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Ferret D10 Cable Drum??


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Hi All :wave:


Me again!! :banghead:


Yet another prob?? Have just ordered and recieved a D10 cable drum from ebay! :tup:


All arrived OK but....No spindle or handle or anything! :redfaced:


Oversite on my part! Does anyone happen to have any photo's of one fitted to a ferret? All the pics of ferrets seem to be taken from the spare wheel side! :argh:


Would just like to know how its fitted so I know what to look for or get made?

Unless of course anyone just happens to have a 'Buckshee' one that they can flog me ??


I used to work on em when I was in the mob ... but...It was 30+ years ago! :whistle:


All the beast folks


Fred & Annika :banana: :yay:

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the spindle & mounting in an integral part of the D10 reel... the only loose bit is the handle... on the rear should be a u-shaped bracket to hang it on your Ferret.... Unless you have bought a Saracen/Saladin reel :whistle:


The reel should look like this...


width=400 height=300http://i38.photobucket.com/albums/e132/safariswing/MVs/7c68_1_b.jpg[/img]

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a u-shaped bracket to hang it on your Ferret.... Unless you have bought a Saracen/Saladin reel :whistle:



Does Sara/Sal have a different bracket then?

none of the drums I have (which all look like Lee's photo) fit into the gear loops welded to Ferret turrets - the u shaped bracket being far to wide to fit. I had to cut bits off the bracket to make it fit :dunno:

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Oh Smeg!!! :angry:

I didn't buy the one that has the carrying bar! I have bought just the drum with cable!! :whistle:

But looking at the photo...I am missing the outer part alright!

Just my B..... ! Luck!! :banghead:

Ah Well..Back to the drawing board eh! :redfaced:


Thanks folks


Fred :banana:

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Poptopshed... Its purpose was for the comander to wander off a few metres away from the vehicle so he could lay down on a crest etc. doing the obo, leaving the vehicle out of sight and relay what he see's to the driver who then reports on the radio back to a base stn. or calls in artillery or air strike etc...... Nowadays of course the infantryman can do it all on a B....laptop!! :whistle:


All it had was a field phone which you simply screw clamped onto the cable.

The reason there was so much on the drum was in case you had to get the **** out a bit sharpish and you just cut the cable n run!


As for the othercomment of thats what ALL my drums look like!!!.... Do you want to perhaps sell one????? X :whistle:


I just want to start putting some kit on the outside to make it look more operational, it's a bit too clean at the moment!! :box:


Still looking for a radio to put inside! Even if it don't work I would just like it to look right inside aswell! :wave:


All the Beast


Fred :banana:

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Ex Spearpoint / Crusader 1980. (Remember it well, Baz? Did you keep hold of the card issued to 2 US Armored Division, "Hell on Wheels" telling them not to drink, gamble or otherwise fraternise with the Brits and their community or they'd end up embarrassed? On ARRSE there is a thread, querying whether the card ever existed: probably the Urban Myths thread. I well remember you saying you had seen one; wondered if you actually had one.)


15/19H and the whole of 3 Armd Div were to umpire the rest of 1 Br Corps and deployed early on Ex Javelin to practise the methods to be used.


Orange forces on Spearpoint comprised 2 US Armored Div (deployed by Op Reforger, flying out of camps in Texas, activating pre-positioned dry-clad vehicles and driving straight into the battle) and a German Panzer Regiment. On the last but one day, it all turned nasty in the middle of Hildesheim as the Americans and the Germans literally came to blows.


GOC 1 Br Corps promptly called EndEx a day early and 1, 2 and 4 Armd Divs all turned and headed for home. The ex was held in their area, as real as it could be, so of course they had no distance to go to return home.


3 Armd Div on the other hand was out of area (our TOO was geographically separate from the rest of the Corps area and we had travelled up by train, a week early as I have already pointed out). The trains to carry the Panzers back to Paderborn had been booked months in advance and there was no way that Deutsche Bundesbahn were going to revise all sorts of schedules, so we had the pleasure of another night under canvas.


The 3 Armd Div leaguer areas were spread over a large area. Rather than try to man a complete Divisional Command Net over large distances (which would have required a lot of rebroadcast work to keep everyone in radio contact), the decision was made that each HQ would run Don 10 to the next HQ, forming a huge circle of wire and we worked over wires. I was volunteered with another bloke to run out about 5km of Don 10 from RHQ 15/19H to the next HQ. It was quite an effort. We were lucky that we could follow the course of some overhead cables for most of the distance so the vegetation had been cut right back. The ground was still rough though.


The good news was that having reached the next HQ, wired up and tested, everything worked, and they very kindly gave us a lift in a Land Rover back to our own location, where a Jirga * was underway.


It was a good job we had brand new Clansman, which made wiring up and configuring radios to run over wire a whole lot easier than Larkspur had been


* Jirga: an Indian term for a meeting. 15/19H forebears had spent a lot of time through their history in India: terms like this were commonplace. It cropped up in the news recently where a high-level heads-of-government meeting was held in Pakistan. In the cavalry it was more usually called a smoker, an excuse to get drunk.

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