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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Dear Colin, I received your private message, yes I can help you/ Please post a picture of your truck, there are two types of crane (possibly more) for the truck. Being on the coast and in BC your truck will return to the ground very quickly if it is not not stored under cover and away from salt air and moisture. I guess your might be ex BATUS?
  2. Welcome Adam Best, you must have deep pockets and own land and have big equipment around to consider a Chieftain. I admire your aspirations. If i win the lottery I might be tempted for something big, if I can hide it!
  3. Andrew you are correct. We have prepped our Sabre but have not lifted it yet. Remove the left seat in the turret first, frees up quite a bit of space. The traverse mechanism needs to come off, carefully You need to undo any wiring that goes to the radios at the back, I think we undid the connection at the turret master switch in the back right corner, batteries removed first etc. Also you will want to separate the basket from the turret by undoing the bolts that hold the Y bracket in the rear right. The turret lock which is front left is the last thing to remove. We were given this valuable information by a gent from this forum, Sirhc, who we thank for that. As yet we have not had time to lift the turret but will in a week or so.
  4. I have expected others closer to James aka Puketoo to update this thread but no one has, so I feel obliged to do it myself. James Newport, owner of 01 DD 06 died September 10th 2016. His death was a heavy blow to those who knew him. He was a former US Military NCO and it appears he had PTSD from what those around him reported. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news
  5. When I posted "Where people acquired Gucci kit from and when they wore it was always interesting, on exercise seemed to be the most latitude displayed for it" I meant that itr was an eye opener as to who else were in those areas as part of that force element be they REME or AAC or RA or RE or whatever the unit was. It was by seeing those kinds of bits of kit on people that gave their past service away and made them interesting people to chat to, that is all I meant.
  6. Ted, thanks for the insight into the vehicles. I know I can likely look elsewhere but do tell us, who staffed the Auxiliary Fire Service, always wondered that.
  7. Welcome Pete, perhaps you should start a separate thread on your vehicle as it is today and show some pictures and put a link back to this page for reference
  8. Although this NCO is wearing the AAC unit slide which I am assuming means Army Air Corps I usually associate that cold weather hat as being a Royal Marine piece of issue kit. There are some pictures on the net but I cant find a free one to post here. Where people acquired Gucci kit from and when they wore it was always interesting, on exercise seemed to be the most latitude displayed for it.
  9. Thank you for sharing. As others have said, great work and don't stop doing it or posting how you are getting along, many are watching.
  10. Was there a difference between the civvy radiator, radiator cowling and fan between the military and civilian vehicles? Thanks
  11. And for that matter a Ferret owner so you are definitely ok. Bienvenue chez nous, est mon Francais n'est pas bon donc c'est ok si votre Anglais n'est pas la meilleur aussi.
  12. We chased what we thought was a gearbox leak until we realised it was residual coming off the trunnion mount refit and how oil sploshed from that was under the gearbox and had not been cleaned up properly. Silly us!
  13. Tim could you by any chance put some pictures up of what you are doing for all of us please?
  14. My comments on what I think are not complimentary so I will try to be tactful and polite, for a change. I cant see many civvy owners ever using that much fuel so as far as I am concerned you should be thinking about a remote fuel source and tapping into the system. I have just completed this on a Ferret with great results and will get some info up on here asap in its own thread so watch for it. Sure clean it all out etc but it is a ticking time bomb long term unless you are doing big miles. My humble opinion
  15. I am so glad you saved them Rick Good luck with whatever you do with them
  16. Would the owner please contact me by email please or anyone knows who the owner is could you email me and tell me please? Thanks in advance
  17. I have been reading this with interest as I have posted the same question a few years ago but did not get the benefit of your knowledge Clive, thank you for posting these details. Your instructions are generalised and obviously cover petrol and diesel engines as we can see. Recently, friends installed a B80 engine and upon starting it found that it wanted to over heat. A subsequent tear down of the coolant system revealed a some crystal like material lodge in the thermostat which stopped it closing and caused the overheat, it is thought. I was looking at your instructions for any reference to such a crystal material and what the flushing should have been, but there is no reference to it. Any thoughts?
  18. Friend has this, there is suggestions as to what it is, I have no clue
  19. There are very specific issues with regard to Year Of Manufacturer that dictate eligibility to import a vehicle to the US of A. Make sure you do your homework on that first before you get too fixated on a vehicle. Buy from someone in the UK who will do all the due diligence for you so you dont end up with a green Land Rover with a twisted chassis and brakes that don't work and and engine that doesn't run, that is how ex military Land Rovers come out of service sometimes. I recommend a phone call and quick chat with Les Parker at Rovers North in Westford Vermont might help also, nice company and he is very knowledgeable and helpful. Also joining the Defender Forum and poking around and asking a few questions will get some useful answers
  20. I agree with 101 Ron, worth every penny and reliable
  21. Withams had them, ask around the dealers, someone will have one. Good luck on finding securing hardware
  22. as stated on your other post, have a contact that may help you Email me
  23. Dear Chris, what manuals do you have that you are using as reference material? I will delve into my notes form my gearbox rebuild and see what I can find.
  24. Welcome to the forum Mark, from Ontario. Yes it is trying when dealing overseas, we at work have had our share of "restored" lemons sold to us. Good luck with the T55 replacement, a friend is about to receive 2 Leopards bought and refurbished in Poland, happy to pass the contact info along
  25. There are a number of different hose ends that by way of a quick coupling attach to the lower side and allow a 90 degree turn or a straight end. These pictures were taken by and are all used with the permission of Rob Love
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