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SCAMS !!! Help needed here please......... all from eBay.........

Mark Pearson

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I have one of my Mortar carriers for sale on here, Milweb, and have recently placed it up for sale on eBay. So far, I have probably received 10 offers to buy it now, this is the email im basically receiving below. Just to let everyone know if you receive an email like this if your selling an MV, its a scam !!!! BE AWARE.... :mad: Getting annoyed of having my time wasted. Email I received below......




"Thanks for the mail, i am buying this for my son as his birthday gift because i would not be around to celebrate with him i am a petroleum engineer currently on a rig offshore in UK and due to the nature of my work,phone calls making and visiting of website are restricted but i squeezed out time to check this advert and send you an email regarding it. In case if you will want to call me to talk to me on phone you can easily call me on this number +447024041070. I really want this item to be a surprise gift for my son so i wont let him know anything about the item until it gets delivered to him , i am sure he will be more than happy with the item.I insisted on paypal because i don't have access to my bank account online as i don't have internet banking, but i can pay from my PayPal account, as i have my bank a/c attached to it....i would be glad to pay for this item as soon as possible though i will not be available to come for an inspection due to my tight schedule.Kindly get back to me with the following questions below:


1) Are you the Owner?

2) Pick up Location?

3) Your PayPal Email ID to effect the payment

4) Asking price once again for confirmation?



I would be glad to make the payment immediately through PayPal so kindly get back to me with your PayPal Email. You need not to worry yourself about title transfer and shipment,i will instruct the shipping company to handle that therefore in order to complete the transaction do get back to me with your PayPal Email and total cost so that I can make the payment as soon as possible. I will be waiting for your reply!


Thanks and God bless."

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No mention of the Mortar Carrier just the 'item', I get these and if you have the time they can be dragged down some time wasting procedures by you. There was a Ferret for sale and I asked if the Autovac was working well as the B60 sometimes has trouble with them. The reply was that he had had it serviced and it was working fine...........

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Lots of clues there. Cant imagine an oil rig engineer finishing any e-mail with "God bless".


Been there, done that with this one, a while ago when selling a Toyota Hilux.


If you take it a stage further and reply, the Oil Rig Engineer reveals "her" identity, and states that being female she only has a limited knowledge of vehicles etc, and asks for your patience with her etc, etc.


She will ask the you to pay the shipping fee up front through a money transfer to Western Union, Dublin Branch. This cost, she will assure you, will be refunded in full with a payment to your Paypal account, once the transaction takes place.


As you can imagine I paid straight away (LOL!).............. I don't think!!

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This is what I mean. Their so obviously scamming, surely people don't fall for it ?. Im just annoyed is it really wastes my time as im looking for a genuine sale for my Mortar Carrier etc. Not looking forward to selling my other carriers. I don't think ill be choosing eBay as this is when all the idiots started emailing me. I may in fact contact eBay to complain. :yawn:

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As you can imagine I paid straight away (LOL!).............. I don't think!!


I'd love to, but all of my money's tied up helping the rightful ruler of, oh wait, dagnamit.


At least this one is recognisable as a scam. Keep your wits about you - there must be some people getting fooled or it wouldn't be worth their time.

Edited by Lauren Child
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There was a bit on Radio Berkshire this morning (Tuesday 22nd) about Scams and protecting vulnerable people. One chap's Father had been fooled several times and lost Thousands, and the Son was a Banker!! Look up Nigerian or 419 Scams on Google for details.

Has anyone had the Scam of 'Microsoft' phoning you? Nearly fell for it myself as I was having Computer problems at the time, but realised the scam when they wanted bank details. Realised afterwards that Microsoft couldn't know my phone number as I hadn't given it to them when buying my Computer.

Take care out there.

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There will always be people who are taken in by this scum. Sending thousands or tens of thousands of emails at a time cost them nothing. If only person in a million is conned that is enough to make a profit.


We have to stay vigilant. If it's too good to be true it's a con essentially ;(


It's a pain in the bum but report them to Ebay or the website they contacted you through.

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As others have mentioned it is usually the elderly that are taken in by these scams. On Christmas Eve in 2012 my granddad was duped into providing bank details as he believed that it was someone from the Halifax ringing him up. Thankfully after phoning us we realised it wasn't and got onto Halifax straight away to cancel everything. However this led to Christmas that year being somewhat spoilt for my granddad as it took us until the 27th before we could check for sure that nothing had been taken. Thankfully it hadn't.


There really are some low life around and as I say it is the elderly that they target the most. The majority of us know not to touch these things with a barge pole though thankfully.


Moving back to the original subject though, why you would spend so much time in sending emails when it comes to vehicles is beyond me. I suppose its the one in 100 people that send money to them that keeps their hopes up though!

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There was a bit on Radio Berkshire this morning (Tuesday 22nd) about Scams and protecting vulnerable people. One chap's Father had been fooled several times and lost Thousands, and the Son was a Banker!! Look up Nigerian or 419 Scams on Google for details.

Has anyone had the Scam of 'Microsoft' phoning you? Nearly fell for it myself as I was having Computer problems at the time, but realised the scam when they wanted bank details. Realised afterwards that Microsoft couldn't know my phone number as I hadn't given it to them when buying my Computer.

Take care out there.


I've had the Microsoft scam character ring me at least 6 times, if I've got time I play along, acting a bit stupid, best so far wound up him and a female he passed me on to for nearly an hour:D However they still persist in phoning again:nut:

I know of 2 people in this area who were taken in and and lost money to them plus the cost of getting their computer sorted out, in all around £400.00.

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It's not just scams though, in the past I've had my credit card details hacked from a legitimate company that I'd used online. Just be careful, and make sure you know the risks you are taking in any distance transaction.

Edited by Lauren Child
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Hmmm, Hoping I don't have a problem selling my vehicles overseas as I now live in New Zealand :embarrassed:



It's not just scams though, in the past I've had my credit card details hacked from a legitimate company that I'd used online. Just be careful, and make sure you know the risks you are taking in any distance transaction.
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