afford it. seriously though a tiger's got to be worth well over £2 million. the trouble with this one is it has no provenance and will be mostly reproduced parts once it's built so I don't know how it could go over £250k as it sits but if someone wants it bad enough the skies the limit. I must admit it makes me a little sad to think there are probably less Cromwell's in the world than tigers but a Cromwell wreck is worth a tenth of the tiger wreck ! funny old world rick
  21. I must admit I also much prefer the white compared to silver
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