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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. The armoured shroud is not a standard fitting for all scopes, although it will fit any periscope. each shroud dimension is determined by the thickness of the roof armour of the vehicle it is fitted to. i found this out the hard way whilst fitting NOS periscopes to the cromwell. the problem is the shroud sits inside a hole cut into the armour and shrouds vision opening/cutout tapers away to enable water to drain off onto the roof armour and therefore must be slightly above or level with the top of the armour (below is not good). the bottom of the shroud is flush with the inside armour and the top is flush with the outside armour so the thickness of the portion between the base and the edge of the taper will give a clue to the vehicle it was intended for, mine and lauren's NOS scopes were 1/2" which made me think it was a light vehicle hence me donating one to a friend with a daimler. fortunately i had some spare shrouds of the correct dimensions. tricky things those periscopes !
  2. quite an interesting subject and as usual for british engineering, overly complicated and confusing
  3. i have a file painstakingly compiled by david herbert on all wartime british AFV periscopes. he has kindly given me permission to post it on the forum.
  4. lol we still haven't finished pouring the last bit of concrete
  5. I was asked to provide dimensions for the periscope handle and thought it a good idea to start a thread on all things periscope, most would be surprised at how complicated the periscope is. anyway i will start with the handle. flat bar 3mm x 19mm external width 112mm vertical height outside of base to joint 123mm the notch to allow access to the pad screws is 96mm from the outside of the base and is 9.5mm across and 5mm deep the locating pin is central on the bar and is 9.5mm from the the hole centre to the end black plastic handle 95mm x 7mm x 18mm, the 3 rivet holes are 33mm centres the tricky part that connects to the body of the periscope is best shown in the pics. it comprises a locating pin, a double round ended piece 45mm x 19mm with 2 holes (the centres of which fit into the centres on the periscope body) and another piece which runs in line with the main part of the handle, this part is welded onto the doube ended piece as shown. the russians made a version of this periscope on which they used a flat piece of bar bent to fit with2 holes in it. simples
  6. it's a shame they didn't get a mention in CMV as they both pretty much rebuilt the tank
  7. you know they're hard core when the workshop is an old tent !
  8. http://www.hartziel.de/index.htm?/haltern/index.htm
  9. i'm on the case bob it would be great to get an early cruiser moving again
  10. ferret on catterick driver training area
  11. from memory the cromwell floor used .8mm steel, all the joints are soldered making it water tight(ish)
  12. hey Andrew. slow down you're making the rest of us look bad :-D
  13. nothing wrong with a bit of kit bashing
  14. thanks Adrian, real unlucky for those fella's to get caught out like that
  15. i had wondered if it was a misfire, that detonated when removed from the breech
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