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Everything posted by berna2vm

  1. This appears to be more EU bu***hit . Time we left the EU forever... One of my customers is an MP. I will be talking to him very sternly....
  2. Poor devils... It must have been horrific to all concerned....
  3. Indeed... A friend of mine who has a very successful business, purposefully will not expand his business, because he, in his own words refuses to become an 'unpaid tax collector'!!!!
  4. The other half has been out a couple of times in the MV,s. She prefers them to the motorcycles I own. She considers them to be dangerous!!!!!
  5. Nice machine, definately one of my favourites, the Militant mk III . Is it as tidy as it looks in the pictures?
  6. I tend to us cellulose thinner / gunwash. Used through an old spraygun at 160psi it works a treat. Be wary on painted surfaces, though!!!
  7. Love the Saracen, one of my favourites:). I would have to agree with Paul about the license though.:-(
  8. Yes it would make a refreshing change to have something decent to watch instead of all the drivel that seems to do the rounds these days. It would have to be based on historical fact though,in the vein of 'The Battle of Britain' to get full points.
  9. I would love to visit this place!!! All those Zils..... Heaven!!!
  10. I love this project... I wish that I had more time to build something similar. I have often contemplated building a sd kfz 234 with 3 out of 4 steering axles but I have not had time to undertake such a project. Keep up the good work.
  11. Here Here, I know you speak for all of us on here. We mere forum members have little idea how much time and effort (and cash) goes into maintaining the forum,I can only imagine. I SALUTE YOU.
  12. I think this is an interesting subject and very worthy. They apparantly drive very well and it is only when driven foolishly that they are rolled over. My friend rolled a brand new Shogun over on the motorway last year on a straight section,so maybe they should have a similar reputation? I am amazed at the spares availability, fantastic!!!! I wish parts were so easy to obtain for my 1977 Celica GT!!!:-(
  13. I hope that I don't appear ungrateful but I still have to manually enter my name each time I log in and the cropping is unfortunate. I cannot help but agree with Antarmike on this one. Will it ever work as well as before?:cry:
  14. Is it my computer which has thrown a wobbler or has the forum changed it's format. I hope it is the latter !!!
  15. Hi there it may seem like a silly question to ask but which is the better machine, Thornycroft Antar vs Rotinoff Super Atlantic? The reason I ask is because the Swiss military buy the best irrespective of price. Was the Antar banned from export? Your views, gentlemen please.
  16. berna2vm


    :)I got my magazine nearly three weeks ago!!! I think it is rather informative. Not stuffed with Landrover articles thank the lord!!!
  17. Where tanks are concerned, all I can say is Deutchland uber alles. King Tiger or Panther, in all honesty I would be pushing it to buy an M3 halftrack ( very cool ) But if money was no object that would be my choice. I can totally understand the obsession with German armour. Next choice would be the Centurion. If it had reached service a few months earlier it would have been the best tank of WW2.
  18. It was a Leyland trademark ,the hub reduction axle.The halfshaft has a gear built into it's outer end. A planetary gearset transmits the motion to the fully floating hub. A good Idea because the differential could be smaller (lighter, more ground clearance.) . The halfshaft could be lighter because the torque multiplication is lower at that point. The only drawback is that hub seals have to be good.
  19. About 8 inches of snow here tonight. We have had lots of fun in it. Having 4x4s is what this weather is all about. Had a disaster with the R/C tanks though. All of them have had track problems with the snow. The kitchen floor is like a minature scene from Kursk!!!
  20. The worst problem with the Corvair was the swing axle rear suspension which made on the limit handling extremely unpredictable. Later models were improved, but the damage was done. The car equivalent of the Sherman tank in combustibility stakes was the Ford Pinto... Unfortunately Ford lawyers deemed it cheaper to pay compensation and law suites than undertake a recall programme costing millions of dollars... Shameful but true... Talking of shameful is the amount of tax revenue we pay on every gallon of fuel we buy, about £3.50 per gallon. A total disgrace in my opinion.
  21. Great stuff. Are you in any of the pictures?
  22. Sooner rather than later,preferably gentlemen:)
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