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Hi, Nice to meet y'all.


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Hi Y’all,

The name this end is Gerry, 15 years service in REME, now retired and living in Kent UK and here on a bit of a nostalgia trip. I finished Tiffy training end of 1969 and was posted to 6 MAG (Maintenance Advisory Group) @ FVRDE and presented with CVR(W) Fox and Vixen as my project vehicles. Myself and my babies were moved over from 6 MAG to 5 MAG and FVRDE became MVEE during my time there. I left Fox and Vixen nearing the end of development, mid 1974 when I went to NI and later departed for life in civvies late 77. So I never really saw much more of Fox and Vixen from 74 on, and know little about what happened to them in service. I guess that my particular interest is to see what has become of what is left of that project; I suppose it’s a case of having been there at the birth, I’m interested in finding out how they faired in service and seeing how they end their days. For instance, I was amused to hear that my predictions about the Power Pack removal system were spot on, in that it didn’t last very long in the hands of the guys in the workshop.

Well it’s good to be here, I just wish I could make forum ‘Search’ facility work?

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Welcome, Just this once then :D


Ha ha, Nice one Lee.




Pop over to Brentwood, Essex at the weekend & you can have a drive or ride in my Fox http://hmvf.co.uk/forumvb/showthread.php?19966-End-of-Season-Mini-Bash-25th-26th-September :D


Quite a lot comin' up at the moment, Lee but I'd just love to take a rain check on that invitation, mate. Maybe do that at some later date?

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Gerry welcome. In your time at FVRDE & NI did you come into much contact with Humbers & their problems?


Hi Clive,


'fraid not mate. Ran the NI FRG 1974-75, teams went out and did major assy changes mostly on Can's (Saracen's) and occasionally Ferret's. But the Pigs were usually dragged back to workshops. As we told the ASM 10 Inf wksp when they finished their Roulement (Op) tour, "All the Cans we can, the pigs we left to them". :D

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Welcome aboard mate.


Seeing as how your were partly to blame for the Fox you can hop a flight and sort ours out with me anyday.


Im surprised we didnt see you in some of the Woolich pictures Alan Turner has posted.


There will be shortage of offers to fix other peoples vehicles here.


What will you be buying for your own personal ride?

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