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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. I concur with Chris (Sirhc) abou there being a sweet spot as he decribes.I agree with him on where to do it also. It is a grunting kind of job and would not want to do it on my own, last time we had 3 persons but only 2 did the work as one couldnt grasp "a smidge" and other such technical terms. Do it more than once and it becomes familiar. Frankly if a person owns a CVRT and someone else does it then they should forefit driving for a while. my 2 cents worth R
  2. Sadly last year our Supacat MK2A was involved in a minor accident. A guest who was not taking instruction very well hit a tree with the front left wheel. No other part of the machine made any contact but the vehicle did come to an abrupt stop. Inspection has revealed that the tie rod on the wheel in question was bent and has been replaced. We now want to set the alignment up properly. Our thought process on how to do this is as follows:- Jack and block the vehicle. Remove all wheels Using the unaffected right side set set the steering straight and then using a string line or steel straight edge over the wheel flange faces check that all 3 surafces are in line. Lock the steering in that position using the collar for track set usage. Then perform same check on left side and adjust tie rods as per right to achieve same result and ensure both sides are parralel. Can anyone comment from doing this or from appreciation of the process inetended on any flaws to this plan of action? R
  3. on the Fox and Sabre (same turret different vehicle) they are both manual. No knowledge of electric version. R
  4. Clive, I am using your extensive notes on this site to narrow down what items are. Yes i knew that CLNG meant cleaning, I was just posting what the label said. Ok so for what breech is it to clean? R
  5. I just plugged in step moms old mini estate, some how I emorised the registation, HAE 845 K It showed a speeding infraction. R
  6. A green box with markings saying L7A1 grenades R
  7. Rambo, how would you know anything about them? Did you accompany Jack to Thailand? R
  8. My good lady describes it as a military potato masher! M3 1015999641304 CLNG TOOL I would like to thank Clive Elliot and SirHC for all the help they have given so far, sadly this one escapes me Robin
  9. 9 The driver is to be well versed that he may be the owner but he drives under the command of the vehicle commander who should be competant person not a 13 year old with no experience. I have personal experience of this one, came a fraction away from flopping a CVRT on its side because I could see and appreciate things the driver could not 10. Do your first parade checks and maintenance and take them seriously, your working with a very lethal weapon if it goes pear shaped. Ever thrown a track on the high street? 11 Have a viable and fast plan for recovery. We dont go off the property without discussing this and talking with our recovery assets. my 2 cents worth R
  10. Dear Gordon, could you please satisfy my boyhood curiosity and tell us why you are doing the conversion? R
  11. Chas, lets keep that to pms then or email R
  12. Dear (I presume Mr) GL Caines, A very peachy welcome to you from your distant cousins to the north in Canada! I know us folks here in Canada have some quaint customs but can you explain "my interests include shooting and flying my Cessna 152"? Isnt that kind of jeopardising your ride?:iloveyou: Once again welcome from one of the smart alecs! Robin
  13. I just ponied up and made a donation to keep the HMVF in tea bags and scones for Jack by credit card tonight. Received an email confirmation thanking me for my donation to Russell Beckett. I think someone is impersonating our Jack R
  14. The picture of the vehicle at Kildare has sparked a notion I have had for a long time, are not the sand channels on the front of the Panhards the same as those originally fitted to Ferrets? Anyone got a couple of sets kicking around for sale? R
  15. If anyone owns it I have the original rear military registration plate for it on a bracket with convoy light above. I will likely remove the convoy light and put it into stores as a take off item. If anyone owns a 432 and wants the whole asembly to replace a missing one let me know. I will duplicate post in the classifieds as this is kind of dead now. R
  16. To answer how I came by them is a bizzare tale that would make Disney proud! Especially when you twig on to the fact that I live in Canada. Let it be said that I have known about these parts for a number of years and have finally worked out an agreement with the person who had them to help him de-junk his life and put these parts in the public domain where someone who might need them can find them. The obvious issue is the cost of postage. R
  17. It really sounds like you dont have the manuals as these questions will be answered in there. Do you "first parade" your vehicle before you drive it? R
  18. I see some workshop time in your future and some spanner spinning! R
  19. There were a number of value engineered (ie cheapo versions) made for BATUS use. Did any end up back in the uk? R
  20. Thanks for the confirmation, I have about 12 of these NOS, guess I will put them up on fleabay and see if anyone needs one. R
  21. Well that answers that question, so I doubt there is a market for the NOS ones I have stumbled upon then, guess they will go in the scrap pile or maybe get turned into some funky metal furniture! R
  22. I have found parts for 03 EA 83, was it an Abbot or 432? R
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