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Christmas shopping


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It's now the 22nd of December and only two shopping days left to Christmas. I've got most of mine, but still need to get the other halfs birthday present (her birthday is on Boxing Day:sweat:)


So how many people on here still need to get their Christmas shopping in? Are you the type that leaves it until Christmas Eve, or are you organised enough to have bought yours earlier?

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Bought my last present today!!!!!! Am all finished and wrapped. About to start mince pies now, just having a seasonal brandy to get me in the spirit (s'cuse the pun!!!!!!!!)

Of course R-cubed has got all my pressies done and wrapped................................................................................:rofl::rofl::rofl:

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I am still looking for presents for every member of HMVF..........




I'm easy mate, a bottle of Southern Comfort please!!:cool2:














As I'm off work until the New Year I thought I'd get the train into Reading this afternoon. The place was heaving and there was still several inches of snow still on the ground. I went for a specific item, but decided not to buy it as she who must be obeyed might not like it, so bought her some other stuff instead. I will take her to the shops next week and then she can pick what particular model of this item I have in mind. It's not ideal, but it's better to be on the safe side! (no it's not a Military Vehicle lol)

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I am still looking for presents for every member of HMVF..........
courvoisier please :iloveyou:



btw first batch of mince pies due out of oven any minute, can you smell them? mm mm mm

Edited by rosie
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It's now the 22nd of December and only two shopping days left to Christmas. I've got most of mine, but still need to get the other halfs birthday present (her birthday is on Boxing Day:sweat:)


So how many people on here still need to get their Christmas shopping in? Are you the type that leaves it until Christmas Eve, or are you organised enough to have bought yours earlier?


Something to light up her face! A torch? :cool2:

On very earlies this week. Fine till about 10:00, then the whole dammn world comes out Haven't finished a trip after that for the last three days!

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