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robin craig

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Everything posted by robin craig

  1. yes Folks, after much grief and a near death experience on this gem she is back together. Will hopefully post some more pics later when I can resolve my good camera uploading issues. Anyway, phone pic will have to suffice tonight. Will fire her up around 10am on thursday once ive sorted some errands, so watch for a glow to the west all you folks in the UK. Now to get the Supacat alignment done and tidy up the Ferret that is in the shop and do my weekly admin at the same time, oh and sweep the shop floor with the other hand. R
  2. Dear Antar, no objection to your explanation whatsoever. I was pretty damned sure you would have had just cause to remove it in the first place. i just knew there had to be a story and who knows maybe even pictures of that escapade, just wanted to hear what the story was. Yes I was surprised to see that no one else had asked the obvious Robin
  3. Dear Ginge, Welcome to the forum. You have of course now become the resident (admittedly desk bound) expert and source of all knowledge RE related, congratulations on your "in perpetuity position" (unpaid). Be advised that unless you can find anyone else to fill this role you can not relinquish said position.:goodidea: I and likely others presume you are male but wont take any chances as we live in a brave new world, so please clarify your gender. If I could be so bold, there is a member selling a CET at the moment, would make an ideal first personally owned military vehicle, I'm sure the RSM wouldnt object to you parking it on his parade square.:yay: If you need any more helpful handy hints for career advancement dont hesitate to ask the forum.:trustme: best regards Robin in Canada
  4. So, what vehicles would have been at BATUS before '97 that would have had them then, perhaps the better question to ask. R
  5. There have been some oddities out as Suffield over the years, including pink panthers in temperate scheme. R
  6. Oh ye of liittle imagination! Nope, we will be building a house that will have cuppola on one end and i'm planning to mount a chaise lounge type seat up in it mounted on a track with that attached so I can lean over and change the view. A novelty item of pure whimsy but it pleases me R
  7. I guess the only thing I can say is how did our friend Antar come by it in the first place? R
  8. Well, Lacking a real grenade, I will do some measuring. I would hate to see them get junked and was hoping someone with a keen eye would recognise them. R
  9. Hmm, but what Rolls Royce engine . . . we are getting closer R
  10. welcome back to dry land Jeff, enjoy the forum, its a friendly place Robin
  11. The following is the information I can glean from the packaging:- X3 2910 99 207 3074 Any help appreciated R
  12. Does anyone have any memory or docmentary eveidence of them ever being used out here at British Army Training Unit Suffield in Alberta, Canada? R
  13. Well now, After Bob's suggestion I spent some time looking around and have drawn the conclusion that these two are most certainly not like any Abbot box. The Abbot box stands off from the hull on four angle clips and has a different latch clasp mechanism. So, its still wide open R
  14. That idea Bob is highly likely considering their provenance. Will add some dimensions in a day or so. R
  15. Dear Adrian, I had hoped you would chime in, but regretably without a definitive answer. I had wondered if it might be something of an odd ball from a Ferret but the loops on the back dont align with anything I know of and there is no FV number stamped in. They are heavy and are made using a high nickel rod to join them and made so consistently that they dont look like one offs. The welding is crude stick (arc) welding like WW2 armour I have seen in comparison to the more finished look of later AFVs. R
  16. Can anyone tell me what these are from? I have a pair. R
  17. Was it made by Cadillac Gage? R
  18. Anyone ever seen a set of tools for the clansman radio system? There were spanners and special plug tools for getting the connections apart. Anyone know what they go for? R
  19. I agree with Clive but with the following caveat. If you can find pictures ie documentary evidence to the contrary then do it as you please. You should be able to scale that door marking from the picture and known items in it. R
  20. I confirm one of the pair of battery box tops I have are the same R
  21. Congratulations Brad, how did you ascertain the CFR for it? Have you emailed Colin Stevens yet, his email addy has changed. Guess this is what you wanted me to call about. Its a long weekend so you should have it finished by monday night mate! Congratulations ya jammy git! R
  22. Guess it will be a few years before one of those comes out of service! I will be building a new house next year and have a devilish usage in mind ! R
  23. Yes, BATUS or British Army Training Unit Suffield was the origin of these parts many years ago. R
  24. So, we all have our own areas of interest and resulting knowledge. We also have a need for parts to support our vehicles which have for many been out of production for years. There seems to be a thriving industry in making reproduction parts for Jeeps and the like, likely based on the volume potential for sales. The post warBritsh vehicles are my main interest. I know the Land Rover is well served by parts, but what of other vehicles? What parts are NLA (no longer available) that would be worth making? I would say the centre bin for the Ferret would be right up there. What say you? R
  25. So, are we saying that this is a reamer / cleaning tool for the 30mm in Warrior, is that the definitive answer? R
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