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I've posted previously on the vehicle in the title, but I don't rememeber where we ended. I originally asked about the 'Cromwells' in Band of Brothers which turned out to be Centaurs, one being locate only around the corner from where I grew up! Is there, or could we construct, a list of viable projects / runners in the UK at the moment? I presume at least one must have come to the UK following the Finnish auction of two to three years ago with the intention of returning it to Cromwell spec. IIRC Adrian said that two had been restored to Cromwells, was that just for film work?


We all know of Adrians and I'm sure that unless he gets hit by a bus we will see it rolling along at some point in the future.

Has anyone EVER seen one on the move under its own power?


Which just gave me an idea.. is there any reason why a Cromwell or Centaur COULDN'T take part in A&E 2012?

Edited by ajmac
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Hi eddy


i'm sure Adrian will advise you of the subtle differences so you don't loose money betting:D of course I suppose Cromwell could be a generic term as initally all A24-A27 were referred to by the Tank Board as Cromwell, they soon realised that the confusion would be too much.



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The blue A24 from OTA is down there and perhaps the red one too, but they seem to be used as large plant pots, so your not likely to see them at a show in the near- or probably even in the distant future:( I also think their may be A27L centaur bulldozer

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i could have sworn it was a cromwell, infact i would have bet money on it, however i've learned not to argue too much on the forum as my ignorance has been pointed out enough times already :D


all the best




I'll take that bet...! Ians two Centaur wrecks consist of one dozer and one gun tank from SPTA, both from David Herbert.

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To clarify a little, there were three 'Cromwells' on BoB. Dennis Roberts' Centaur, originally restored by Colin Jones using a dozer hull and a range turret and two Finish Charioteers. These were less convincing as they retained many of the Charioteer parts, one still used the Charioteer turret ring making it look a little odd. This is not a criticism, they were modded for a film and time is always tight on such projects.


One of these ended up in the Czech Republic and the other is currently being prepared for a move to Brussels as part of an exchange.


There are only two genuine, unmodified Cromwells in the UK, Bovingtons and the Wheatcroft Collections. The latter is a German range wreck and I have no idea when Bovingtons last ran. It is complete though.


Charioteers were of course Cromwells originally and retained the Cromwell makers plate inside so they do count! There are about half a dozen Charioteers in the UK, though I don't think many will be converted back to Cromwells. It is a big job to do properly and the parts are not easy to find.....


A&E 2012? Unlikely and not just for the reason of their size! A troop at full chat would be good though....

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The Cromwells shown on BoB, were representative of vehs from 11th Armoured Div's Armoured recce regt. A Sqn (my old Sqn) 15/19 Hussars who were attached to 506 PIR at the time.


11th AD was not directly committed in Market - Garden. Instead, it was in charge of securing the rignt flank of the operation. Attached to 8th Corps, it was moving on September 18. Progressing in two columns, it managed to reach the parachutists of the 101st airborne at Nuenen, on the 22nd, its engineers established a bridge on the Willemsvaart canal. The Division could then make an encircling movement around Helmond, forcing Germans to withdraw on the September 25th.


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  • 2 weeks later...

it's funny to think that within 3 days of me saying on this thread that i would like to buy a cromwell but they probably wouldn't be for sale i ended up buying a centaur and a charioteer from the guy i was refering too. (must be fate)

all i have to do now is find the rest of the cash and i've cracked it :D



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Great photo Hanno:D

I wonder if it coil bound when it landed....or if anyone was knocked out!


I've just finished looking through a set of Loyd photos taken in Canada in 43 on a full inspection and performance test. The chassis was cracked, the axles bent and oil strewn from every joint, must have been some SERIOUS tests!

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it's funny to think that within 3 days of me saying on this thread that i would like to buy a cromwell but they probably wouldn't be for sale i ended up buying a centaur and a charioteer from the guy i was refering too. (must be fate)

all i have to do now is find the rest of the cash and i've cracked it :D




Wow! No time wasted there! What sort of state are they in? Any chance of some piccies?

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hi hawk

the centaur is a range wreck and was dragged off salisbury plain, it's restoreable but a long term project. the charioteer is complete and i hope to get it running without too much graft but you never know what you're gonna get til you start spannering

i'll post some pics when i pick them up from ian's farm in 2 weeks or so, i'm looking forward to getting them up to manchester but i have to get the land/workshop area ready first and then persuade some poor buggar to give us a lift with loading them up and that's going to be a busy day ! a churchill,centaur and a cromwell and possibly another lump of steel that i spied round the back.

that lot should keep me busy for a while :-D



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