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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Dear Eddy8men, Glad to provide the picture for you. Quite amazing how 'lil 'ole me sitting here in Canada can find that picture for you isnt it?! Did you see the picture on another thread that I posted recently of the Chieftain in another thread? R
  2. Welcome aboard mate. Seeing as how your were partly to blame for the Fox you can hop a flight and sort ours out with me anyday. Im surprised we didnt see you in some of the Woolich pictures Alan Turner has posted. There will be shortage of offers to fix other peoples vehicles here. What will you be buying for your own personal ride?
  3. Can anyone from down under inform us what has happened to either of the above vehicles when they have come out of service, have they been cut up or have some made it back onto the road? What will happen to the fleet once they are replaced, will they be sold off or crushed as has happened to other Oz kit in the past. R
  4. Here are a couple of oddities. The Ferrets are from 1968 and have a number of things that are exceptions let alone work out how the fouth Feret was positioned to get the shot. The Chieftain is the worst cam job I have ever seen and nobody would believe it unless you saw this picture. Dont ever turn up at Beltring with it like this! R
  5. Mike, I would tend to side with Stormin Norman that considering the labour prices and dare I say it the proximity to China that re casting them and machining sounds like an option that would be cheaper than trying to rebuild them by any process. You might even turn a profit Try not to grimace as you read this R
  6. Mike, You have me somewhat caught off guard by your question. The act of spray welding would still require some machining afterwards and even then one would have to spray weld both sides at the same time otherwise warpage would occur but seeing as how you are familiar with welding processes I think you have to agree the economics would be beyond what it would cost to produce new rotors. Are they that scarce or are you just a bit short of a quid or two mate? (meant in the best possible way) R
  7. For those wondering about the mystical BATUS training area used here in Canada by the MOD one can get a good look by homing in on the good ole youtube by searching under "training at BATUS" and follow the related videos. Alternatively MED MAN or EX MED MAN will yield some good stuff. Some is dated and some isn't all family viewing. R
  8. Here in better colour and detail are the tools for lifting the engine decks and fan assembly we have made up for the CVR T & W vehicles we have. 1 Basic lifting chains, or two legged brother if you know it as that. Ring and hooks fastend to chain by hammer together links 2 Same chain but with screw in eyes for lifting CVRT engine decks, use of washers required if threads bottom out 3 CVR(W) Fox Fan assembly lifting clips 4 CVR(W) Fox fan assembly guide tool, drawing posted elsewhere already 5 Same chain with CVR(W) Fox lifting clips attached Hope this is of use to some of you R
  9. I would presume that in common with all North American cars it will pass everything except a petrol station? R
  10. Dear Clive, On behalf of those who will make use of your work, thank you. R
  11. Ask reccymech as he was last out in BATUS i believe. There are some markings that are BATUS unique, one that was common was a black rectangle towards the rear that had a 3 digit number that was a fleet or "zap" number. Even trailers had them. Will see what I have around for info. R
  12. My thread, my rules, my decision, bragging rights go to Nick Johns, great answer because we all have been there! new photo up for next go around R
  13. And while we are at it, what is the stand it is sitting on? R
  14. Begs the question, what makes you think it might even have a military connection? Does it have any stampings or markings that relate? It does look well made, which by itself could mean it was made with purpose but what for? I have seen such boxes as part of large old machinery ie presses etc. R
  15. The donor and recipient Centurions you are thinking about both belong the the Ontario Regiment Museum chaps down in Oshawa. I am ready to be proved wrong but I hold this to be true. R
  16. Just to clarify what we are going to attempt. We had our roadwheels re rubbered a few years ago but they screwed it up and we were left holding the baby on that. A mate of mine has been doing his in polyurethane and that is whee we are headed. R
  17. I have looked very closely at this picture and notice that whatever the block is appears to have a vertical parting line to it. The other thing is that there appears to be a lack of overhang where the block meets the downward facing armour, im wondering if that means that another piece of material was added to the front face? R
  18. Dear KMF, Can I suggest that you first of all post a bit about yourself in the introductions section, it is kind of nice to do so. Also filling in where you live on your profile helps others, like me, because if you live in Canada I would let you make the phone call yourself, but if your in UBU UBU land then I will certainly do some digging for you as I happen to live in Canada. Robin
  19. Wonder what was in the box on the reverse slope of the hull at the front? R
  20. Found this, thought it was interesting R
  21. Add your caption, no prizes, just laughs. R
  22. Does anyone have any sightings of the above numbered 432 in any books, magazines, articles, personal photos, web sites etc? I have an interest in finding any pictures at any time of it's service Thanks Robin
  23. Are the smoke grenade dischargers on the turret of an ABBOT the same as the front ones on a 432? Are they "handed" or just angled outwards? R
  24. Regretably "living the dream of farming" put everything on hold. We will be back at this subject soon. You can pics of the before and after of the re rubbering on my album of the BV 206 R
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