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Happy Birthday Rosemary

abn deuce

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Happy 40th Rose :whistle:


Hope R3 bought you something rather special :-D





Whoops,...................Oh Dear. :box:


Jack, you should NEVER say a ladies age. :rofl: :naughty:


Hope you've had a good one, Rosemary


All the best,




Ps, your still younger than me,........... ;-) :-D

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Hey guys thanks very much :kissoncheek:

I had to get up early and drive to Chessington for an instructor training day for Choi Kwang Do (self defense so watch out you lot!) I passed a jimmy along the way, A3 just south of the Charterhouse turning about 9.30am I did peep and wave so if it was you the hi!!!!!

I drove back home at about 3pm in the sleet!!!! Dived into the bath then me and R3 shot off to Portsmouth Guild hall to watch The Mighty Quo :banana: :clap: :yay:

I did have a very large glass of brandy just before I left to see Quo then cracked open a bottle of wine when we got home at 11.30pm :beer:!!!!!!


Thanks again for your birthday wishes. :-)

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Whoops,...................Oh Dear. :box:


Jack, you should NEVER say a ladies age. :rofl: :naughty:


Hope you've had a good one, Rosemary


All the best,




Ps, your still younger than me,........... ;-) :-D



Learn to count in hexadecimal, then Rosemary is a mere 28 years old and I am still 34, the age (in decimal) when I left the army.


The sad thing is that I will now be humming Edison Lighthouse's seminal work all day.

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Would love to see Led Zep :-D

still cant decide wether to go and see Bon Jovi again next year at Southampton, saw them last year and they were fabaroonie! But next years date is a wednesday and it would involve a day off work, someone to collect the little ones from school, feed them and put them to bed and then babysit. Oh the decisions we mums have to make!!!!!!!

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Would love to see Led Zep :-D

still cant decide wether to go and see Bon Jovi again next year at Southampton, saw them last year and they were fabaroonie! But next years date is a wednesday and it would involve a day off work, someone to collect the little ones from school, feed them and put them to bed and then babysit. Oh the decisions we mums have to make!!!!!!!




..........................Ah, but think of NOT going. :whistle:

I turned down the chance of seeing Whitesnake 'up close and personel, once.............and have always regretted it. :roll:

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