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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Thank you Wally for that input on the one here. I have asked the current owner for some input and history and await his reply
  2. Radek, Ferret parts are climbing in value and dropping in their supply, if you need something and find it then buy it no matter the quality as most assemblies are rebuildable and you may not find them again. As far as axles there are none as the vehicle is a monocoque hull with wheel stations bolted to it and nothing going right through it from side to side. How soon do you need parts? I may have some for you but shipping will be expensive. Explain what you are doing and I may be able to help.
  3. Tony B, did you mean to say "neither fresh fish, fair fowl nor game". How horrid
  4. Is this the same type of vehicle at minute 6.46 in this clip?
  5. Yes, Loads to report, just have slipped behind in the updates and posting of photos. I will try and get my act together and plug away at it this weekend maybe. Thanks for prodding me to finish it up
  6. Bob can I put my hand up for it? Happy to pay postage etc.
  7. I did not know they were an air start but now you explain it all it makes sense. I suppose they would be ridiculously cheap at time of sale because of that and might have been worth converting to a conventional starter system? Who knows if one languishes in the tall grass storage somewhere just waiting to be found.
  8. Sean N, thank you for my newest word of the week and a jolly good laugh "and was impecunious at the time" Who would have thought saying "I was flat broke" could sound so classy? Thanks
  9. BlueBelle in post 134 you make reference to the Cambridge Carrier and then ask where they were trialled. I would suggest that Canada is an answer as this one exists today near me. I have posted these before, they are my images not to be reproduced etc etc.
  10. I don't know the pedigree of those parts but I am told the bike is stock
  11. Simon, thanks for the comments, I see you have a few bikes yourself. Where are you located in the world? There is nothing in your profile in the top right like mine has. I see some ex USAF stuff, are parts easy to get for you? Need any help with those? Yes, I am very lucky to get this bike. It fits the bill for me as there are a few older Triumphs and Harleys on the circuit from time to time but they are not very practical bikes. I wanted a boke as I live on an island and farm and have acres of fields around which to bimble as we leave a maintenance margin, plus the island has nice roads. I have trailered armour around to shows and it is a slug fest. Now with the bike I can ride to local shows and easily load it into our truck or put it on or in a small trailer and go a longer distance. It is also small to store. I am building a workshop and will be rebuilding some Ferrets so this will be a nice escape in between. Having something Canadian makes a difference for the connection with the public and the old time soldiers at shows. I learned on and rode Can-ams in the army in the UK and have loved this size of bike and have owned a Yamaha XT in civvy street. So to be able to combine the size, uniqueness, ease of storage, ease of maintenance and connection is brilliant. Yes, I am very happy.
  12. The most amazing part about this bike is that the former owner bought it from the government disposal agency and has had it since 2003 and has never repainted the machine. The markings are all original including the call sign 91S
  13. I thought I would share a tale of joy or dead luck, whichever you choose let us just say I am happy. Last year in a fit of enthusiasm but also in a sea of not knowing I bought what I had thought was an ex army motorcycle. Sadly daylight and a call to a dealer friend revealed that I had bought a wanna be bike and not the original item. I have hankered after a dual sport motorbike and one with a Canadian Military connection was my ideal choice, the 250 cc is a size and weight that I like. There were 58 bikes which were 1992 models with a 95 CFR year and 17 bikes which were 1999 models with a 20 CFR year. So a couple of thinks need to be explained. The bikes were sold to Hayes Diesel Technology and they were the ones to spec them out and do the militarisation. The CFR is the Canadian Forces Registration, of which the last 5 digits show up on the licence plate of the vehicle, but the first two digits are the year of purchase. So, these bikes were released from service in 2003 when some bright spark decided motorbikes were not part of the modern army. These bikes were snapped up and there are few of the 75 original bikes ever seen around. There are a few in museums and are often lacking the side panniers. By pure fluke I was searching a popular classified site one night just over a week ago I stumbled upon a bike for sale. Within 3 hours I had spoken to the owner and we had struck a deal to purchase. I am now the proud owner of a genuine ex Canadian Army machine and look forward to riding it this summer to shows around Ontario and displaying what is a great piece of kit. The next challenge will be to bring it back from Edmonton, Alberta to Kingston, Ontario. that I am hoping will happen in a month or so just as the snow melts. Here are some photos from the seller. Cant wait to get it home.
  14. Steel Vintners? Underground Armour? Phoenix Productions? Diggers and magnetometers?
  15. Thanks I will follow up on that, any clue what kind of price point they were asking?
  16. From what I have seen there were two different builds, a 2.5 na 90 and then a Wolf or TUL version. While I understand the concept of dropping two vehicles into a drop zone on an airdrop pallet how were they meant to be un-stowed once on the ground. Surely a drop zone for the airborne troops would not have cranes to lift it off. What was the plan there? Just curious as I have not seen anything mentioned about that crucial step
  17. Phil, Thanks for the reply, I was curious as to why it had the upgraded shaft, I was wondering if you were going to retrofit the other but then why would you? The hull number explanation makes sense. Thanks
  18. I am looking for a data plate in good condition, no extra holes drilled or shot through it. If it is stamped with details that is not a problem. Might consider a re casting of an original. Monies waiting for the right item
  19. You might also want to look at this and contact the posters http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?39565-Belgian-CVRTs-Any-Service-Records-available
  20. What do you plan to do with the coupling shaft? Will you keep it or change it up? There is a CVR(T) FB group and there were a couple f Belgians posting on there and tracing vehicles for folks.
  21. Howdy chum, welcome to the forum. Can I suggest you edit your public profile and add a geographical are or specific place you are from because right now no one has a clue where you live and may not answer because of it. Just a suggestion
  22. John is this the same one? http://www.theprogress.com/news/230911881.html
  23. John, thank you for doing a great service for all those who might be tempted. Replicas are wonderful right up until the moment it is passed of for real as part of any kind of transaction, money or trades.
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