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Everything posted by ferretfixer

  1. Indeed, Wellcome. You will find many members willing to give advice & assistance here on this worldwide forum!
  2. Brit Headspace size's are: 1.6325" & 1.643". Good luck.
  3. He dosent. He gets the ODD one here & there. Or is able to source a reciever & builds one up from parts & then chops it.
  4. This means your rifle is not getting enough gas to cycle the action. CHECK the cross pin that retains the gas cylinder has not worked it's way out of the gas block underneath. Remove it & also check it is NOT split at the end that screws into the gas block. Also check that there is a good butting up of the gas cylinder against it's female tunnel of the gas block. You DONT want excessive gas loss! IF the fit of the gas cyl is good & it Still wont function. You MAY have to ream out the gas port. Stage One is with a 2.6mm Reamer, Followed by 2.7mm if it then STILL wont function. This job MUST be done with care. & I suggest a Gunsmith do the work rather than yourself. It is a little tricky! If a reamer snapps off, you HAVE got REAL problems then!............. I have done these jobs hunderds/Thousands of times. & USUALLY, it is the gas cylinder that is at fault!
  5. Also issued to Tell'sTechs. (Radio Communication Set repairers) for small screwdrivers, instruments Etc.
  6. Also available to Armourers. I have a few I use for pin punches, small screwdrivers, Etc.
  7. Find What? A German Porn Star?...........................
  8. Yes Im SURE they will! £12,000 plus VAT, PLUS Deactivation Fee! I KNOW, I used to build them there!
  9. I found a Japanese Sniper in my soup in a Chinese Resturant once!...........
  10. ALSO: BAT, MOBAT & CONBAT load method is TOTALY different! First three have conventional Dropping Breech Mechs. Also, First three are ALL TOWED weapons. WOMAT has a SIDE Swinging Venturie to load. Also HAS to be transported IN a Vehicle. Ammo though is the SAME 12mm Rounds for ALL of the Guns.
  11. Mark, Glad to hear your OK mate. I didnt know it was you at the time! The damage repair done by John is excellent. But then again, I would expect nothing less from a fellow R.E.M.E Colleague!...:-D My second concern was Battery spilliage to the occupants. Battery acid is nasty stuff when it spills!. You were fortunate also to not have engine oil pour out from the various breathers/ orifices etc! Thank goodness it was only Minor damage. Im sure you WILL be a lot more wary in the Arena's from now on! Well done on the outcome, & now you can continue to enjoy using your Ferret! Cheers! Mike.
  12. I wouldnt have thought it could have managed to get enough speed up to ride on a 'Wall of Death'......! Perhaps as a Councilor, he rode it into a council meeting once in a 'Hall Of Death'!..........
  13. OOPPS! Forgot your question with regards to the Mounting's 'Sights'. I have never seen them used in Service I have to confess. I can only ASSUME that they were fitted to the mounting. In case of damage to the weapon mounted. IE: A bullet or shrapnell strike to the front sight block damaging the weapon. & limiting it's ability for accurate aiming. VERY simple to use (& very crude!) swing up front & rear Open appature 'Plate' like sights. Line up each open appature & align onto intended target............
  14. Oh yes, I can see now your dillema! The empty case box holder has Defo been cut off of the mount! God know why? It MIGHT have been badly damaged on a vehicle roll over? this seems to be happening more & more frequently these days for some reason? As I said, i do have a couple of the mounts here in my Garage that you are most wellcome to come & photograph & measure up, if you wish. Let me know If I can help, I could repair the mount for you if you wanted? It is a fairly easy job in my opinion.
  15. I wouldnt worry too much over this sort of thing Gary. I cant see it happening, the Government makes FAR too much revenue from Fuel duty. to want to reduce the amount of vehicles around!............. The more vehicles = The more petrol sold = even MORE revenue!................Or am I just being cynical?
  16. Always sad to see the site emptying, but I look forward to next year again. Hopefully the weather will be better? Love the Atmos at W&P, just a pleasure drivng slowly round to see your chums & link up for a chinwag & a cuppa! OK, next BRILLIANT show to look forward to is COMBINED OPs at Headcorn next month. Now the Atmos THERE is absolutely FANTASTIC! As with most shows of these types, it's not just the vehicles & exhibits that make the shows memorable. it's the PEOPLE who attend with thier Pride & joy's! And also remember, It's THE, Unsung Hero's who do all the Admin & those who give up thier time to organise, marshall & monitor these shows who deserve a HUGE thank you from us ALL! Well done to everyone concerned, involved in any of the shows we have the privellige to be able to attend.
  17. The Pump on most burners is just like a big bicycle tyre pump really. Does' the same job in effect! the 'Washer' on the pump rod is made of leather, if you remove it & soak it in clean engine oil it will swell enough to make a good seal after wiping off the excess oil. Reassemble & you should be good to go. Check the petrol jet is clear also. these tend to clog up on occasion, as burner petrol tanks were generaly filled form jerrycans. The red lead paint lining did come away in flakes inside & pour out with the petrol when filling the tank! It is VERY common for the paint lining to come out of a LOT of Jerrycans. Something a lot of vehicle owners DONT always think of! When filling ANYTHING from a jerrycan, it is ALWAYS good practice to use a funnel with a gauze filter. OR, a GOOD Jerrycan filler spout WITH an internal gauze filter! Sorry if this seems like teaching you to suck eggs. But, you WOULD be suprised how MANY people forget to inistiate this practice! A moments thought using a filter funell/adaptor, COULD save you from a roadside breakdown due to a blocked jet in YOUR carb!..........
  18. No, the ammo can holder is not cut off. it's simply been unbolted & removed for some reason. You are wellcome anytime (Except Tuesday & friday mornings!)
  19. Yes, you certainly got a Bargain there! As discussed, you can track down & source the accessories that are missing on Ebay. I always wanted one of these as a child but never realised my ambition. :-( Would LOVE one complete as an ornament in my living room! (To go beside my huge Dalek!)....:-D
  20. Looks like your missing the Ammo box holder & the rear mounting pin with combined handle. There were plenty of these about last year at Beltring. I sold Two myself there. Where are you based? If your not too far from me, you would be wellcome to come over & photograph & measure my own mount if you wish. PM me if i can help.
  21. I dont know what your budget is. But there are industrial units for hire in Ashford. Had you thought about clubbing together & renting a small unit as a few collectors together? It would cut the rental cost drasticaly if there were enough people who would take this up. The more people in on it, the cheaper it would be for ALL storing vehicles there. just a thought....................:angel:
  22. Been to Donnington MANY times in the course & connection of Smallarms delivery & collection for major repairs. Almost ALL of the 'Armorers' there were civvies. Who were employed as 'Fitters' & worked from E.M.E.Rs. On an SLR L1A1 Rifle. The ACTUAL componants that were MATCHED serial numbered were: The Reciever, The Trigger Mech Housing, The Breech Block & Breech Block Carrier. ALL other componants were NOT serial numbered. (part numbered from factory, yes. in some instances) The reason for numbering the Block & carrier Etc. Was that these componants were Gauged & fitted individualy, & were critical to the functioning of the weapon. In fact, there were many other small componants that were also individualy fitted to each rifle, but were NOT numbered! The correct way to overhaul of rustproof a rifle was that all FITTED parts were put in a numbered box & the box marked. With the weapons serial number, that way the critical componants did not get mixed up & it would save a LOT of time on rebuild (Remember, when you are paying a civillian workforce, time is money!) Parts that were individualy fitted apart from the above mentioned on an SLR include: Flash eliminator, gas cylinder, Return spring tube, body locking catch, (IF fitted with Wooden Furntiture, this ALSO was individually fitted, believe it or not!) In SOME workshops however, ALL parts that were NOT individually fitted, were inspected for servicability, vapour blasted, parkerised (Rustproofed) & spayed with Suncorite 259 heat resisting paint & baked in an oven for 30 mins (until cooked!) & then oil dipped. Tipped into large parts bins containing each of the same componant on a Long shelf. ready for reassembly to weapons on rebuild. I was on a six month attachment on Out inspections (Post Overhaul) on smallarms in a Field Workshop. & can vouch for the above as a true account of general practice in Field Workshops. Andy's comment on fitting Treg Mech housings from differing commonwealth countries rifles in British service is correct. If a replacement trig mech housing, or breech block or Carrier were fitted to SLRs. Then they WOULD be gauged & RE Serial Numbered to comply with THAT particular weapon. Usualy, the OLD serial number would be milled out & then Reengraved with the new rifle's master number. As an aside, the Barrel was also a critical componant that was gauged regularly to ensure safety & correct functioning. It was SOoooooo tightly screwed into the reciever (Breeched up) that it was always left in the reciever when re- rustproofing. it was NOT serial numbered to the rifle, even though that it was one of the most critical parts from the heart of the system! Fitting a new barrel was a job in itself!..Im not even going to go into that! (Unless someone needs to know of that task particularly for research purposes!)
  23. I feel this sort of thing very saddening. I had my own Brand New 9x9 Tent Stolen a couple of years back. Until the show starts properly, it's almost like you would have to sleep in your vehicle to keep an eye on your kit! Stay alert Guys!.....
  24. A sling, No.5 Bayonet (Expensive!) Extremely scarce rubber muzzle cover (If you ever find one!) spare mags (2 x Types) Foresight adjusting tool, (no.5 Cramp) & some inert 9mm Ammo. OH YES, The scarce twin mag pouch in '58 pattern webbing!................I think that just about covers what might be available!
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