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What you got in your shed??


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Well Chappers has got a very tidy worksop/shed. By way of contrast look at this lot.


Amateur radio station G4MBS inside Trailer, 2-Ton, 4-Whld.








Two Shorlands, grey one MOTed & taxed (for sale) & sand one not been out for 10 years!








Hornet FV1620 + stores








Pig stye! FV1609 on left, FV1612 on right


















Apologies for so many pictures, but it is difficult to communicate the sense of chaos in the workshops! I have a choice I can spend 2 years tidying everything up or just get on with doing what I want to!

Edited by Marmite!!
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If you tidy up Clive you will never find anything again - live with the mess.



At present valuable time can be lost if I drop a washer or something. The real pain is not enough room so that stuff gets stored on the vehicles. The roof leaks a bit that doesn't help & everything easily gets buried in angle grinder dust. If it's a nice day I can drive a vehicle outside to make the mess there. But it's during the rainy season that I find I have to do most of the work. There is a strange logic in that I know more or less where most things are.

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Hi Mick,

love the Bonswer truck, have driven many types over the years. the oldest having a 500/550cc villiers engine in it and also had a kick start rather than being turned over by a handle in the front.


The posher model's had electric start /indicators and headlights well posh and still great at pulling wheelies :-D


I am sure you know the company is still in business (up till about 2 years ago)




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I've got your old GMC gearbox in bits at the moment Mick, I also recognize those Lawn mowers from when we picked the GMC stuff up.


My sheds are in a little worst state at the moment due to high work load getting props /vehicles ready for the summer season.

I'll post some more pictures soon of my other sheds and there Just like yours Clive :shake: :shake: :shake:

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Love all the Atco,s I have 2 24" cut 1 with the trailer seat great fun!!

My Grandad worked for Atco in the 1920's unfortunately no pics.


My workshop...


2 lightweights

a ferret

2 atco's

12 diving cylinders

pottery kiln for heat treating knife blades (another hobby)

approx 20 tilley lights inc 2 tilley flood lights (big B*gg*rs)

approx 12 Hydrovane compressors

30 24hr rat packs

6 bergens



riot gun

Seagull outboard built early 1944 for contract used on landings

spear gun

French army officers dining set

t shirt transfer heat seal machine

bee keeping kit

4 pairs new DMS boots


And theres more :schocked: :shake: :shake: :shake: :whistle:


Harold ?Harold? you dirty old man



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Well wot a lot of stuff you all keep in your shed's Mr HF I thought you'd got rid of all those Tilley lamp's :evil: :evil:


Mr T 20 has


2 Fergy t20's and quite a few spare's

A35 Countryman

30+ Tilley lamps all shapes and size


the odd mouse or 2 (always find the cleaning cloths)

a few old push bikes

probably loads more rubbish (whoops spare parts) :evil:


Mrs T20

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Hi Mick,

love the Bonswer truck, have driven many types over the years. the oldest having a 500/550cc villiers engine in it and also had a kick start rather than being turned over by a handle in the front.


The posher model's had electric start /indicators and headlights well posh and still great at pulling wheelies :-D


I am sure you know the company is still in business (up till about 2 years ago)





Hi all,

Yep thats got the 500cc Villiers in, its in a state of restoration at the mo, and the engine cowling is not on it in that pic, if you look its got the kick start at the side, no handle start.

Well that must be a posher model then because its got electric start too!

I look forward to doing that up, it belongs to the boy, and so do all the mowers. I'm not really keen on the mowers much but I think this one should be an interesting project.

Thanks and Regards,


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well i think Mrs T20 has done me a misjustice as I have lot more than that in my

shed's and there more in the garages too


a bbq

4 outboard engines

a boat

a cx500 and bandit 600

xmas decorations

2 honda c50 (stored elsewhere run out of room)


and in proceeds of building a new shed with the help of Mr HF for more stuff to be

hidden away and Mrs T20 has just bought me a very nice PL53 to go with my collection of tilley lamps and no Mr B hasn't got one of these already :evil: :cry:



Clive must comend you on you shed thought only mine could look like that






Mr T20

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Clive must comend you on you shed thought only mine could look like that


Well I did have a little bit of a tidy up first, I must confess.


I have great admiration for those who can maintain the logic & discipline of a clean workshop. But I can remember there used to be pictures in magazines of amateur radio 'shacks' generally all neat & tidy with rows of Japanese boxes then occasionally there was a picture of a mess shack with wires everywhere, bits of equipment half built & tools all over the place. I used to think that at least he builds something & gets in there with soldering iron etc.


But todays hobby is a bit messier. As Jerry will testify when he saw me at work today. I can't get round the vehicle properly to weld etc so I have to drive it into the open & squelch around in mud, not helped by wife on her horse doing a big dung where I am working (that is the horse I mean)



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Do you think your wife ( or maybe the horse ), is trying to tell you something ?





Richard unless you have a deeper knowledge than me, I haven't looked closely but I think the problem is that there is no storage capacity. Hay one day means dung the next, there are random depositions all over the place. I just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Given that the horse's capacity for exudation that it has no control over, I feel confident that my wife has no more ability to influence this given her difficulties of operating forward & reverse gears.

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think the problem is that there is no storage capacity. Hay one day means dung the next,


:-D :-D :-D :-D


that may be so, but you do find human beings cr*pping all over the place, you want to train them to do it all in one place, will save a lot of work clearing up........then more time to work on the Humbers ;-)

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