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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. put some wire mesh on that and it would make a good crab pot
  2. yep would be nice as plenty of antennas to hang off on many vehicles either full size or pennant sized
  3. G'day/welcome etc Dont know anything about this type of engine so i will have to do a wiki search in a sec
  4. A little bit disappointed as with the need for political correctness i dont see any full size models :-\ Anyway a pressing question, a rumour was started that your were going to make some vehicle pennants also, is this still on the cards?
  5. fesm_ndt


    Was thinking about our hobby when I read this. http://www.goldcoastbulletin.com.au/news/gold-coast/helensvale-man-found-crushed-under-his-car-in-garage-believed-to-have-been-there-for-days/story-fnj94idh-1226892894134?sv=6c66349cc13ca9e4bec33d03f3e5b6c5 My mechanic mate in the UK always makes me cringe, as he never uses axles stands and relies on a trolley jack. Last time I was there he was changing an Alpha Romeo exhaust and he's under it yanking on the exhaust with one side propped up on a trolley jack.
  6. very nice.... I hate riveting I been looking for a hand punch for brass rivets to remount id plates on my bike, but not luck thus far.
  7. Yesterday in Kuala Lumpur for a big arms expo...... oops [ATTACH=CONFIG]90187[/ATTACH]
  8. Congrats I been seeing a lot of Sumb stuff on leboncoin http://www.leboncoin.fr/collection/631527270.htm?ca=16_s and some of the electrical stuff comes up on ebay by searching Gabriel Lyon http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/121083762360?_trksid=p2055120.m1438.l2648&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT I'll keep and eye out as I am always trawling the French sites looking for Acmat bits
  9. Well the missus went down with some friends on the weekend and visited again. They have updated some exhibits and it is quite surprising to see a Scorpion in there now [ATTACH=CONFIG]90157[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]90158[/ATTACH]
  10. i wondered if it was something like that as didnt appear to be as wide as the newer tank.
  11. Any ideas on what the upside down one is? [ATTACH=CONFIG]90108[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]90109[/ATTACH]
  12. I wonder what the engine is out of, as its green
  13. With all the fancy adhesives around now would they have solved the Dennis loose tyre issue and prevent any further water ingress? As i guess the Dennis and Thornycraft are not very fast. Ps looked up king pin today as always amused at where some English words come from but didn't so far find any origins, but was a term used for the central pivot on wagons.
  14. I need to get up there and have a look for everyone. Never been to the yards that far north.
  15. Very nice.... look forward to the Bedford
  16. I only have a picture of one so far. I got some more piccies today I have sent a few 40ft containers to UK with Pinzgauers in them for mates, but not sure how big these are. Maintenance is typically bad here, but km's generally low (as they break them) [ATTACH=CONFIG]89356[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89357[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89358[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89359[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89360[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89361[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89362[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89363[/ATTACH][ATTACH=CONFIG]89364[/ATTACH]
  17. We are thinking of going up next week for a look, depending on work. Curious if any are running, but let me know if you want anything specific.
  18. i was told they want around 15000rm for them which is around 3000 quid each. But that is in an email as face to face is always better over here. penang is around 4 hours North of here from memory so planning a trip up to have a look to see if they got pieces and or spares as got one local guy thinking of buying one.
  19. thought I'd post it as these armour guys aint above begging
  20. This would be good for war and piece Gutbrod t 3000 militaire http://www.leboncoin.fr/voitures/642401600.htm?ca=16_s
  22. better off giving the Astra to the local villagers and an additional 20 quid to push the tank to the port
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