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Stopped for wearing combat gear- while filming!!!


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From Orange News


Children's TV presenters Anna Williamson and Jamie Rickers have revealed they were held by police under anti-terrorism powers while filming in London. The pair, who front ITV1's hit show Toonattik, were filming a sketch for the programme on London's South Bank wearing combat gear and armed with children's walkie-talkies and glitter-covered hairdryers. Their fake fatigues aroused the suspicions of patrolling police, who stopped and questioned them. Williamson, 28, said: "We were filming a strand called Dork Hunters, which is to do with one of the animations we have on the show. "We were out and about doing 'dork hunting' ourselves on the streets of London. "Jamie and I were kitted out in fake utility belts. We've got hairdryers in our belt, a kids' walkie-talkie, hairbrushes and all that kind of stuff, and we were being followed by a camera crew and a boom mike and we get literally pulled over by four policemen and we were issued with a warning 'under the act of terrorism'." Rickers, 32, added: "We were stopped, not arrested, but they had to say 'we are holding you under the Anti-Terrorism Act because you're running around in flak jackets and a utility belt', and I said 'and please put spangly blue hairdryer' and he was, like, 'all right'." The presenting duo also hit the headlines in 2008 when Rickers, re-enacting a scene from The Emperor's New Clothes, appeared to strut around the studio naked, although it was later revealed he was wearing a flesh suit from the waist down. The morning programme, which provides light-hearted links in between cartoons such as Ben 10: Alien Force and Dork Hunters From Outer Space, attracts around 616,000 viewers each weekend morning, making it the most popular terrestrial programme of its kind.


So the moral of this is you better watch out, as driving a green truck may already be an offence!!!!!!!!

Edited by LarryH57
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After reading this bit of news I'm going to make sure I don't wear a combat jacket while drive to MV events, even if I'm wearing jeans and trainers as well because it won't be long before I get acused of doing something thats contrary to the Anti-Terrorism Act.

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From Orange News


Children's TV presenters Anna Williamson and Jamie Rickers have revealed they were held by police under anti-terrorism powers while filming in London. The pair, who front ITV1's hit show Toonattik, were filming a sketch for the programme on London's South Bank wearing combat gear and armed with children's walkie-talkies and glitter-covered hairdryers. Their fake fatigues aroused the suspicions of patrolling police, who stopped and questioned them. Williamson, 28, said: "We were filming a strand called Dork Hunters, which is to do with one of the animations we have on the show. "We were out and about doing 'dork hunting' ourselves on the streets of London. "Jamie and I were kitted out in fake utility belts. We've got hairdryers in our belt, a kids' walkie-talkie, hairbrushes and all that kind of stuff, and we were being followed by a camera crew and a boom mike and we get literally pulled over by four policemen and we were issued with a warning 'under the act of terrorism'." Rickers, 32, added: "We were stopped, not arrested, but they had to say 'we are holding you under the Anti-Terrorism Act because you're running around in flak jackets and a utility belt', and I said 'and please put spangly blue hairdryer' and he was, like, 'all right'." The presenting duo also hit the headlines in 2008 when Rickers, re-enacting a scene from The Emperor's New Clothes, appeared to strut around the studio naked, although it was later revealed he was wearing a flesh suit from the waist down. The morning programme, which provides light-hearted links in between cartoons such as Ben 10: Alien Force and Dork Hunters From Outer Space, attracts around 616,000 viewers each weekend morning, making it the most popular terrestrial programme of its kind.


So the moral of this is you better watch out, as driving a green truck may already be an offence!!!!!!!!


If it was a genuine stop. it sounds like the'Officers' involved should have been done for Impersonating Police! (Wearing Uniforms) A couple of appropriate questions & a bit of common sense & Discretion should have been excercised here. That's IF it was a genuine stop & enquirey.:-X

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If it was a genuine stop. it sounds like the'Officers' involved should have been done for Impersonating Police! (Wearing Uniforms) A couple of appropriate questions & a bit of common sense & Discretion should have been excercised here. That's IF it was a genuine stop & enquirey.:-X


yep I cannot believe the English Bobby is that daft

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Actually I was stopped in May 2008 on the Tube, on my way to the office wearing a suit and tie and told the Police were doing a random search under Prevention of Terrorism Act. I didn't mind at the time as I had nothing to hide but it was a bit silly when the Police acknowledged that as a white anglo saxon I was only being searched so that their figures wouldn't show a bias towards other members of the community who dress like Osama. I can understand why the youth of today feel a bit miffed when they get pulled even though they may not doing anything.

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Although I been on the the recieving end of ar#$&ole red neck policemen I rank them second after the military as true public servants.


With the BS in todays politically correct society, I'd hate to be a cop. Every action is scrutinised to the tenth degree or a royal inquisition. I was reading earlier that police officers are buying they own video camera systems because of the rise in personal legal suits, i.e. not against the police force but the salaried police person/individual.


When I was a kid the cops brought you home because they knew the parents would deal with you, now they get spat on for persecuting poor little johnny, who would't hurt a fly but beats up old pensioners for 5 quid.

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When I was 18 or so, I was stopped for slowing down at a corner (perfectly legal etc) as the police took this to mean I may be DUI.


A few years later I was also stopped by a car with about four policemen behind me. They pulled me over, two came out and asked if I knew what the speed limit was on that road (I did and I was travelling at it) then they walked back to their car and drove off.


Much head scratching on my part!

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I've posted it before but here I go again.


London, january 1994...

I was walking in thedark with a tripod and camera, wearing a leather motorjacket, military cap and had very long hair.


At a roadblock I was called to come over to identify and explain what I was doing.

So I said I was a tourist wanting to make nighttime pics and showed my passport - no problems.


When I asked why I was stopped they said they checked me to make sure I wasn't going to make professional pics of targets for (IRA?) bombing.. I had reddish hair, hardly visible in the dark).


Now I wonder.

Would I really go out in the dark as a terrorist photographer when its easier and better to make daytime pics as a normal tourist?


Still, I guess they may have been bored and its better safe than sorry.


Lets face it, if something does happen everybody knows best with our 20/20 hindsight isn't it.


The guys in "combat gear" and hairdryers might be very smart people if they were indeed bad guys.

Lets face it, running around looking stupid with a camera crew is ideal to get people (police) to let their guard down...

Think about it.


I knew a guy who about 12 years ago went to Carnaval (mardi gras) in the Netherlands in fatigues.

He also had a black toy gun (looked real), nobody checked him because he looked like a guy dressed up for the occasion. He could have been carrying a real loaded gun and nobody suspected anything.

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Lets hope the police at W&P this year have more common sense then - otherwise they will run out of report forms on the first morning!! :shocked:


Can just see the tabloid headlines:


"Police arrest 10,000 in Kent under Anti-Terrorism Laws for wearing combat kit and driving military vehicles" :cool2: :cool2:

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yep I cannot believe the English Bobby is that daft



Don't believe it! I read a report in a German ambulance magazine that the London Air Ambulance got a traffic ticket for blocking a junction - whilst responding to an emergency!


I can imagine the copper talking to his mates " All I need is a submarine ,and I've got the set!"

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Point of order! Met Police no longer issue tickets. In defence of METROPOLITAIN POLICE TRAFFIC WARDENS. Ther job is 'Safe, Free flow of traffic', ticket as last resort. Now the 'Local authorties' have control, 'Ticket anything it is a good scource of income'. I have two stories concerning Met Pol and parking. The first was when my son had been born thre months prem. I had got up to West London where he had been rushed to intensive care. I was sitting near the hospital sobbing my heart out because I couldn't find a place to park. A Met police officer came and asked what was wrong. I explained, she said right hang on. Got her radio talked to someone, then got her notebook out scribbled on it and passed me the note saying 'Leave the car there, I can give you four hours'. The second involved a weeding in the City wher ethe Bride and Groom rode to the church on horseback. First the Met Pol maounted branch gave us an escort. Second the box driver was told 'leave the box on the double yellow lines. Any problems tell them to contact the local cop shop.

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