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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. yep just found that, I didn't think there was that level of co-operation anymore. I also did a bit of a dig through JMF pictures as they also hang out at the same place, but their numberplates are different. If it is what it is, it is an extremely rare photo and just looking at Military Machines International June 2013 it's brother JK 33 AA is on page 32. The LHS jerry can holder appears to have been replaced with some form of mount. A bit of a bugger as I had dozed off when he originally messaged me.
  2. I don't know where he took the photo as yet...... waiting for him to wake up. Why do you pick Mersing?
  3. I was taught to do something similar in the sense of hiding the obstacle, with what was termed b@stard wire, http://www.arrse.co.uk/wiki/Bastard_Wire
  4. nah we only do the litmus test for prevention of chloride stress corrosion cracking but I thought the same thing i.e. it most likely resulted from an inherent manufacturing process defect when the steel was first rolled. Anyway it's the weekend in the UK so we should be getting another WW1 Thornycroft restoration instalment soon
  5. A mate of mine driving around Malaysia this long weekend, sends me this photo and asks me what it is and is it an American vehicle :wow: I am completely gobsmacked as its RHD (rare) and the numberplate appears to be UK and there is only one group that operates them. With that said they never operated them here so I am wondering if this has been dragged back here from a lot further north of here. I am hoping my mate can get a closer look if he hasn't driven too far away.
  6. Welcome &[ATTACH=CONFIG]86855[/ATTACH]
  7. [ATTACH=CONFIG]86854[/ATTACH]& Welcome
  8. [ATTACH=CONFIG]86852[/ATTACH] & Welcome
  9. and the Wikipedia link http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nelson_Bohnalite
  10. What about Withams? They always got wrecks but would they care about a bit of public advertisement?
  11. Wonder why they kept the gearbox.......... so no bits of track or wheels left hidden in the underbrush?
  12. I can't see much point of dissecting it, as it is what it is. Discussing legalities and other issues just ends up with people arguing and I doubt the original poster in this thread wanted to instigate an argument.
  13. I am trying to line up the same team building experience for some annoying colleagues of mine. Anyone got a fast armoured vehicle with bad brakes? I am just working on the job safety analysis and so far hazards listed are: - dehydration - sunburn - exposure to diesel fumes - a big tank
  14. I have had the booklet for these for years and never looked at it. It doesn't show the plug wiring but does show the many different versions, which could be cause of some of the variation [ATTACH=CONFIG]86796[/ATTACH]
  15. Nice team building exercise :cool2:
  16. Well to brighten up the thread , these are better than mine. Now I just have to get them from the South of France to the UK.
  17. very nice bit of work done there
  18. [ATTACH=CONFIG]86647[/ATTACH] & Welcome
  19. Zero Six Bravo read it on the flight home. I am a bit conflicted about it as not a bad read but has a huge disclaimer at the front and a lot of technical errors.. http://www.amazon.com/Zero-Six-Bravo-Special-Explosive/dp/1782060804
  20. I went up, bid on 4 lots, but didn't even get an email saying I didn't win. I was getting concerned I would get notified after I flew out, but if you have results it must be done then.
  21. Just noticed another stamping on one of the lids, looks like RADENG or RACENG? [ATTACH=CONFIG]86515[/ATTACH]
  22. http://www.ww2incolor.com/us-armor/sherman-75-08.html
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