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How do you get onto a tank.



Whilst playing alonside John Attlee and the Cent and Conqeror ARV's he has always insisted that the only way to get on a tank is to climb the front Glacis plate. Climbing up the sides risks getting tangled in the tracks should the tank move off unexpectedly.


How do you get onto a tank?


The Royal Armoured Corps saw it differently in WW2.


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I've always been told that you shouldn't climb on a vehicle unless shown how to do so by the driver. This ensures that the driver isn't about to drive off, is aware of your presence, and can guide you around any safety hazards (moving parts, hot exhausts, trip hazards, etc.).

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This does bring up something that has occured to me in the past. I always assumed that if someone wanted a ride, they would ask. Most tank owners are quite happy to oblige so don't hold back if you want a ride.


It's obviously not always possible due to safety grounds or display reasons, though sometimes that gets taken to extreme. I remember some years ago at Duxford with my M75 being told, quite rudely by one of the 'helpers' that if anyones head appeared from inside a hatch, presumably other than mine, I would be removed from the arena and not be allowed back out. I told him to stick it where the sun don't shine..... I cannot stand rules for the sake of rules being doled out by someone with an inflated idea of their own importance.


Anyway, rant over, back on topic! If you don't ask, you don't get!

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So how do you get DOWN from a tank??








You don't, you get down from a Duck! :-D



Sorry, couldn't help myself :rotfl:



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Try doing that on mine - we'll have the ambulance standing by ready !!!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Might take you up on that ;)


The thing that gets me is it's only held up by the tiny catch on that arm on the side - if it's anything like the British ones and suddenly gives way, the hatch'd snap your arm like a twig. Oh well, they're only conscripts I suppose :shocked:



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Might take you up on that ;)


The thing that gets me is it's only held up by the tiny catch on that arm on the side - if it's anything like the British ones and suddenly gives way, the hatch'd snap your arm like a twig. Oh well, they're only conscripts I suppose :shocked:




See me at W&P - if I can afford to get it there you are more than welcome!! (But look at the crew arrangements on a OT 90 first - might save you some bruises or worse!!)

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So how do you get DOWN from a tank?

In the day I always used to jump, but the knees are 20 years older now (and there is a consensus in the RAC that all crewmen have dodgy knees by age 35).


But then it was always a Scorpion in my day ... or a Ferret ... or a Sultan ... or a Saracen. If I jumped off the top, I tended to catch the vehicle with a hand on the way down to steady my landing, rather than rolling away.


When I did my freefall course they told us that landing a Double-L was equivalent to jumping 4'6". These days I struggle to jump off the desk.

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I used to use the front drive sproket to get on the front decks of the cvr"t" then in to the drivers pit as long as on one left the seat up!!!!!!!:mad::mad: Was alwys told never swing up useing the gun as it over time could knock it out of line up.


Also remember getting down of them sfter a cold day/night standing on the front deck looking at the ground and thinking "glass feet this is going to hurt when i land"


The mod way to get on a chally is from the front maing sure the driver can see you you then knock o the hull with the tow hitch. Wait for the driver and or comander to see you and say its safe to get on. With gcs that turret can do a ful rotation in under 10 secs not nice to be hit by a barrel as it swings round. aslo the fisrt thing you check when getting in or out is that the gcs is off. and when the gunner is about the play he must shout out "GCS IS LIVE" tells the crew the turret will be moving.

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I was once told by a blues and royals major that nobody gets in or out or on or off a tank,

One mounts or dismounts.

I would like to have seen him dismount correctly the next time i saw him when his sultan was on it`s side on soltau

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Was alwys told never swing up useing the gun as it over time could knock it out of line up.

Wear the trunnions.


I still remember on my Control Signaller course at Bovvy 1978. For some reason we had an afternoon off, one of the lads ran toward the Sherman Firefly (IIRC) and ran up the glacis plate, holding the barrel as he went, making noises like Oddball, who demonstrated the technique in Kelly's Heroes. Until then I had never ever seen anyone in authority in the museum, but a voice bellowed at him to stop.

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This does bring up something that has occured to me in the past. I always assumed that if someone wanted a ride, they would ask. Most tank owners are quite happy to oblige so don't hold back if you want a ride.


It's obviously not always possible due to safety grounds or display reasons, though sometimes that gets taken to extreme. I remember some years ago at Duxford with my M75 being told, quite rudely by one of the 'helpers' that if anyones head appeared from inside a hatch, presumably other than mine, I would be removed from the arena and not be allowed back out. I told him to stick it where the sun don't shine..... I cannot stand rules for the sake of rules being doled out by someone with an inflated idea of their own importance.


Anyway, rant over, back on topic! If you don't ask, you don't get!


We have a saying that we tell to all the new guys to MV's:


"If your offered a ride or a drive, take it.

If you want a ride or a drive, ask for it".


This saying has served me well, I've driven alot of vehicles that other people my age don't even know exist.


As for how to get onto a tank, the answer is "carefully" and look for the route that makes sense. Don't jump off either, it freakin' hurts if you land wrong. Also, talk to the owner/driver before you even think about clambering all over it, they know the tricks.

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"If your offered a ride or a drive, take it.

If you want a ride or a drive, ask for it".




Absolutely! It always amazes me when people turn the offer down.


Mind you, I can't always promise to say yes.........


My first tankride was at W&P's friday evening run.

A Sherman (the GrizzlyFly) stopped so I just put up my thumb...I was allowed on it and had loooots of fun.

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