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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. "Batteries not included, some assembly required, no glue provided with this kit" Congratulations, you are very lucky and may you have many hours of fun with it.
  2. Scurvey Knave you should post picture of everything you have and not just because you think someone will like them. I for a fact LOVE them and others who will follow behind will find this invaluable, please don't hold back, honest, they are smashing. It is the ordinary and everyday that no one takes pictures of that becomes obscure because of a lack of reference material.
  3. I like the second photo from the left but then again I am biased as I speak my mind. What is the item lashed to the antennae tube with the red end to it? Thanks for the info, I am now informed.
  4. Is it the lintel over the left door way lacks support as it doesn't go all the way along to have structure underneath on the right hand end?
  5. Its a silly question but I have to ask, in some of the pictures of the Michigan move you are obviously wearing civvies and not uniform, why?
  6. Mad scientist aka Jeremy, wonderful write up. How about some pictures of it installed? Now, what about the headlights? What is your choice for these? Love this thread
  7. I would be very careful of putting too much in the way of strength on the presence of a coat of paint, and the idea that Bovingston would know anything about that is thin IMHO. Have you done the email freedom of information request to Her Majesty"s Government through the email form? From whom did you acquire the vehicle and were they the first custodian since the vehicle came out of service? What refit level is the 439? Perhaps a picture would help others help you a bit more than words as there is much that a keen eye can see. Love to help more, what can you show and tell us?
  8. I have a for sale thread (spin on oil filter adapter for sale) that is now closed. Does this happen automatically after a specified time period or did I do something wrong and contravene a rule I was unaware of? Comments / direction please
  9. Ruxy, for many years the main armour training was done at Suffield (BATUS) but there was an infantry and light artillery training done up at Wainwright at CFB Wainwright. I have seen some documents marked BATSUW as British Army Training Support Unit Wainwright and a bunch of the last petrol Land Rovers around here came from there, don't confuse it with Alaska. here is a link to some of the clean up http://www.ceaa.gc.ca/052/details-eng.cfm?pid=22453
  10. Sean thanks for the info, as far as your question as to which port you might want to look at a map of the world with distance on it. BATUS is nearer the sea on the west coast than it is on the east coast of Canada, this is not a small country as I found out when I first came here. The movement of the vehicles and equipment was in some years done by Royal Fleet Auxiliary but I think the distances and costs soon made it something that was tendered out. Yes, some years kit went through Vancouver but more often these days it goes through Montreal and then by road and rarely by rail these days. The freight industry has become so cut throat. Here are some videos of BATUS kit on trains, you will note the passenger car behind the Challengers for obvious reasons. No clue on that top string about Vancouver? Robin
  11. Will there be some kind of loop on top to make lifting the pin easier? What is your plant there? Nice simple design you have
  12. What wonderful Dad and Daughter time you are having, as a parent I cherish those moments now my ow daughter has just become engaged! Congratulations for taking it slow and making it manageable for her and what a cracking job she has done. She should be very pleased. I like how you got some figures a plane and a wagon all in one diorama. What is the next project going to be?
  13. Dear All, Can anyone take a look at this trailer and decipher the markings please? I have figured out some of the, the I.R.R. PAINT on the bottom left is fairly self explanatory. The VANCOUVER on the lower right is likely because it was shipped out to Canada through the Port Of Vancouver or would be returning to the UK that way. The far left upper block looks to be some kind of CVD preservation / issuance standard block. The upper right string starting with the F.S.O. is a mystery to me. This trailer was photographed in Wainwright in the province of Alberta in 1983 by Ed Storey from whom I have permission to use the image.
  14. Frankly I am well sure that the local law have much better things to do than pull aged MVs to see if the now more than brighter than original lights have a appropriate manufacture marks. I well respect the compliance with sensible laws but honestly if it made me more visible at night I would do it and take the ticket for the offence if proven. Sometimes there are bigger and better things to worry about. This is meant as my opinion on a subject and not meant to cause offence to the poster in any way what so ever.
  15. Dear Mad Scientist ( I am sure you have a real name) Thank you for the plethora of information. What is the contact information for the supplier please and prices for the various items? I am on the edge of replacing with LED versions for many vehicles in our fleet as I feel it holds the standards which I work by as follows:- 1 it improves the operability of the vehicle as it makes you more visible when on the road and therefore safer 2 it does not prevent you from going back to the OEM bulbs in any way so the vehicle is not compromised in value
  16. Welcome to the forum Steve, handsome looking bike, glad to have you here
  17. Welcome, many of us here either don't use Facebook as we don't see the ability to archive the way this forum does. Otherwise, welcome in.
  18. no pictures, link goes to a dead end, im in firefox
  19. Interesting read for those who were around in those days and now can have the full picture. I have never seen the larger 58 pattern large pack, does anyone have one to show us beside the regular sized one?
  20. Well, most of us MV anorak types have a fairly keen eye and tend to spot shapes and images in passing no matter how small the details are. We all know about the Storm Troopers weapons being based on the Sterling 9mm SMG. I was entertained for Christmas by my daughter to a viewing of the movie. I could not help notice a flash of CVR(T) style track as the Imperial Hovertank moved and that led to some online research which shows quite clearly what appears to me to be a Stormer TRV used as the basis for the vehicle. The battle scenes show the characters darting in and around piles of boxes which I recognised as what folks call Laycorn boxes. Has anyone else spotted anything else? Enjoyed the movie.
  21. A very Happy Christmas to you all from a small island in the St Lawrence River in Canada
  22. I was curious about the request from Dave for detail for his model, as a plastic modeler from years ago I have a lot of respect for model makers. So I did some research and found that Dave Winfield is from my same fair Province and Country and has some incredble skills. Here is a link to his paper Saladin, I was blown away
  23. Clive or anyone, can you expand on the red glow patches on the vehicles please? Were they only an NI marking? Were they painted or self adhesive? Thanks
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