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A suggestion to the management!


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But how do we know this Richard Farrant bloke is not just somebody impersonating the late lamented Kewelde for some as yet unrevealed nefarious purpose ? :whistle:



..............because all the wording at the bottom of my posts is exactly the same as it was before :tup: one and the same bloke ;-)

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OK, I'm back again. Not a bicycle ride around Norfolk this time but an MV convoy around Wiltshire (see pics in another thread when I remember how to put them on HMVF) and by golly, what a thought and comment provoking topic this has turned out to be - I just don't know how I manage to do it :roll:


It seems that the overwhelming consensus of opinion is that my initial suggestion was fundermentally flawned or more to the point not particularly welcome by the forum membership and in a democratic society, the majority vote is naturally always carried.


Has some good come out of the initial request though?? Well, Keep Em Rollin (aka Simon Morris) I think has found the 'happy medium' - and I'm not referring to Jack's orbs of Christmas 2005 when I say that! None the less, there will still be members who are not keen to volunteer their name or location on there (avatar? I think someone called it) and that is their entitlement.


In retrospect and having read all the comments from all who have contributed to this topic, my initial thoughts on the subject were far stronger than they are now. Of the many good points raised, one in particular which went alone the lines of 'Why the hell should anyone on this forum have to change what they do in order to satisfy others who are not even members of HMVF and who only snip/criticise from the side lines?' This did strike a chord in me and I sat and thought about this and concluded that they were in fact quite right. How could I realistically put up a constructive argument otherwise?


Just for the record, I wasn't put-up to this thread or topic by anyone or any organisation. As I said in my opener, and also as Clive Elliott touched on as well, I have had conversations with HMVF viewers but not members who have mentioned that when comments are made on here under screennames, the comments lack credability. That is there opinion, but under certain topics and threads I also follow that train of thought.


The difference being of course that I am an active (occasionally hibernating) member of the HMVF Forum and do not mind put my thoughts/suggestions forward for discussion. If others (members or just viewers) who feel the need to criticise what is discussed on here(for whatever reason) are only prepared to do that away from the Forum, then that is there choice - but they will ultimately be a voice in the wilderness!


To conclude, so many of the pictures, topics, event discussions, historical memorial threads etc etc on HMVF are just brilliant. The recent pictures posted by Joris of the MV Museum in Holland have inspired me to plan a trip in the Spring - Something that would have never happened without my association with HMVF.


The Suffolk Area Military Vehicle Trust's Operation Bolero event in July last year - It was an outstanding event, which as organiser, I can catagorically state would not have been as big, as successful, as may entries and as bleeding enjoyable without the HMV Forum.


Time has moved on. I was at an MV related event last year where a comment was heard that people didn't seem keen any more to submit photographs for publications, yet MV related Internet Forums seemed to be full of them. Well, this is becoming the way of the world and some people no longer want to wait to see pictures of events in print, just like no one wants to wait anymore to get their photographs developed in Boots! Just like the cut and thrust of successful businesses, those that thrive are those that keep their fingers on the pulse, push forward new and innotative ideas and technology's and ride the crest of the wave.


In this context HMVF has been a mini Tsuanmi - Even with the screen names :whistle:


2008 is going to be another year of opportunities for the MV movement and I'm looking

forward to whats going to be new and exciting in it.




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Pleased you have come back on this one, Clive, but I'm not yet convinced that you have grasped the PRIME REASON why people are wary of putting too much info out there :dunno:


The only ones with the courage to come out and "say it as it is" were the Hardyferrets, and good on them for doing so :tup:



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My forum name - Markheliops stems from when I was flying helicopters. You may have all noticed the name heliops has absolutely no connection with any MV.


My real name - Mark is included.


Everyone knows me as Markheliops on here and many other internet sites to which I am a member.


I chose the name because it's fun, it reminds me of days gone by and basically, couldn't think of anything else. :dunno:


Nothing to do with wanting to hide behind a screen name so I can make dodgy comments about other people or organisations.


I am PROUD to belong to HMVF and as such will be proudly flying the HMVF flag (when they arrive) :whistle: as well as my HMVF vehicle plaque showing my real name Mark Hart and my screen name Markheliops.


I am who I am - and I am Markheliops. :tup:

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I think Mark , with that last comment , has summed the whole debate up very well . Maybe we can draw this to a conclusion now .

Me ? My 'screen name' used to be Dave May when I first joined - in my usual inept fashion I c*cked up filling in the form & managed to display my given name not the name I had chosen to use - I've long had a fascination with the named vehicle and a few years back I was lucky enough to find and purchase one so that is the name I use - I'd feel an even bigger tw*t than normal using the name if I didn't have the connection. If anyone is particularly bothered by my choice I will happily change back to what it used to be here & what it mostly is in the real world . If I happen to submit a comment on this forum which offends my co contributors I will answer for my sins , withdraw or apologise as necessary and try to make the odd useful contribution here and there . Mostly I come here to read those fascinating stories which have , for many , been everyday life and to share in the great camaraderie and humour that the HMVF seems to engender - I get to meet enough unpleasant and rude people out in the real world everyday of my working life . HMVF has become my refuge and long may it remain so .

Dave May .


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In this context HMVF has been a mini Tsuanmi - Even with the screen names :whistle:


2008 is going to be another year of opportunities for the MV movement and I'm looking

forward to whats going to be new and exciting in it.



Hear hear! :tup:

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I have just read all through this thread and I really don't understand it. :dunno:


Why does knowing someones name make their input more valued? Why do you need to know their name - I could put mine down as Sidney Harbour-Bridge, can you prove that's not really my name? It's just not important is it? I can never remember peoples real names, I have people that I have worked with for 10 years that I still have to call 'mate'.


At shows I remember people as, 'the bloke with the dodge with the Pegasus sticker on the front', as I generally get names wrong I find that it's easier to remember like that! I would like to put in a bid for everyone changing their screen name to a description of their vehicle to help the more challenged members of the MV movement (mainly me!)


So, for the record - my name is Martin Smith and I have the Desert coloured Lightweight shown in my avatar (but I also answer to, 'mate', 'excuse me' and 'would you like a pint')

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At shows I remember people as' date=' 'the bloke with the dodge with the Pegasus sticker on the front', as I generally get names wrong I find that it's easier to remember like that! I would like to put in a bid for everyone changing their screen name to a description of their vehicle to help the more challenged members of the MV movement (mainly me!)


So, for the record - my name is Martin Smith and I have the Desert coloured Lightweight shown in my avatar (but I also answer to, 'mate', 'excuse me' and 'would you like a pint')



Ah you mean like this?? (Look left at modified screen name.....) :-) :-) :-)


Edited: reverted to original screen name - the "ArtistsRifles - with the Stalwart, OT-90 and deep-fried feet" was a bit too long for my liking so I thought I'd beat Joris to it!! :-D :-D

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I have just read all through this thread and I really don't understand it. :dunno:


Why does knowing someones name make their input more valued? Why do you need to know their name - I could put mine down as Sidney Harbour-Bridge, can you prove that's not really my name? It's just not important is it? I can never remember peoples real names, I have people that I have worked with for 10 years that I still have to call 'mate'.


At shows I remember people as, 'the bloke with the dodge with the Pegasus sticker on the front', as I generally get names wrong I find that it's easier to remember like that! I would like to put in a bid for everyone changing their screen name to a description of their vehicle to help the more challenged members of the MV movement (mainly me!)


So, for the record - my name is Martin Smith and I have the Desert coloured Lightweight shown in my avatar (but I also answer to, 'mate', 'excuse me' and 'would you like a pint')



:whistle: Know that feeling..................... :-D


Andy from Sussex.

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Whilst sat here with razor blade poised over wrist, thinking what other monumental debates can we have.

Some people put their name up, some don't. Freedom of choice, you know that democracy thing we are losing :whistle:

I really do not grasp the problem of using our handle/nickname, I can see benefits as we have agreed on.

I do enjoy our debates, especially with so much input, we enjoy a mass debate.


Hardyferretingpigmancanambombardierridingfromdeepestdorsetdrinkingalltherumandfoundermemberofthekillthecushionandwindjackupbrigade :evil: :evil: :whistle:

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Whilst sat here with razor blade poised over wrist, thinking what other monumental debates can we have.

Some people put their name up, some don't. Freedom of choice, you know that democracy thing we are losing :whistle:

I really do not grasp the problem of using our handle/nickname, I can see benefits as we have agreed on.

I do enjoy our debates, especially with so much input, we enjoy a mass debate.


Hardyferretingpigmancanambombardierridingfromdeepestdorsetdrinkingalltherumandfoundermemberofthekillthecushionandwindjackupbrigade :evil: :evil: :whistle:




I'm with you here,..........I'll just add re the mass debate, its done in a friendly manner, and 'toys don't get thrown out of prams,......' unlike other forums out there. ;-)



Ahem............ :sweat:

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