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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Seeing as how galvanised tensioning wire over here is so darn hard and inflexible I somehow think you will be better off using the material for most applications as made by the maker. A friend has some on a vehicle here and it fooled us all fr a long time and it sat nicely. Taking it apart and trying to make a hybrid may be more trouble than its worth, but then again I dont know what your are trying to replicate.
  2. Welcome Steve, check your private messages
  3. The Fv430 series are not something I know much about at all. A friend has an Abbot with a cooling fan that doesnt seem to run. I suspect he doesn't have manuals which is a sin to begin with but let us not go down that route. He lives many hours away from me and I have never viewed the vehicle. He complains that one of the cooling fans is not running. He asked me why. Upon doing some research they are both run from the same hydraulic drive system and according to the manual of Doug's F432 site there is an adjusting screw for each fan speed. Can anyone sow a picture of where that is located and suggest any more reasons that this obvious one for the fan drive not to work properly? Thanks in advance
  4. Oh my, so early in the year to be putting thing on Santa's list already. That looks like a useful book to read.
  5. Welcome Geoff, are you in Canada or just a devotee of Canadian equipment?
  6. Ive got 4 over here but unlikely that it would cost effective to post one Rob.
  7. Malcolm I am sure that the pressure will be on to get it up and running for Aquino will be strong.
  8. Phil Great news on how you are going about the refit. Yes manuals and good knowledge are key to doing the job right. Grand work
  9. The M113 vehicles have a stowage position for a few links of track on the front. The 432 series did not have that from what I know. What are you trying to achieve?
  10. I am as usual grateful for all of your answers to my posted thread. I am as usual on a fishing trip for information and do so in a way that is not a leading question but rather a more circumspect way that gets people to tell the facts of what they know. Richard"s snippet "think they did them for other overseas countries" is pointing to why I just found this on an engine in an interesting location.
  11. Does anyone know anything about whom they rebuilt engines for? Did the UK MOD ever use them instead of ABRO?
  12. As a wanna be Land Rover Anorak as you Brits like to say, the Land Rover has civilian style sidelights and indicators and no over rider / upper bumperette on the front that one would associate with the production ones most often. Also the patch above the windscreen is typically where the production VRN tends to be placed rather than down on the wing in some cases.
  13. I have detailed that problem in my Ferret restoration thread (now stalled). You can buy a newer style which I am ok with using in a sympathetic restoration. Hope these few pictures help. I ground off the circular raised piece off the back to help it sit flush
  14. What effect will the hull being less than full weight have when setting the torsion bar angle / dimensions?
  15. What are you thinking of putting into the gap between the cab and the rear body? A rotating knuckle boom? I like watching the big boys meccano
  16. So when you matched it to the DAF you were able to get a panel that had not been sun bleached I am guessing? I wont make any comments on colour as computers and cameras lie horribly. Will you be wearing carpet slippers to operate it? I once visited a guy in the UK down the road from Duxford who made me take off my shoes and put on booties and only walk on tea towels draped over the bins. It was scary. Nothing wrong with starting nice and clean and straight. I have been gettig really good results in other oil painting using a 3 inch wide foam roller. Local hardware store keeps them in stock for me. I find they get in everywhere and cover well. Oh yes, bug season will be upon us soon. Wise man.
  17. Welcome, nothing like starting with a big project. Looks very complete, good luck.
  18. Was this no good? http://bovingtonprishop.co.uk/products/?pid=155
  19. What a wonderful job you are doing. A real drag about the fuel pump. I wonder when I look at the straightness of the fenders (wings for our UK readers) how many times they have been on and back off for tweaking. What paint are you using and what type of gun?
  20. Thank you Malcolm, I appreciate the input. I will be coming to see you soon n the same subject
  21. Simon, I have to ask, are you related or is the family name coincidental?
  22. Well if you have your bar we can do that for Paul when we go down to visit him soon
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