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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. I have been trying to find the old Ferret Heaven website data that listed the Mk designations and where they went around the world. I have been trying to reach Jim Webster to gain access to his new closed site that allegedly has that information archived. Any info anyone?
  2. Malcolm, The request came from a "new to me" friend who hopefully will register on here soon. I have not opened a parts book or wandered out to any of the 3 in my local bubble to see what exactly it is. Let me get back to you on that. Somehow I think his gearbox may have gone over centre and need the big bar trick but I have not seen the vehicle in person as yet. I will get back to you, thanks for asking.
  3. Howdy, does anyone have a source for one or a god alternate part? This is the one down at the pedal end
  4. Welcome along. putting them all under a roof will help condition considerably, buying the proper manuals will also help big time. Welcome to the forum.
  5. If you have a picture from a manual it might serve to jog the memory of those of us who can't remember what day it is let alone what the green thing with the odd bends and a handle is for on the pile
  6. There has been much written about various modifications of Ferrets based purely on official paperwork. I like to back these up with first hand or even better photographic evidence. The the modification instruction C-30-541-000/CF-030 Stowage, Browning Machine-Gun tripod issue 1-11 Sep 1964 seems to be the ultimate smoking gun document for dating the change over for the Bren to the .30 Cal? This is the one that details the stowage of the tripod on the left engine deck cover. So, that then triggers the question, does anyone have a picture of a Canadian Ferret with the left engine deck without the fittings? See what I mean?
  7. And it would be helpful also if you could flesh out your profile a bit more so it shows where you are in the world
  8. If you were looking to do a pumps through the ages how about this trailer and pump currently up for disposal, maybe snag the pictures for later someone? https://whitelabel.globalauctionplatform.com/en-gb/auction-catalogues/wca/catalogue-id-witham1-10000/lot-27b9d9ae-8b76-4ca7-a372-a73900cf37c1?clienturl=wca
  9. I learn so much watching other peoples work. Can The Tank Factory answer this please, what is the plan for all the fasteners that are not painted? Will there be one more coat of paint at the end? Awesome project.
  10. In the last picture, to what vehicle does that tire belong to please?
  11. I am often amused by the observation abut the factory finish versus in use. It is one on those things that is a matter of personal taste, and our veterans fought for our freedom to do just that. Anyway, Albertamj has a high standard that many like me aspire to start off at and let the patina of usage allow the vehicle to end up clean and tidy and used as you like. Knowing the man himself and having seen pictures of some of his other vehicles this one fits in as being a very well loved vehicle.
  12. I suspect that your noise is inside, if you think the shaft is noisy then as albertamj said to me on the phone today it sounds logical that it is a bearing inside on that shaft doesnt it? I have been in a bit of a fog this week
  13. I opened my mouth before engaging brain, yes correct, drain from underneath. Robin
  14. You are certainly doing a cracking job on the clean up. It is something that everyone with a Ferret should do early n in ownership. Look forward to seeing how the whole project progresses. Robin
  15. To drain the oil requires removing the gearbox from the hull mounts. we have sucked the oil out through the dipstick hole before and the fill plug. Might be worth doing that and threading a small camera inside.
  16. So I tend to agree that it is quite possibly outside the box for the stated reasons. You didn't answer the "pedal up" question. It wouldn't be the first time someone has put a ferret together and had something rubbing or perish the thought left a tool behind that sits and rattles only at certain speeds, I know I have done that twice, I am human. I am not a mechanic but very logical, start by removing interior tin work and slowly strip it down and each time repeat the gears and see if it has gone. Are you running it up in those gears on the road or on a rolling road or axle stands? There can always be interference between rotating prop shafts and objects. Go slowly and you will find it.
  17. Well, if you haven't been tinkering then that answer that one. Have you been doing the "pedal up" procedure? What manuals do you have to look at? I am suspicious as to what you have judging by your questions. What is your skill level and shop equipment available. I am in the process of acquiring some gearboxes as spares for rebuilding, I have had mine rebuilt locally but that is all long term, you want here and now fix. The gearbox is relatively simple but it seems light years ago that mine was rebuilt and the vehicle rebuild has stalled owing to building a shop. There is a lot inside but it is a drum and brake bands and gears inside. The photo shows one apart, mine, a lot can rattle. Give us some answers, sounds like gear specific problem.
  18. Disturbing for sure. What work have you done in your ownership of the vehicle? Have you tried disengaging the drive train from the wheels to eliminate it being any other source?
  19. I want to reply to help but I don't want it to sound like I am making fun of you. Quite honestly as long as it is some kind of bright white rather than a shade of white I would say you are good to go, especially if a unit did their own spruce up of a vehicle with whatever white was on hand. I applaud you for trying to be accurate and correct but way under the wagon on the rear diff any white will do the job IMHO, matte, semi gloss or gloss would be a more interesting decision.
  20. Reminds me of "some assembly required, battery not included"
  21. I well understand both side of the coins as stated so far. I would however say that no one has mentioned how us folks in the colonies get screwed over very well, I have often had UK residents buy items as the foreign sales price is higher and quite often we get sent stuff that is not as advertised or the duff bunch of the batch and then get stiffed. If they know it is going to a UK buyer then we don't get the jink but eat the VAT.
  22. Welcome to the forum, Some nice vehicles you have owned Good luck in your search
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