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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Malcolm, I feel you pain when you stated "we should have pulled the oil tank as well". So many times I have been the junior member of a team and the proper ways have been ignored and shortcuts taken and then hours of forcing and pushing and prying have followed and the odd broken item made of unobtainium has resulted all for a perceived shortcut which wasn't in the end. I well understand in your circumstance things are different as the procedures etc are not well known, so no one should think I am being critical of you in any way, you are very talented and I am in awe of what you do.
  2. I feel that this thread has great merit and it is something I have long tried to recall myself but somehow I have little memory of the paperwork these days. We should archive as much as we have individually and post them up here for all to see and be able to download and reprint for ourselves. I have some papers here and will attempt to scan them and upload them. If anyone has knowledge then please show and explain how they were filled in and used, my memory is non existent nowadays on the subject. This thread should be wary of updates in the forms through the years and the wise ones should point this out for us all. Of to look for my papers
  3. I have seen many vehicles sold with 654s that don't match the vehicle. Sad to see, good luck
  4. David, thanks for the governor reminder, that is part of the first parade process. Put the way on in the shed for the minute, going to be a couple of weeks now before we get to it again, will report findings
  5. Has it crossed your mind like it did ours to replace the lubricant with one shot grease like they did on some Land Rover campaigns, this has been coffee time talk in our shop for a while.
  6. Our 436 has developed a fault. When you let off the throttle it doesnt idle all the way down and hence doesn't come out of drive and wants to still move. I am thinking that the cable to the injection pump has corroded and needs removal and stripping down and lubrication. There is also a thought that troublesome interferring hands may have engaged a hand throttle and I need to check that. Any other suggestions before I dive in?
  7. I am often reminded that some military vehicles had to be painted in colours to make them stand out rather than melt into the background, they for the most part are rare now de-mobbed. The two that spring to mind on this forum are Jessie the Jeep chap and that Karrier (sp) air traffic control vehicle and I think there was a Bedford TK in the same colours. I spotted a Land Rover in the following clip at the 2.30 mark that would be hard not to get comments about if shown these days, would love to see it done.
  8. When you consider that I live in Canada it is surprising what one can find around locally. I saw these a while ago and it took a couple of visits to the flea market to buy them. I am in two minds if I will keep them or let them go to someone who wants them as a set. They are 9 1/2" by 15" and on a card type paper and have a string loop to hang in a window I thought I would share them before they go.
  9. Can you post some pictures of it especially the makers plates from the dash area? I may have a wiring schematic for you
  10. Have you measured the circumference as per the manual? The tolerance is under 2 inches I seem to recall.
  11. Can I just point out that it is difficult for others to assist you when they dont know even what country you live in, I would suggest you fill that in on your profile and then others are more likely to reply
  12. Pavl is this for your vehicle? I thought yours was ex Belgian, now I am very confused.
  13. I thought someone would chime in on this already, but Andrew Baker seems to know all about Diesels in CVRTs
  14. I had a "nothing found" take nearly 2 months, but at least they replied in the end.
  15. It was it seems very much up to each unit to set a standard. In Northern Ireland many Ferrets carried one SLR and one SMG.
  16. Can you show us what you are trying to replace? Robin
  17. There is footage on youtube of some Berlin Brigade 109" recce vehicles upon which that kit was based, which itself was originally done by ESCI. The First Gulf war saw many airfield type protection vehicles, RAF Regt etc stripped down and tooled up as an open soft top. You will note by Ruxy's comments that a lot of purists call these vehicles "Walts" as they don't believe they ever existed. The provenance is everything for many of us. My suggestion to you is to do some research and find a picture of what you like and then re create it and then when you do you signage up for shows etc you say "portrayal" of RAF Regt vehicle as used in etc etc, with a picture beside it. If you dont then the rivet counter types will be all over you and it will ruin your enjoyment of your vehicle. My opinions are mine and it isn't required that you like them.
  18. The trailer of that style that I own in the 1:1 scale has a towing hitch at the rear, will yours include that detail?
  19. Great to see you are still making progress with your vehicle, I was worried at one point that it might have become all too much for you, all credit to you. There is a CVRT facebook group and some of the Belgians have been on there and some people have found in service vehicle pictures through it. Hope to see you at Aquino Robin
  20. I tend to agree with Diana and would say just paid the cash and call a truck capable of moving it and save the time wasting exercise. The flaw with your plan to construct an A bar is where in the heck are you going to couple it to? The Ferret was never designed to be used in conjunction with an A bar. I am speaking foom experience, welding and fabricating is my trade. You would have to weld lugs onto the front of the vehicle unless you do what I did which was to make up a securing device to hold the mounting pints onto the Ferret, which I did to shunt empty Ferret hulls around, so a much lighter load. I used a CVR(T) set of bars.
  21. Datadawg, come up to the Aquino Event in Oshawa at the end of this month and we can have a chat about getting you repaired. I hate to burst you bubble or make you feel down about the hobby, but I am afraid I agree with Chris as to how to solve your problems. The joy of the MV hobby is figuring it out for yourself and making new friends and learning new skills. While I am in my 50s and can weld and fabricate like a demon, mechanical work and the like is a learning curve for me also. You need to find a retired mechanic who can become your play buddy who either gets paid in giggles as driver / commander with you or gets paid liquid cash. I have seen folks post pictures of their vehicle in local parts wholesaler counters with wordage like "want to help me with my tank". Sure you get a few nut jobs and wannabees but you might make a good friend through that. Look at the Texas Dragoons mob. We (people like Chris and I) see people come into the hobby and try to help as best we can with advice or inspiration where we can but only help so much. A place to store and work on your vehicle, good manuals and some basic shop tools and work outwards from there. Plunging in with two vehicles is very gutsy. Here to help when I can, and yes I know Chris personally and trust him implicitly, he is telling you the straight goods.
  22. And don't forget Chris lives in the land where all the spares are, for those of us on this side of the pond they are non existent.
  23. Welcome to the world of trans-atlantic armour movement, been there done that gone many T shirts. It will buff out, eventually
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