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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. Here is a picture of the aforesaid item to aid in identification R
  2. In my opinion, I agree with the others, find a replacement or rebuild yours. You would spend way too much time in R & D and messing around. If anyone wants to buy a Ferret and grab the engine and part it out I'm game to buy some major parts. R
  3. This unit dropped into my hands. It is marked as FV603959 push button unit No5 Mk1 This is mounted on a bracket with a flexible kind of web strap. I know these were used on Ferrets but think they may have been an earlier version ie the top teminal might be different. I think this may be from 432 or Abbot etc etc any info? sorry about the quality of the picture. The info on the box is listed as LV9/ACR 5930-99-815-8990 SWITCH ASSY R
  4. LV9/ACR 2530-99-828-2003 COVER WHEEL HUB PART NUMBER FV 650239 Made by GKN Sankey Any idea of value? R
  5. LV6/MT12 2910-99-760-2152 CARBURETTOR FLOAT TYPE PART NO 361V4085 Any idea of value NOS? Any idea what it fits? R
  6. Brad, Wonderful pictures of your carrier in the rain! I just about fell off my perch laughing reading your comment about wanting a bilge pump as the Supacat I was driving has two of them! We had a good parade, including a Lynx (wheeled) from the Canadian War Museum collection and a variety of eras of Jeeps and Dan Sicotte from Montreal in his Mk 2/3 Brit Ferret. I left my camera in my truck as the heavens had opened and I just didnt want to drown it. There are some pictures coming i'm told and will put them up eventually. Robin
  7. Ryan is that picture in the yard of B + E Boys? R
  8. I would buy a t shirt BUT only if the large artwork is on the back like in the olden days. Let me just say I have a generous errrr tummy and large artwork doesnt do me any favours on the front of a t shirt. R
  9. Careful now Mr Barnes, or we come over and stick your tongue to the fence post in the school yard on a sub zero day or worse we will set a Cougar on you! R
  10. G'Dday eh?! Welcome Bruce from Eastern Ontario, near Kingston specifically. R
  11. Adrian the bracket fits like a glove and has all the same patina, its original to the mirror. R
  12. As the VE Day anniversary parade later this morning in Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) loomed large yesterday afternoon I looked out from our shop across a drenched yard and contemplated what it was going to be like loading and unloading and doing the parade in the rain that is forecast. Yuck I thought and didnt I want to stay indoors in front of the telly and relax for a change. I have a two hour drive to float our Supacat Mk2A up to the event and I guess the pressure of a less than stellar week at work this last week kind of was getting me down. I phoned my mate Dan Sicotte in Montreal who is also going, with a Ferret, and let him know I was thinking of bailing out of the parade because of the weather. I was brought back to earth at a rapid rate when Dan reminded me that the veterans who fell in that and other conflicts endured far worse weather and DEATH in those wars. So, I snapped out of my own gloom and re focused. It is still pouring down and its now 0140 hrs our time and the Supcat is loaded and i'm set for an early departure in a couple of hours and all my wet weather gear is packed. How selfish to think of myself when they gave so much. Thanks for reminding me of the reality Dan. Robin
  13. Ah, the "correct" sand colour eh? Read Bob Morrisons photo essay book on Operation Granby and see the variations in what colours were actually painted. Soldier magazine of the time is also a good reference for colour pictures. Some units did their own others contracted it out. It was very rushed. Some of the more esoteric schemes that come to mind are the Tank Transporter Units whose interpretation earned them the name "the Banana Custards" after a popular brand of custard. How about the Royal Marine Helicopter Support chaps who used a sand and pink tiger stripe. The variations on hues and schemes is wide open Loggy Driver, fill your boots! R
  14. Nice website, love the "wannabee" section. No minimum orders which is refreshing and free artwork on things. Very nice R
  15. Howdy all, I have a mirror, for which I have no use but need help in identifying it please. It is convex steel with a bracket on the back that mounts by way of a ball and dished bracket end. It has WD with a broad arrow on the back. What is the vehicle it is for and waht is the value of it and does anyone need it, swaps considered. Robin
  16. Click on the box marked "thread Tools" after you post and all is revealed R
  17. When I visited the collection a couple of years ago the vehicles were packed in cheek by jowl and hard to look at. I dont think that they were run up very often and stayed inside all the time. Some have been "smartened" up since being acquired, some were as released. When I asked how much an "as is" CVR(W) Fox would be it was GBP 9,000 and when asked how much fully sorted and painted it was the same. I would say the Saxon is one of the rarer vehicles from the UK MOD side of the collection, it looked quite tidy. It will be very interesting to see what money they all make. R
  18. I get the feeling that the classified adverts on MILWEB stay up on the site for quite a while after deals have happened. Can anyone comment to this? R
  19. To be held Saturday May 8th 2010 in Ottawa, Ontario Canada MVs welcome to attend R
  20. I thought I would start, in the vain hope that others will follow, a thread about gadgets and gizmos in the workshop. I present for your delight and delectation one of my newest found whotsits. It is a universal handle and trigger assembly made for any kind of spray can. It makes the use of a spray can a real delight. Costs about CDN $ 5.99. My guys even like them for work as well. R
  21. I just hope they have a wide angle lens to catch the best side of Jack as seen in the out takes clip he posted.:-D Wonderful to have the event recorded, how many cameras will they be using at once? Surely more than one to capture this knd of an event. R
  22. Caveat Emptor, try before you buy, thats all I will say. R
  23. Dear Padwag, welcome to the forum. Great machines the MJs, dont forget to fill the resevoir with methyl alcohol or equivalent for your brakes. There are manuals around for them, just search this site a bit. R
  24. Thanks very much guys, I will pass all these along to the crew, dont think it is the five minute five like they thought! Much appreciated R
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