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Everything posted by berna2vm

  1. Yes,I had never considered the T72.... I am rather enamoured with it now :-)!
  2. The Tiger is an incredibly important link in the development of the Tank. As has been previously stated, The first GREAT tank that we developed, the Centurion was built to counter this tank. It was feared greatly by it's adversaries and was technically advanced. It was certainly not obese...
  3. M3 halftracks are cool. Wish I could afford one!!!:-)
  4. I love the Netherlands (or Holland as is called here????) and I love the Dutch. It always amuses me how they always speak English with an American accent! I have had many happy weekends in Amsterdam. Rock on baby....:-)
  5. In fairness Tony ,Von Stauffenburg and his chums would have had to sue for peace because the Americans and us would have never agreed to this collaboration against the Soviets. In honesty though it may have been for the better if something like this happened with a de-nazified German army. You do have to be very brave(or very very stupid!) to undertake a task such as he against the Nazi regime because it did'nt take Albert Einstein to figure out what the consequences of failure were...
  6. I am in complete agreement with Mark on this topic. The SS did not commit all the atrocities during the second world war. In all honesty, bad deeds were committed on all sides, even the British army were not without blame to a small degree. The Waffen SS were fanatical soldiers, respected by all opponents and not to be confused with the scum on the cushy number of murdering innocent civilians. Upon capture by the ,in Italy my great uncle was offered a cigarette by them ! It happened and you cannot ignore history. I would certainly visit this museum, I find anything from this period in history fascinating.
  7. It works well enough in the wife's BMW 330i cabriolet !!!:-D
  8. The 'forgotten' war, Korea started on the 25th of June, 60 years ago. I was watching BBC news this morning and the Korean government is subsidising veterans of the conflict to return to visit their fallen comrades. This was a just war and the benefit their sacrifice gave is clearly visible to the present day. The bravery of these men from Britain, America , Canada ,Australia, New Zealand to name a few of the parcipitating nations was second to none and the war was a bloody, gritty hard won conflict. We salute you.
  9. Does anybody know if the transfer box is divorced or in unit with the gearbox?
  10. I wish that I had half a million kicking about.... I would have it !:-)
  11. Are there any still avaliable?
  12. Lets hope that they are better built than the quad bikes that I see....
  13. Bloody hell... I want one :-). I love it!!!
  14. Nice boat. I once had a R/C model of K.D. Perkhasa Fast gas turbine torpedo boat. I sold it to help finance my first road going motorcycle.... I can probably afford another now, sounds like a good idea!
  15. I personally do not care for the IWM in Manchester. I think that possibly it is the worst high profile museum in Britain. I was very disappointed :-(.
  16. Mogs rock.... I did not know that Daimler Benz refused to supply parts for captured Argentinian Mogs...
  17. That would be a real problem... I would not want to draw the short straw and get out to lock the hubs in:-(. This would be a good basis for a replica vehicle, though like the SD KFZ 222 etc... Am I to take it that these were a replacement for the Humber Pig???
  18. Has the turret been used as a gun emplacement, or is it an exhibit?
  19. What perplexes me is ... 1 They are supposedly 2000 chassis but are powered by 6.2 n/a engines. As far as I know, the 6.5 engine replaced the 6.2 around 1990... 2 Why have I NEVER seen one of these vehicles before???
  20. It will be great to have a nice new capital ship to show off, though. I don't mind paying tax for this kind of thing:-). I am not going to go into things that I don't want to contribute to though:-(...
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