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Scorpion Tank Lining Material


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Dear Paul,


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The stuff is called trackmak or something similar, comes in big rolls, boat folks use it as well.


Supply is limited and usually rare.


Good luck, we dont have any out here in the colonies



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I've found a similar material which is about a 95% match on colour for my Scorpion and a 90% match on pattern. PM me if you'd like the details of it. I'm in the process of making a full set of interior patterns (albeit slowly!) so I can make a full set for my Scorpion project.



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In Fv430 series vehicles, and I thought most other British AFVs from the sixties on, Trakmark was the standard covering for the padding that was used as soundproofing/ insulation/ padding. Dunlop seem to have stopped making it in the late '90s as vehicles being refurbished started to be done in a similar beige but with a very fine pattern embossed in it that makes it look almost matt untill you look realy closely. This could be what is in the top photos of this thread. This late material degrades very badly, goes all sorts of brown/beige colours and some of mine is actively sticky which seems to be the glue reacting to it. I need to replace all mine (in a Fv434) but don't even know what this late material is called. Grasshopper I have PM'd you in the hope of picking your brains.


There was also a really horrible looking pale green material that seems to have been supplied ready glued to the foam so the edges of the foam are exposed after instalation. This seems to have been a quick fix when nothing else was available.



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In Fv430 series vehicles, and I thought most other British AFVs from the sixties on, Trakmark was the standard covering for the padding that was used as soundproofing/ insulation/ padding.


Hi David,

Sorry if I sounded to be disputing the use of Trakmark, in British AFV's. I was referring to the materiel used in the drivers compartment of CVR(T) vehicles only. Take a look at the photo in the original post, it was not the same covering as you are referring to.


regards, Richard

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Most that I have seen seem to have the rather smoother pale green material....


I would concur as mine in drivers compartment and turret is a pale green colour.Turret Lining.jpg


Not a good picture but it is very pale green.

Edited by martinwcox
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Colour variations I have seen in CVRTs are pale green, light grey, yellow and a yellowy-sandy-flesh tone. If recovering in any material, it would be prudent to cover the exposed edges of foam with the new covering as it will help prevent ripping the foam (if caught) and may go some way to stop moisture getting into the foam.



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If recovering in any material, it would be prudent to cover the exposed edges of foam with the new covering as it will help prevent ripping the foam (if caught) and may go some way to stop moisture getting into the foam.




I agree, plus if you use 'closed cell' foam it will not absorb moisture anyway. Closed cell foam is no good for seating but would be fine in this application and is widely available in different thicknesses. On my 434 they have taken the covering round the edges of the foam but not onto the back, with the result that it has lifted in many places. I will wrap mine onto the back by at least an inch which should help to hold it in place. AndyM sugested that a hot air gun was the tool to make the covering more willing to bend as you want it, which seems a good idea to me.



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