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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Antar, I know it would be a labour of love but is there any chance you could actually put the lots and what they were and the price they went for on here as a list. R
  2. Its a grand idea but just dont forget that the material goes absolutely everywhere and needs to be cleaned very thoroughly. Technique and pressure is everything as is the media used. Dont forget glass will become opaque and that the media is everywhere. We have a vehicle that was sand blasted, lenses for headlights were nailed, bins full of sand even after painting, the level of care shown on that vehicle being put together before we purchased it is awful, this is just a small part of the nightmare it continues to be. R
  3. Speaking on behalf of those of us not able to jump the puddle this summer, as i was elected unofficial spokesperson at the election you didnt hear about. . Could I ask a stupid question? Being as how technology has advanced and Mark is supposedly a dab hand with a camera, could we by means of cunning or guile or photoshop do a Rev 2 picture with those of us who cant be there added in or as a separate picture altogether for some fun? Just asking. . . . R
  4. Ask the nice man if it still has warranty on it if you buy it :nut: :cool2: R
  5. Hawk missile launcher vehicle and merc engineer vehicle and M548 interest me. R
  6. I saw that! Its on a Flea bay vehicle isnt it? Looks like a homemade bit of ironmongery doesnt it? R
  7. Howdy Terry, How are the Mrs + the sprogs? Its been a few years since we have seen each other. regards Robin Craig
  8. Mike, I would love for you to have a look at my No5 Jungle carbine, thik it needs some help. Any rumour that i have a beer belly and might go pop on an airplane are spurious. R
  9. Oh wow, wha a wonderful opportunity for people in the UK, pity I cant bring things that go pop on an airplane! R
  10. Patience children, Im sure the horror stories of POSTS (previous owner stupid tricks) will surface in due time. Smirk R
  11. Wishing all Canadian members of the forum a very happy Canada Day. R
  12. Getting caught doing so will land you in a world of hurt you cant even imagine the depths of. Dont R
  13. who was the owner of the stolly that he drove in that clip? R
  14. Say it aint so Brad! Are you getting bitten by the Land Rover fetish as well? Robin
  15. It is just as I suspected, the DAF is the unloved one of the two and will likely evaporate into obscurity in 20 years time while we will see scads of MJs forever. I wish our MJs had a tilting cab, I have often wondered how hard it would be to retrofit a kit to make that happen. R
  16. So, there seems to be more liking of the MJ versus the Leyland DAF vehicle. I get the feeling that is a bias based on emotion and nothing more. Can anyone enlighten me as to which is the easier to maintain, parts availability, etc etc R
  17. Yes the 90 is genuine RAF but im not sure the paint scheme is, it wreaks of a certain Grantham based companie's style for many reasons. R
  18. what a wonderful governemnt you have to have allowed such items to have been preserved and not cut up for scrap and denial that history took place. Are the 105 guns used for salutes or something? R
  19. Andy welcome to the forum. Please i beseach you some pictures please! Robin
  20. I think the older we get the wiser we get and realise that none of us can ever say "that never happened" with any degree of certainty. As a scale modeller years ago it was always the non standard cam schemes and paint schemes and equipment fits that i paid most attention to and documented on thousands of 35mm slides. We used to do a slide night at the local IPMS chapter about every 18 months of things one would never dream of seeing, was such a pleasure in watching the jaws drop on the armchair generals faces at the meetings when one showed slides of such pieces of kit. Remember showing pictures of some highly modified JTF2 LSVW vehicles for which there was zero documentation or knowledge and a member of the vehicle life cycle cell was in the audience and he was gobsmacked as they had been developed under a "black" budget and the vehicle manager had no clue what was done let alone that a switched on civvy plug like myself would have managed to be at the right place and time to snap them. R
  21. For those that dont know Brad and I seem to be getting into a bit of a race to get our Ferrets running, except he doesnt know im not playing that game! I will be, as a result of guilt from his postings, trying to sort the rough runner this week if all works well. Drat! Im getting sucked in! R
  22. A word of warning from this side of the pond from someone who has done the receiving end. The mindset of the agencies in the USA and Canada about items of an off road nature arriving over here is that they must be "white glove" clean + free of soil. There is a healthy paranoia about the unwitting importation of another countries pest, mites, blights and disease and an inspection to that end is usually performed at port of landing regardless of inland clearance. In Canada a port of landing visual inspection is always performed even if the vehicle is under bond for inland clearance, as if the bond is broken then Customs have let the vehicle into the country without exercising due diligence. R
  23. As fabicator occassionally of things metal, here are my thoughts on making a fuel tank. I would build a box around the tank out of a good grade of plywood, glued and screwed together. This is the only way to respect the many angles and planes and dimensions of the tank. Then I would card template the flat surfaces and slowly tack sections together using that as the jig. I would take care to make good over lapping joints that will not flex. I would also look to see how many surfaces could be made from one surface with wing projections bent to form another surface to reduce the number of welds. I would also take great care to decide on which welding process to use to join the panels. I am thinking that in a few years time it may be worth doing this if the demand is there. Robin
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