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Assistance required and quote to take a Humber Pig Mk 1 to DVLA Theale


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Dear All


After some assistance.


The DVLA have advised me that they need to inspect my Humber Pig Mk I, which is located close to Junction 11 M4.


I need the vehicle taking to and from the DVLA at Theale (Near M4 J 12) for an inspection.


Can anyone assist and if so how much wonga.


Pig is Mk I so roughly 4.75 T unladen weight.


PM if required for confidentiality etc.


Thanks in advance



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Wayne that seems extraordinarily unhelpful of them, are they refusing an on-site inspection despite its condition?


Two other ways of looking at it. Could perhaps the chosen contractor who is taking it back to your place call in via Theale on the way?


Or just get it home & when you have got it restored you can have the satisfaction of driving to a place of inspection?

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This as in Theale is the nearest office that Bristol stated given Theale office is only a handful of miles from where the vehicle is currently kept and seemed the most sensible.


The officer at Theale told me point blank they cannot undertake any external examinations :embarrassed:? Won't do/ Can't do!


I am begining to think that rather than try to get this vehicle registered with DVLA before I move her that I just look at the move to home and sort it all out later.


The issue is that I have started the inspection process and paid the fee via the Bristol office as I work in Bristol. Seemed logical at the time hoping the MVT report would cover any possible inspection.


I will need to contact the Bristol DVLA to see what my options are given the application process has started.


Happy days......'NOT':yawn:

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I know the DVLA at Theale as I went there to sort out a problem on my WOA2, and the building doesn't look big enough to have anywhere to put your Pig. Do they have an inspection area? Are they proposing to inspect it in the car park?

I can't help with a transporter, but as I am only a mile from J11 on the M4 and therefore on your doorstep, I can offer to help move it.

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Waiting for a call back from Bristol as they are handling the application.


See what they suggest for another office doing an external visit.


I must confess the area at Bristol for an inspection is a parking Bay and as the PIG cannot go on a normal 7.5T beaver tail or similar then it would not fit in their car park and similarly may struggle to access the road into the site!


There must be a solution to this where the local office is part of a small office / business park where the biggest vehicle around would be a Transit van.


I despair in the function of some public inspectorate organisations, but that is a cry out of frustration. :cry::cry::cry:

Edited by Rover8FFR
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Dear Sir. Re you wanting to move your rather heavy Humber Pig. I see that you live in Gloucestershire, I used to drive for M S Ellis Transport at Cambridge (nr Dursley), you could try popping into Mike Ellis's and asking him how much he would transport the item for you, he does have low loaders & also a beaver tail, not sure if its a 6 wheeler, but it would be a 17 or 18 tonner. You can say that Skippy (yep that was me) suggested that you call into see him, (if he still cant remember me, just tell him I used to drive the Yellow DAF F124 BOA, he should remember me. Good luck, be interested to know how you get on.


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Dear Sir. Re you wanting to move your rather heavy Humber Pig. I see that you live in Gloucestershire, I used to drive for M S Ellis Transport at Cambridge (nr Dursley), you could try popping into Mike Ellis's and asking him how much he would transport the item for you, he does have low loaders & also a beaver tail, not sure if its a 6 wheeler, but it would be a 17 or 18 tonner. You can say that Skippy (yep that was me) suggested that you call into see him, (if he still cant remember me, just tell him I used to drive the Yellow DAF F124 BOA, he should remember me. Good luck, be interested to know how you get on.



Cheers dizzy-t will try that avenue......Your not that far away in Cheltenham....I am up in the forest near Mitcheldean. :D

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Spoken to DVLA Bristol and I now have to prepare photographs, including the chassis data plate and also provide a 'rubbing' of the chassis data plate and write to them with these details.


They advised that they are no longer able to carry out external inspections due to cut backs.


The duty manager will then make the final judgement.


I guess this is better than trying to get the vehicle to Theale DVLA in the interim? :nut:

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Wayne well that's more sensible. The stampings on your plate are well pronounced & should take a good rub. I think you will find that particular style of plate is double the thickness of those used on other contracts. This type has a deeper embossing of all the text, which makes it much more legible & the stampings are a larger size than used on the other contract plates.


You might be very surprised (not nastily) about the wording on the second line!

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Spoken to DVLA Bristol and I now have to prepare photographs, including the chassis data plate and also provide a 'rubbing' of the chassis data plate and write to them with these details.


They advised that they are no longer able to carry out external inspections due to cut backs.


The duty manager will then make the final judgement.


I guess this is better than trying to get the vehicle to Theale DVLA in the interim? :nut:

if you have a video camara that doas stills shots ,thats all i used .& the dvla was really helpfull:shocked:.

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It's a Mk 1 isn't it?


Nope it a Mk 2!


The reason is the real Mk 1 is the FV1609. Yours was made under Contract No. 6/VEH/27455 & on those plates it was marked Mk 2. Most other chassis plates make no reference to a Mk.


When the Army uparmoured 487 Pigs in Op Bracelet they forgot/didn't realise that these Pigs were already Mk 2 & should have called them Mk 3.


Although I have been aware of this for some while I have to speak the language of everyone else rather than talk about Mk 3s.


Now if that is confusing, the body plate under the passenger window has provision for Mk although usually it is never stamped. But confusingly on yours it's stamped Mk 1!!


The reason for this I believe that as your body was a ROF one they thought they were making Mk 1s as they were the first ones they had made. Whereas the real Mk 1s had been made by Sankey & one would expect Sankey Pigs to be marked Mk 2.


I suspect that the chassis plates were provided by MoS, whereas the body plates were provided by Sankey or ROFs.

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Like the majority of Pigs my style of plate is not identified with a Mk. But here is its User Handbook.





Wayne this is a chassis plate of the same type as yours from Contract No. 6/VEH/27455 except this one is for a FV1612A.



I will now refer to Mk 1 & Mk 2 in the normally accepted sense!


Someone might say ah but the plate I am showing is from a Mk 2 & was changed when it was uparmoured. That cannot be so because the Asset Code No. 3100119-01-777 is for the old 11-digit system that that was replaced by the current 8-digit code introduced in 1964, predating the uparmoured Pig by some 8 years.


Furthermore the Asset Code No. 310119.01.777 became 1760.0501. The Asset Code No. for the equivalent Mk 2 FFR was 1765.2501 there was no 11-digit code as that was no longer current.


I would be interested to see pictures of anyone's chassis or cab plates that are marked with a particular Mk.

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So it's a Mk II albeit referred to as a Mk I as it has not been up-armoured!


All confusing to say the least.....One plate says one thing and the other something else.


Can it be argued that Chassis is a Mk II but the body is a Mk I. Does that make any sense at all? :nut::nut::nut:

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So it's a Mk II albeit referred to as a Mk I as it has not been up-armoured!


Can it be argued that Chassis is a Mk II but the body is a Mk I. Does that make any sense at all? :nut::nut::nut:
It could be argued like that. To ROF thinking it was a Mk 1, they seemed to be unaware that the MoS had already designated the Sankey FV1609s as the Mk 1. Whether anyone at ROF twigged that some of the chassis plates that were fitted showing it as Mk 2 we shall probably never know.


So one might assume that Sankey were aware of their earlier efforts with Mk 1 & at least their production Pig bodies would be marked as Mk 2. Unfortunately most cab plates have the Mk left unstamped. But I have seen a Sankey body stamped Mk 1 not Mk 2.


All terribly silly that they don't know what Mk they were actually making or the Army knew what Mk they had actually got. It is of no great consequence really & best just to call Mk 1s & Mk 2s by the commonly held interpretation of what they are.


But knowing you Wayne to be a stickler for detail with your vehicles, I wanted to warn you that what you might find on the chassis plate is not what you might have expected.


So at least you have a means of showing off when you come to display your vehicle. Anyone who tries be difficult or too clever can be caught out on the Mk by you deciding which particular plate you show them!

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