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Everything posted by fesm_ndt

  1. Well back at work but only a skeleton crew on, so battling to make it through the lunch break awake. My only excitement was the mail: - Antenna tie downs - Quick release door pins - Ural motorcycle engine Counting down the days until UK again :nut:
  2. fesm_ndt

    Big ray

    RIP Ray - thanks for sharing your recollections with us
  3. G'day & Welcome They are quite rare on your side of the pond.
  4. Has this one been posted before..... brings a tear to my eye :-D
  5. ok check out the guy inspecting the rope at the 3 min mark http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wOc4xo0XP0
  6. that looked like a mechanical failure on the crane, given the temperature could be. the Russian tank before...... are they going for a record for driving tanks off the sides of transporters?
  7. not quite sure how this site works. I think its a bit like Withams http://www.ventes-domaniales.fr/eQ_infomobilier.php3?rub=1&idlot=600067767
  8. Another old movie I had not seen before "Inspired by Churcill's Dunkirk speech, brash, undisciplined bush pilot Brian MacLean and three friends enlist in the RCAF but are deemed too old to be fliers" A lot of actual footage on training bases in Canada
  9. this guy on Ebay mentions he has a spare tub in this listing http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/willys-jeep-classic-car-military-vehicle-/281236213385?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_3&hash=item417afc0e89
  10. First time I drove across Australia was around '74 and the Nullabor was mostly dirt back in the day. Your trip was a few years earlier so I'm guessing even less black top. I was in Townsville '90 to '93 and went there for a quick trip a few years back and was amazed how big it is now. Still love driving around Oz for some weird reason
  11. Getting close out this way with 2 hours to go so.... [ATTACH=CONFIG]85472[/ATTACH] Wishing everyone a great night out and a better year
  12. I didn't post where I watched it first, as the original site is somewhat annoying with popups but just found it here also
  13. Was digging around old movies and came across this 9 minute documentary "A tribute to the courage and resiliency of Britons during the darkest days of the London Blitz" A lot of real footage in there
  14. G'day and Welcome There was an effort recently to try and save one that was in a state of disrepair but all has gone quiet for some time now. Not sure if it still exists http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19991-LCT-LST-Landing-Craft&highlight=landing+craft
  15. very nice [ATTACH=CONFIG]85408[/ATTACH]
  16. What's salvageable? Radiator grille? What's the engine like? Mind you I used to have a link to a website where a guy restored something as bad as this so anything is doable Will be curious to follow this
  17. The other one belongs to Protac. He hasn't updated for a while as he also bought a plane :-D
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