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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. A word of warning from this side of the pond from someone who has done the receiving end. The mindset of the agencies in the USA and Canada about items of an off road nature arriving over here is that they must be "white glove" clean + free of soil. There is a healthy paranoia about the unwitting importation of another countries pest, mites, blights and disease and an inspection to that end is usually performed at port of landing regardless of inland clearance. In Canada a port of landing visual inspection is always performed even if the vehicle is under bond for inland clearance, as if the bond is broken then Customs have let the vehicle into the country without exercising due diligence. R
  2. As fabicator occassionally of things metal, here are my thoughts on making a fuel tank. I would build a box around the tank out of a good grade of plywood, glued and screwed together. This is the only way to respect the many angles and planes and dimensions of the tank. Then I would card template the flat surfaces and slowly tack sections together using that as the jig. I would take care to make good over lapping joints that will not flex. I would also look to see how many surfaces could be made from one surface with wing projections bent to form another surface to reduce the number of welds. I would also take great care to decide on which welding process to use to join the panels. I am thinking that in a few years time it may be worth doing this if the demand is there. Robin
  3. Please let me make it very clear these vehicles belong to an entity that I have christened as "The Union Jack Collection". The owner wishes to remain out of the limelight but is happy for his kit to be shown. I maintain as best I and my staff can and operate them on the owners behalf. It is just one dimension to my employment for his organisation. I would hate for anyone to think I'm a soft touch for the loan of a fiver just because I am associated with so much hardware. I currently with my partner own 2 Canadian Mk1 Ferrets Robin
  4. Here is a big "Good Luck guys and dolls" from Canada from me. Jack you must be thrilled to see it all start to come together on the ground after all the work. We are watching you. Expect to see all the pics of people screwing up + arsing around that won't be on the DVD! Robin
  5. So, Mr Safariswing also know as Lee whats behind your name then? R
  6. Dear Mike, You expose one of my pet peaves about forums and that is how people are known. I for one have registered and use my name, its always been good so far in life. There are some here who like yourself have had long time association with a vehicle and that is admirable. If you must have a "handle" you should be known in my humble opinion sir, as, wait for it, "Too Wide Mike" brrrrm tsh! (sound effect drum roll and crescendo stage right) or alternatively "Not Afraid To Call a Spade A Spade Mike" or "Relentless Mike" or "Chapter and Verse Mike":nut: I could go on but Mike (whatever your last name is) would work fine for me. Honest mate, keep the name and if asked explain to those who dont know you or let them figure it out. Robin (Aka "Robin 2 Ferrets" or "Parliament Hill Tours" or "Round Rover Robin")
  7. what are lot 372 and 375 tow bars from? Look like Spartan but the end pin look too small. R
  8. Blimey! I thought he was checking the long range weather forecast, several very consistent fronts moving in . . . . . R:dancinggirls:
  9. Was that the one on E Blag this week? R
  10. I'm surprised that there are that many of them still around all these years later that they would not command more money. Yes it has a bit more value here. R
  11. Adrian, Those boxes to the left of the Stens look remarkably like repro boxes of the ones I was trying to get identified a while ago. Do you have measurements? Are they divided inside? R
  12. Today I picked up a Jerry Can with the marking WD with broad arrow in between dated stamped 1945. On one of the big sides in the centre flat area it has the letters VM. Can anyone elaborate on what it is, its rarity and possible value please? R
  13. Lee, Spin on oil filter adaptors have been around for eons and they work very well. The only problem that is recurrent is that from time to time people install them wrongly and the one way check valve fitted comes into play and no oil is filtered. This happens on a frequent basis in the Land Rover world over here to some poor soul. Just read the blurb! R
  14. Now now kind Sir, I have plenty of manuals for hot water tanks and am fully conversant with their operation! Beside I didnt see you offer the man help and your nearer! R
  15. I agree with Degsy, warming the sachet first and dont cut the tip off too big! Main dealer service manager who is a leading light locally and a great mechanic before he was elevated to pencil pusher told me about warming the sachet. Works very well. R
  16. Are we allowed to gues the "secret location" and will you tell us if we get it right? R
  17. Finaly figured out how to post an album, hope you all enjoy R
  18. Andy, thanks for the footage of the Chieftains, if one closed ones eyes one could imagine one was on Salisbury Plain back in the 80s again. Think the gun tank driver was having a few gear issues or in too high a gear compared to the recovery / repair variant driver. Did you get / will you be posting any of the CVR(T) footage or was the camera choked with dust by then? R
  19. Dear Diesel Demon, bung me a cheap airfare and I will be delighted to come over for a week and eat you out of house and home and assist!
  20. Our fearless leader Jack gets the boys well stuck into the authentic re-enactment preparations for Armour + Embarkation but no one dares to tell him the props are from the wrong war!
  21. Reference my last, cancel, just need to work out how to do captions, got a whack of photos loaded now R
  22. The ignoring of the Ferret was likely caused by peoples consternation as to why you had the manual for your hot water tank taped to the engine deck!:trustme: R
  23. trying to make an album and upload it. I need Lee to make an idiots guide tutorial like he did for adding pictures to a post! thanks R
  24. Yes Tim we use that as a touch up but have you ever tried to paint a whole damned truck with spray cans? R:argh:
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