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Bonnet marking


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It does say USA. I can clearly see the 'S' '.' 'A' '.'


I'll guess that its either a fighter or a bomber group emblem... maybe even a specific planes. I don't have a TO&E for a fighter or bomber group but I would think that a squadron would have several jeeps.


Also, just about every pic of SAS jeeps I could find had a spare tire mount on the hood, and many seemed to still have the USA registration number.

Edited by deadline
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Definitley USA air crew (not mechanics d1 jackets) wearing 2* b3 sheepskin jackets and 1 * A2 flight jacket has me a little puzzled what they are pionting at as i dont think the vehicle is stuck. But i can give no answer what it is parked next to make it look as it does. Looked again i think its got tangled on some winch wire or some sort of rope. Sorry cant answer about bonnet marking but could it be original star thats been mucked about with.

Edited by cosrec
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Brazilian makes the most sense, as now that you say that all 3 of these guys look kinda Brazilian.

Also the guy in the middle, the one whose pointing, doesn't comply with U.S. uniform regulations. He has trimmed his facial hair into a ''Von Dyke", where as U.S. regulation states "He face will be clean shaven, except that a mustache may be worn. When worn, the mustache will be neatly trimmed and must be contained within imaginary vertical lines from the corners of the mouth and the margin area of the upper lip. The individual length of a mustache hair fully extended must not exceed 1/2 inch."

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Definitley USA air crew (not mechanics d1 jackets) wearing 2* b3 sheepskin jackets and 1 * A2 flight jacket has me a little puzzled what they are pionting at as i dont think the vehicle is stuck.



Oh its stuck for sure, its probably resting on the skid plate beneath the gearbox and on the diff housings.

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