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Favorite War Movie


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What is that about BAT21???


It is a Vietnam story. An American intelligence gathering aircraft was shot down. One of the crew was a top expert and survived, the VC pulled out every stop to get him. He had a survival radio the was picked up by an FAC callsign BAT 21. The story is the relationship bettween the 2 men, the experience of the guy on the ground during E&E, and the operation to rescue him. It is a very exciting and very sobering story. Get it and take a look. All the better as it is based on real events.
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Went the day well?


Watch it bearing in mind when it was made (42)... during a period of a very real threat of invasion and it must've been very scary... brilliant film






My list. :-)


Went The Day Well.

Canterbury Tales.

Theirs was The Glory.

Battle of Britain

Bridge To Far.

Life and Death of Colonel Blimp

The Final Victory. ( I know, this is more documentary)

The Way Ahead.

They Were Not Divided


(as you can tell, not any time for the 'hollywood'war film. - granted the first 15mins of Saving Private Ryan, were BRILLIANT,.........if thats the right choice of word, in respect to what to depicted, :dunno:, but the rest,.................well, watchable covers it, for me.)



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The Dam Busters was probably the first war film that this lad saw. Shortly after it came out in 1955 he was to be inspired to squiggle this:



That painting says it all! Forget your photo quality paintings - sometimes the simplest things are the best :tup:

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Cor, just realised that film is older than me :shake: Those films had the advantage that a lot of the actors had been there done that carried the scars. Unfortunatley all the films seem to go for more bangs and special effects, like claymores blowing down buildings :dunno:. I wonder how many will still be respected in 50 plus years?

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Cor, just realised that film is older than me :shake: Those films had the advantage that a lot of the actors had been there done that carried the scars. Unfortunatley all the films seem to go for more bangs and special effects, like claymores blowing down buildings :dunno:. I wonder how many will still be respected in 50 plus years?




And me, :-)

T'other thing about the 'older' films, in nearly all cases the vehicles are RIGHT for the period.


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Ah well, the British military used to be proud of their achievements and help film makers.




Think that when the films I listed were filmed,..there were plentiful supplies of these vehicles, still about. Sadley not the case any more; :-( (ref Brit wartime vehicles, here. )

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry guys not so much a film but more a TV adaptation was Warriors. An awsome piece of work about the British Army UNPROFOR during the Yugoslavian conflict. knowing you had the fire power and not being allowed to use it because you are a peace keeper.

War is hard but getting back to to civie life is harder.

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  • 8 months later...

Can't believe that out of five pages so far, no-one has metioned the Patton film(s) with George C Scott.


Undoubtably two of my favourite films of all times. In fact when I think of General Patton, I can only think of George C Scott as he played the character so well. The smug look on his face when Monty marches into the Town Square to find Patton's men already formed up and where Monty announces "Don't smirk Patton - I'm not going to kiss you!"


Just a great film with a great storyline. Anyone who hasn't seen it - Get it out on DVD!

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  • 5 months later...

The Daily Mail has been giving away DVDs of old War Films. There is still a week to go, and if you missed the ones last week, they will send them if you pay postage with a few coupons. Films so far included 'Dam Busters', 'Dunkirk', 'First of the few' and 'Wooden Horse'. 'Sea of Sand' will be in a paper this coming week.

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Not my favourite film, but a great opening sequence has to be AIR AMERICA, where the peasant takes a 'token gesture' pop shot at a distant transport plane with an ancient rifle, then turns and goes on his way, totally oblivious to the success of his shot and the plane going down in a pall of smoke, all to a great piece of music (take the B train??) :rofl:

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