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Everything posted by eddy8men

  1. if anyone wants the contact details then send me a pm. the twin ark is probably the most complete and would be fairly easy to return to a gun tank (already been done for nigel Montgomery's mk4 ). the arv would be my personal favourite as I am ex reme. the mk7 bridgelayer is also viable as I know of a complete bridge and attachments for sale in the uk. if you are thinking about it then be quick otherwise they will be on their way to china in little pieces destined to return as washing machines !
  2. the 3 churchills from haltern range in Germany are to be cut up in the next week if no one comes forward to buy them. the tanks are off the range and in the scrap merchants yard. they are avavilable for £9k each. I have been talking to a german guy today with regard to their value, he wants to buy them and sell them on but I pointed out that they are worth no more than the scrap merchant is asking so no profit left for any middlemen ! if he doesn't save them then I might be able to get some parts but it doesn't look good. so if there is anyone reading this who wants to do their bit then step forward and be counted (tumbleweed moment) I can't save them all guys. http://www.hartziel.de/_typen/churchark.htm http://www.hartziel.de/_typen/churchavlb.htm http://www.hartziel.de/_typen/churcharv.htm rick
  3. good to know we are not the only ones daft to attempt these type of epic restorations and that there are people actively seeking out to help us along the way. thanks for putting up the post. rick
  4. thanks for clearing up that little mystery. must have been a little twitchy for the 432 driver
  5. chris was that at the top of the hill on the way back ? I saw some track marks on the road and assumed it was one of the carrier guys that misjudged the corner. lol I feel bad because I tackled them and didn't believe them when no one admitted to it rick
  6. always plenty of kit on the polish allegro site. trying to read the ad is a bit of a problem but i'm sure once you call them they will be able to understand you. the link is for an mtlb for about £10k. rick http://allegro.pl/opancerzony-transporter-mtlb-mt-lb-super-stan-tdm-i5418551385.html
  7. funny you should say that as I was talking to someone not long ago about the mk7 avre that is still in Germany and has been donated to the desert rats association and they have the same problem that I would have if I were to get hold of some of that range armour. transport cost !!! I would be lying if I said I hadn't dreamed of it though :cool2:
  8. lol I was also thinking of the chromy ferret when I put the post up, the thing is I quite liked that ferret :red:
  9. i'm tempted to put lacquer on them and maybe chrome the muzzle break
  10. I managed to get hold of 3 nos periscopes (which was nice) and am in the process of making the rain covers from an original i borrowed from john pearson, not finished but looking good
  11. I think we all get too caught up with all this new technology and forget the old ways. if it's a pinhole just solder it !
  12. other work commitments had to come first but like lauren said things have been going on in the background mostly electrical as the tank is having new wiring looms and the various boxes are being rebuilt. I plan on getting the gearbox in and hydraulics fitted and tested in the next few weeks but most of my time will be spent on the Cromwell getting it ready for the show season. rick
  13. i'll be there again Al, you might even get a brew out of me this time round
  14. it's the time of year to bring the Cromwell out of hibernation and start getting it ready for the show season. my first task is to get to the bottom of the poor running issue. the tank will run great then cough and splutter and then pick up again after 30 seconds of idling which would suggest fuel starvation. I will check the filter but want to get the fuel pumps reconditioned anyway and Viton rubber replacements for the diaphragm. so with that in mind does anyone know where I can send the pumps off to be worked on. once the engine is running alright I will look at changing the gearbox output seals and maybe some new hydraulic lines, I want a trouble free show season. if that's possible ! rick
  15. speak to peter grieve from flightengineering in leeds, he's probably the best guy for griffons he might even buy it from you
  16. the special types always stay in service longest, i'm not 100% sure but the last Churchills in service could have been the avre's or maybe the bridgelayers.
  17. I got to drive a 2s3 after the gulf war and was quite impressed, loads of power and good maneuverability they also thoughtfully put the operating instructions in English. however it doesn't seem to have done any good for that fella
  18. looks like a piece of crap to me. jazzed up T80 with a bit of bolt on armour.
  19. I found an A 9/10 cruiser wreck over xmas and have been mulling over the possibilities of restoring it. is that rare enough
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